Home > What's Left of Me(50)

What's Left of Me(50)
Author: Kristen Granata

Please be okay, Gertie.

Two of the waiters burst through the kitchen door.

“Oh my God!” Ashley drops to her knees beside us. “What happened?”

“I think she’s having a heart attack. I’m calling for an ambulance.” I press my phone to my ear. “Do either of you have aspirin?”

Ashley shakes her head, eyes frantic.

“I’ll go ask the customers if they have anything,” Sarah says, running out of the kitchen.

I hold Gertie in my arms while we wait for an ambulance. Sarah quickly returns with a small white pill and a glass of water.

I slip the pill into Gertie’s mouth and tip her head back so the water doesn’t spill out. “Try to swallow this. It’s going to help.”

She chokes and sputters, but the water washes the pill down her throat.

“It’s going to be okay, Gertie,” I whisper. “I’ve got you. You’re going to be okay.”

I just wish I knew that for a fact.



In the waiting room, I attempt to fill out paperwork to keep myself occupied, but I don’t know any of Gertie’s information. The only people she has are the people who come to her diner.

Tears continue to spill down my cheeks while I wait, imagining the worst-case scenarios.

What if she dies?

What if she doesn’t die but has severe brain damage?

What if she’s a vegetable for the rest of her life?

What if I wasn’t quick enough to call for help?


I spin around to find Cole running through the sliding glass door. Scrambling to my feet, I meet him halfway and collapse in his arms.

“Are you okay?” He buries his nose in my hair and breathes in deep.

“Gertie had a heart attack. What if she dies, Cole? I don’t want her to die.”

Cole’s arms tighten around me. “Shh, it’s okay. We don’t know that Gertie’s going to die.”

“I don’t know her social security number. I don’t know if she has health insurance. I don’t even know if she has family. Isn’t that awful? I should know these things.”

He cups my face and tilts it up. “None of that is important right now. We’ll figure it all out later. Let’s just wait and see what the doctor says.”

I nod, my chin trembling as I fight to stop crying.

Cole’s thumb brushes my tears away. “When I got your message to meet you at the hospital, I thought something happened to you. For that split second, my heart stopped, and all I could think about was you not being here.” He swallows, struggling to push the words out. “On this earth.”

My chest aches, and I touch my palm to his cheek.

“I panicked,” he continues. “And even though I knew it was Gertie, I kept imagining it was you. It felt like I was rushing here to find you in that hospital bed. It threw me for a loop. Made me realize that I’m in this a lot deeper than I thought I was.”

What does that mean?

I want to ask, but I know it’s not the right time or place. “I’m sorry you thought it was me, Cole. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.”

His eyes plead with me to understand. “But you can be gone in an instant.”

He’s right. But does that mean it isn’t worth it to try? To have something great for a little while rather than have nothing at all?

I’m about to speak when a doctor emerges from the double doors and calls my name. “Mrs. Kingston?”

“Yes.” I turn and reach for Cole’s hand.

The doctor gestures to the chairs nearby. “Please have a seat.”

My stomach churns, and Cole’s hand squeezes mine tighter as we walk across the room.

Please let her be all right.

“I’m Dr. Fuller,” he says once we’re seated. “Miss May is stable.”

“Oh, thank God.” A relieved breath rushes out of me. “Will she be okay?”

“She suffered a heart attack, so it’s a good thing you got her here as soon as you did. This will take a toll on her physically, due to her age, but with a change in diet and some medications, she should make a full recovery.”

I bury my face in my hands as the tears overflow.

“Is she awake?” Cole asks. “Can we see her?”

“She’s resting now. I can have one of the nurses inform you when she wakes up.”

I shake the doctor’s outstretched hand as he stands. “Thank you so much.”

After he walks away, Cole snakes his arm around me and rubs my back in soothing circles. “She’s going to be so happy to see you here.”

“I should call the girls at the diner and let them know. They’ll be so relieved. We should have a Welcome Back party for Gertie when she gets home.”

“That’s a great idea. Is there anything I can get for you while you’re on the phone? Coffee or snacks? You’re probably starving.”

“Sure. I’ll eat anything.”

He pushes to his feet, but my hand shoots out for his before he can walk away. “Thank you for coming.”

Cole smiles, and it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. “I’ll always be here when you need me, Callie.”

Warmth pools in my chest at his words.

Is that a promise? Or is that just one of those things people say to make you feel better?

I guess it doesn’t matter how he meant it because I know the way I want him to mean it.

I guess I’m in deeper than I realized, too.

After I make a few calls, Josie arrives. “I’m here! Sorry it took me so long. How’s Gertie? Any word yet?”

“She had a heart attack, but she’s okay. We’re waiting for her to wake up so we can see her.”

“That’s great!” She glances around. “Did Cole get here yet?”

I nod. “He went to get some food.”

“He almost shit a brick when he thought you were in the hospital.”

I grimace. “He told me.”

“He cares about you, Cal. He’s just so damn scared to lose you. He thinks that if he keeps his distance, nothing bad will happen.”

I lean forward. “Josie, what happened to him? He won’t tell me, and I feel like I’d understand this whole puzzle if someone filled in the missing pieces.”

She blows a stream of air through her lips. “I can’t tell you if he isn’t ready for you to know. Just be patient with him.” She covers my hand with hers. “My mom used to say, ‘When someone pushes you away, you need to find the strength to hold on tighter.’ I think that’s what Cole needs you to do. Don’t let him push you away. You’re the only one who can get through to him.”

My lips tug downward. “I’m sorry I asked. I shouldn’t put you in the middle like that.”

“It’s okay,” she says. “You’re my best friend. I want to tell you. But I think you need to hear it from him. It’ll mean more.”

I agree.

But will Cole ever fully open up to me?

Cole comes back with snacks, and the three of us chat while we wait. A little while later, a nurse comes out to tell us that Gertie is awake. Cole stays with Josie so she isn’t alone while I go back first.

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