Home > Cruel Idols(30)

Cruel Idols(30)
Author: Sorcha Black

“Maybe they’ll see us on the security camera, and it’ll get us to the front of the line. At least they’ll know we’re serious about needing it.”

I pursed my lips and planted a hand on his chest, pushing him away so I could grab my wallet off the dash and close the door.

As we approached the front entrance, he caught my hand and laced our fingers together, and matched his much-longer strides to mine. I had to turn my head to hide my sappy grin.

Devon had never been a fan of PDAs, so the last person I’d held hands with was my girlfriend in grade twelve. Holding hands with Zero felt…nice.

At the front desk, the receptionist managed to get me an appointment for an hour later, so Zero took me for coffee before bringing me back.

When my name was called, Zero followed me to the exam room.

“You can’t come in with me,” I whispered over my shoulder.

“Why not? You’re nervous. Besides, Vandal made me promise.”

“It’s fine if your husband wants to come in,” the worker reassured me.


I turned my head to grin at Zero, who’d apparently heard her. Was he blushing?

It was all over in a few minutes. The nurse—at least I thought she was a nurse—explained that it should take effect right away because of where I was in my cycle, which is what I’d remembered from the last time.

“So we’re good to go for twelve weeks?” he asked as we walked to the truck, holding hands again.

“Yup. Good to go.” Whatever that meant. Hopefully he’d let me sleep sometimes.

He helped me into the truck again, snickering at how he had to give me a boost, even though he didn’t really have to. I could scramble up fine on my own.

“Why are you so short?”

“What kind of a question is that? I’m short because of genetics, one would assume. Why is your hair pretty?”

He gathered the back of his hair as if to make a ponytail but only smoothed it back behind his shoulders. “It’s my plumage. Helps me attract a mate. Short-haired guys like Vandal have to rely entirely on their sparkling personalities.”

“It seems unfair that you got the pretty hair and the good personality.”

“Good personality? Ouch.”


“I know what having a good personality means. And here I thought you were interested in me for more than what I can do to your hot little body.” He closed the door and went around the front of the truck and got in.

“I didn’t realize you were so insecure about your looks.”

“I’m not insecure, I’m vain.” He gave me a sly smile that made my toes tingle even though he hadn’t laid a finger on me.

I sighed and leaned back against the seat of the truck. “Stop turning me on. You’re making my cramps worse.”

“Cramps? Good thing the pharmacy is the next stop.”

At the pharmacy, we browsed through the aisles together, and I got the impression he was as happy to be out of the cottage as I was.

“You really do love me,” I teased as he threw lube in our basket.

“Oh, it’s for me, not you. You’re supposed to suffer for your art. I’d prefer not to suffer more than I have to.”


“Have you seen the size of his dick? I don’t want to take that dry more often than I have to.”

I winced.


“It’s not like you’re any smaller than he is.”

“No, but I don’t have to take myself up the ass, so that’s not really my problem, is it?” He grinned, and I wondered if maybe I should buy my own bottle with the small amount of money I had left in my bank account.

He let me stew about it for a couple of aisles before saying, “The lube is for both of us, by the way. I buy it in bulk. I just don’t want to run out before the next keg of it gets delivered.”

Keg? Yikes.

“So how do you feel about period sex?” he asked.

“I’d rather not have it be our first time. The nice thing is that after my shot kicks in I usually don’t have my period again until it wears off, or if I do, it’s not for long. Apparently it doesn’t work that way for everyone.”

“Nice! Not that a little blood would stop me.”

“No, I didn’t get the impression you were squeamish, for some strange reason.”

He smiled to himself.


“I can’t believe the nurse thought we were married.”

“Yeah, it was a weird conclusion to jump to, but I guess hookups don’t usually hold your hand at medical appointments.”

“If you ever want to marry down, you know where to find me.”

As we cruised down the makeup aisle, I paused at the eyeliner.

“Makeup? I didn’t think you were big on it.”

“I’ve never had money for it, but it’s not one of my passions anyway.” I picked up a stick of black eyeliner, and he held out his hand.

“If you want it, I’ll get it for you.”

I grinned. “It wouldn’t be for me.”

“You want to mail it to your aunt?” he asked, looking confused.

“No, I want to put it on you.”

“Me?” he chuckled. “It wouldn’t be the first time I wore makeup. Girls seem obsessed with the idea of putting makeup on men. I think it’s revenge for us not being expected to wear it.”

“It’s your eyes,” I confessed. “Your lashes are already dark and perfect, but you’d be even more striking with eyeliner.”

He took the liner from me and shrugged, tossing it into the basket along with the painkillers he was apparently buying me, and the lube. At the checkout he added a bag of gummy bears to our order.

The cashier didn’t give us an odd look as she rang up our items, even though I had to hold back a giggle. Our order made it look like we were planning an interesting evening.

Back in the truck, Zero held still for me while I lined his eyes with the black kohl. He laughed when I groaned about how pretty he was and insisted on taking pictures of him with his phone, since I didn’t have one.

“Will you let me do this again sometime?” I begged.

“Will it get me laid?”

Typical man. “Of course.”

“Then there’s your answer.”



Chapter 14



“Is he wearing eyeliner?” Vandal asked me several days later.

“He’s been letting me put it on him every day. Isn’t he pretty?”

Vandal grunted.


“Women are weird.”

“Admit it—he’s gorgeous.”

Zero laughed and kept cutting vegetables to go with the meat Vandal was about to barbecue.

“He’s gorgeous with or without makeup,” Vandal said.

Zero didn’t look up from his task, but the tips of his ears reddened.

“You should let me put some on you too.”

“We don’t put makeup on you, so why do you want it on us?”

I sighed. “It’s just eyeliner, not rouge or anything.”

“You’d have to get me my own. It’s not hygienic to share makeup.”

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