Home > Every Reason We Shouldn't(61)

Every Reason We Shouldn't(61)
Author: Sara Fujimura

Egg holds up an imaginary glass to Mack. “Here’s to Mack Truck. Go out there and kick some ass on Saturday.”

“You too. Here’s to kicking ass.” Mack and Egg clink their imaginary glasses together.

“You guys are so extra,” I say. “And yet, I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

“Me neither.” Jonah rocks back and forth on his Chucks. “By the way, I should warn you guys that my parents don’t know I’m here.”

“Choooi!” Mack gives Jonah an exasperated look.

“Dad is doing a follow-up job interview, and Mom is still at work. I would text them and let them know where I am but, hey, they still have my phone.”

Mack’s scowl melts into a smile. “That is possibly the most normal teen thing you’ve ever said.”

“Can you talk them into letting me come to the bout? I want to support you for a change.”

“Maybe this will help.” Mack rummages around in her bag and chucks a mess of black fabric at Jonah.

Jonah smiles at his new Surly Gurlz–themed T-shirt. “Cool. Thanks, Mack. I’ll wear it on Saturday. I hope.”

“Turn it over. The Gurlz said you deserve it after all your dry land training help. Even if you insist on making us do squats until we cry.” Mack smiles so big, her lip ring clinks against her bottom teeth. Big silver foil letters spell out QUICK SILVER. “Welcome to the team, Jonah.”

Jonah is speechless. He gives Mack an awkward side hug.

“You better cheer loudly for me on Saturday night even if I get my ass handed to me or never make it off the bench,” Mack says.

“I’ll definitely be there. Even if I have to sneak out my second-story window to do it.”

Something pings in my chest. He doesn’t have to sound so okay with me being gone.

“I heard you were looking for nails and a hammer earlier.” Mack rummages in her bag again. She hands Jonah a little brown paper bag that jingles. “Ernie had the hammer. It’s back in its correct spot now underneath the skate counter.”

“Thanks! Now I can finally fix that wall.”

I follow Jonah to the skate counter. Without consulting me, Jonah puts a nail above my old gold medal picture and hangs his instead. Jonah takes a step back and admires his handiwork.

“There ya go.” Jonah pushes the picture up a millimeter on the left. “Perfect. Situation solved.”

“Wait. While you have the tools out, put another nail above that one.”

“Aw, thank you.” Jonah brushes my lips with his before putting the nail in. “You’re my number-one fan.”

“It’s for me.”

Jonah gives me a confused look, then he nods. “Oh, the audition.”

“As Erika would say, I’m manifesting my new Olympians on Ice headshot going in that spot.”

Jonah chuckles. I don’t.

“I mean, of course, manifest away,” Jonah backpedals. “I’m sure you are going to do great.”

A knot forms in my stomach. “So glad you’re my number-one fan.”

“I am! Of course I am.” Jonah wraps his arms around me. “But do they even let minors skate on tour?”

“Yes. I know my dad is, like, the old man of the show, but they also have some newer Olympians. And not all of them are adults.”

“But they have medals, and you—” Jonah’s mouth snaps closed.

“Don’t,” I finish for him and he winces.

“I’m sorry.” Jonah’s arms tighten around me. “That didn’t come out right.”

“Olivia! We have a problem. A big problem.” Egg kicks one of the stools in the snack bar. “I hate my brothers so much right now.”

I jog over to find Egg banging his head on the counter. Beside him is his wallet with his debit and credit cards pulled out.

“What’s wrong?”

When Egg looks up at me, his face is scarlet with rage. “Steven and Scott ratted me out to Mom and Dad. Steven told them I hadn’t been to our English class in the last month and am currently blowing off finals. They are so pissed. But it gets worse. My parents have frozen my bank accounts and my credit card. Midori paid me in cash for last weekend, but I deposited all but $40 of it yesterday. How much money do you have left from earlier?”

“Almost $500. I spent some of it.”

“Plan B. We take a Greyhound bus to Los Angeles and then Uber to the audition and back. We’ll have to find a super cheap hotel and share a room.” When Jonah makes a noise, Egg adds, “We’re desperate here, Jonah. Compromises need to be made. We’ll eat one good meal right before the audition for fuel, but otherwise we’re gonna be living off protein bars since I just bought a huge box of them at Costco.”

Mack digs her wallet out of her bag and pulls out the hundred-dollar bonus Mom gave her. She throws the twenties on top of Egg’s wallet plus seventeen more dollars.

“I can’t take your money, Mack.” Egg pushes the pile of money back toward her.

“Yes, you can.” Mack pushes it back.

“But Fiona is low on formula and diapers.”

“Then I guess her father is going to have to do a better job of providing for her. In fact…” Mack digs in her bag again and then slaps her car keys in Egg’s hand. “It’s time for Tyler to help me out. Including giving me a ride to and from work for a few days. I’m tired of being a single parent. He needs to man up and do his share.”

I put my hand out for Mack to high-five. It’s about damn time.

“Are you sure, Mack?” Egg says. “I’m asking a lot of you. Maybe too much.”

“No, Stu. You have been such a huge help to Gran and Fiona and me these last two weeks. Cooking dinner for us and mowing the lawn and cleaning the grout in the kitchen. I know you were bored, but still. We owe you.”

“But your car.”

“Yeah, you wreck it and my dad will kill you, but otherwise, enjoy.”

“I promise to pay you back. Both of you.”

“Wait.” Jonah runs to grab his wallet. He adds thirty-seven dollars, a ten-dollar gift card for Subway, and a fifty-dollar prepaid credit card to the pile. “Good luck.”

“Go chase your dream.” Mack looks at Egg and then me. “Even if it takes you both away from us, I know we need to let you fly.”

Jonah laces his fingers through mine. Worry etches his face.

“I need to go home and pack,” I say.

“Yeah, let’s leave early tomorrow morning to give us plenty of time to rest up.” Egg gathers up all the cash and cards and puts them in his wallet. “Make sure you get the ’rents to sign off on this. Do you want me to ask Midori for you?”

“No, I’m sure she’ll be fine with it. If there is a problem, I’ll let you know.”

“Seriously, I can come over and work the Stuart Trout charm. Moms love me.” Egg gives me a boy-next-door smile.

“I’m not a baby, Egg. I can do this. See you tomorrow morning. Rest up.”

“I’d give you a ride, but somebody needs to stay here with Choi,” Mack says.

“I’ll stay with him.” Egg hands Mack her keys back. “I’ve been wanting to have a man-to-man chat with him for a while now, anyway.”

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