Home > Remnants of You(41)

Remnants of You(41)
Author: Kyra Fox

“What storm?” I inquire, looking at the Simpson sky outside.

“There’s a storm brewing,” June informs me ominously. “The scent of the air changed.”

“You worry me sometimes, Junie.” I scan her over with concern. “You’re not on drugs, are you?”

“No,” she clips, her gaze darkening, and I realize I must have hit a nerve.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend—”

“It’s fine,” she assures me with her signature bright smile, all signs of her slip into darkness gone. “Anything I can do for you?”

“Could you make me coffee, please? I need to talk to Gabe.”

“Sure.” She hops from her chair. “What’s in the box?”

“Lemon squares.”

“Oh. Should I make Gabe some coffee as well?” She gazes at the box with her large dark eyes, rubbing her arm.

“Maybe hot cocoa,” I suggest.

“Are you telling him you’re leaving?” Her anxious gaze turns to me.

“Worse.” I sigh. “I’m staying, and I plan on bringing someone with me.”

“Really?” June can’t contain her excitement, jumping on me with a tight embrace.

“Yes, really.” I laugh, hugging her back a bit awkwardly, considering I have my bag in one hand and the box of cookies in the other.

“What was all that racket?” Gabe asks when I walk into his office, depositing my peace offering on his desk and taking a seat.

“We need to talk,” I announce.

“Oh, boy.” Gabe grimaces. “I was married long enough to know those four words never end with something good.” He leans back in his chair, hands folded in his lap.

“I want to stay in the Grove and join your practice,” I exclaim. “As an equal partner.”

Gabe smiles a mischievous smile. “Well, that makes me happy. Want to know why?”

“Because I’m wildly talented?” I offer, causing Gabe to burst into laughter.

“That too, but mainly because it means I didn’t go to all the trouble of drawing up this contract for nothing.” He pulls a stack of papers from his desk drawer and hands them to me.

“Pretentious,” I sniff disapprovingly. “But time-saving, nonetheless.”

“See? I’d make a good partner.” He taps his forehead. “Foresight.”

“Okay, I’ll look this over,” I promise, pushing the contract aside. “Now, there’s another issue we need to discuss.”

Just then, June walks in with two cups of coffee, placing them in front of us and casually opening the cookie box before leaving.

“Considering the amount of treats I’m receiving, I assume I’m not going to like this,” Gabe concludes, grabbing a cookie.

“I’m going to offer Leanne the management position in The Lantern.” I pause to gauge his reaction, and Gabe just stares at me blankly. “She has the educational background, she’s been in on this whole story from day one, and, most importantly, she’s passionate about the inn. She’s in love with the place, and she makes a mean cobbler. She’ll keep Claire’s spirit alive.”

Gabe’s silence stretches to the point I start feeling nervous.

“I appreciate you came to me first,” he announces, finally breaking the tense silence. “I know it’s a courtesy, seeing that legally you and Andrew are responsible for appointing a manager.”

“I prefer your blessing, considering your and Leanne’s history.”

“Andrew told you?” Gabe taps his desk with obvious annoyance.

“No, I figured it out on my own,” I reply. “You told me enough about your ex-wife, and I obviously know Leanne’s story. Too much coincidence to not be connected, especially considering how guilty you look every time the issue rises.”

“You’re too smart for my own good, Miss Jenkins.” Gabe stands and sighs. “I think Leanne is a great choice.”

“I’m glad.” I offer a genuine smile.

“I also think I’m going to take the rest of the morning off; I’ll be back in time for the conference call.”

“Okay. You good?” I look at him with worry.

“Yeah, just need to clear my head.” He shrugs. “Figure out how to tackle this unexpected development.”

“The truth is always a good place to start.”

“Probably,” he agrees. “It’s also complicated.”

“Because you like her?” I speculate, and a smile quirks at Gabe’s lips.

“Everyone likes Leanne.”

“Oh, stop, you know what I mean,” I scoff, standing and pressing another cookie into his hand. “For the road.”

“Thanks, Mom,” Gabe taunts, and I roll my eyes.

“I’ll be in my office,” I declare, taking my coffee with me. “See you later, Partner.”

“Later, Partner.”

I text Leanne to meet me for lunch, barely pressing send before she texts me that she’s cooked a homemade southern meal at the inn. I reply I’ll see her there, then start my day as I look over the recent information sent to us by Ohio’s zoning department regarding the building our client wants to buy.

“We need more money,” I mutter to myself, racking my brain for a possible solution I haven’t thought of. But even with the city’s will to help and the backflips we’ve done regarding monetization, we can’t beat the big corporation’s deep pocket.

I’m so engrossed in the case I barely notice it’s lunchtime until June yells she’s off on her break, and I realize I’m running late.

“Shit!” I grab my keys and rush to my car, driving as fast as allowed to the inn. “Sorry I’m late.”

“It’s alright. I invited Andrew and Gabriel as well, but they both declined.” Leanne seems almost offended. “Andrew’s working at the pub, so I get that he can’t just up and leave, but Gabe never even gave me a reason.”

“He knew I had things to discuss with you and wanted to give us privacy,” I explain, only half bullshitting. “I’ll take him a to-go box—we have the longest day today.”

“What things?” Leanne piles cornbread and chicken wings onto a plate, followed by steamy greens and beans, and hands it to Bodie before making a plate for me.

“I’m staying in Glassmont Grove,” I begin, “and joining Gabe as a partner at the office.”

“Oh.” Leanne doesn’t seem to know how to react.

“And I’d like you to assume the role of manager at The Lantern.”

Leanne just blinks a few times, looking around the open space that makes up the inn’s kitchen and guest dining room, a space she designed pretty much single-handedly. Her gaze falls on the pictures decorating the walls and the linens she searched dozens of fabric and second-hand stores to find.

“That’s my dream,” she whispers. “This place.”

“I know.” I go to stand beside her, placing my hand on her arm.

“Thank you, Phoebe.”

We stay hugged together until Bodie protests that he also wants cuddles, causing us to burst into uncontrollable giggles.

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