Home > Remnants of You(7)

Remnants of You(7)
Author: Kyra Fox



Chapter Four



“Your honor, Mr. Zane is the CEO and primary shareholder of an international, multi-million-dollar company. It doesn’t stand to reason to force him into a year-long sabbatical for a quaint inn in a small town,” I argue.

Gabe is wearing a blank expression, but I can see his dilated pupils and the racing pulse in his neck. He’s hiding something, and it’s getting on my last nerve, the way everybody keeps playing with mine and Andy’s emotions for their own personal gain.

“We aren’t requesting Mr. Zane’s personal presence,” Gabe calmly replies. “Claire, Mrs. Lindt’s only wish is that her last living relative keeps her inn fully functional and operative for at least a year after her death. The Will does not require he ever set foot on the property.”

“So, because he has deep pockets, he should automatically be required to carry her financial burden?” I make a show of being offended on the client’s behalf. “We’re willing to find a buyer that will undertake to the Will’s stipulation and keep the inn operating for a year. We’re also willing to sell for a lower price and have the buyer sign a five-year commitment, but my client has no desire to keep this property.”

“My esteemed colleague seems to be favoring a quick pay-day over the explicit wishes of a woman who gave her entire life to her community.”

“Exactly!” I announce in triumph. “What contact has she maintained with my client that should prompt him to invest such substantial finances into her life’s work?”

“Your honor, if I may?” Andy interjects, and the judge gestures for him to continue. “Thirty-seven years ago, Claire’s entire family was killed in a car accident, her husband and three children. She was the driver and the only survivor. Refurbishing The Lantern, turning it into a place anyone in need can call a home, it became her life’s mission, giving to others her reason to be. Hamond Zane is her only living relative, and she wanted her legacy to stay in the hands of her last remaining family. She was motivated by emotion, nothing else, and I think the wishes of such an upstanding member of our society should be respected.”

My heart pinches with every word Andy says, and I start losing the fight I always have for every client I’ve ever represented. For the first time in my career, I don’t want to win because I realize I’m fighting for the wrong side.

“I’ inclined to agree with Mr. Atkins,” the judge declares, after taking a few moments to consider, all the while Gabe shooting me glances as if expecting me to yell my objection. “I’m going to rule in favor of the estate, especially considering how forthcoming they’ve been in demanding the personal involvement of Mr. Zane.”

“Thank you, your honor.” Gabe is visibly relieved, and Andy just stands with a rigid back and measured breaths.

“I trust you can reach an arrangement and won’t be wasting any more of this court’s time.” The judge looks directly at me. “Mr. Walsh, Miss Jenkins?”

“I’ll advise my client against it, your honor,” I promise, and with a satisfied nod, he pounds the gavel.

“You would have made one hell of a lawyer, Surfer Boy,” I direct at Andy in a dry voice as we step out into the hallway.

“Such a compliment coming from you,” Andy replies with a strained voice.

“Miss Jenkins.” Gabe nods, and I don’t miss how he keeps sneaking worried glances toward Andy.

“Is everything okay?” I tilt my head to the side, examining Andy more closely. His eyes seem unfocused. There are crinkles on his forehead and between his brows, and he seems to be fighting a grimace as if he’s in pain.

“Perfect,” Andy snaps at me. “We’ll be in contact with your office.” Then he turns on his heels, leaving Gabe and me staring after him.

“He gets really bad migraines,” Gabe explains, directing his gaze back at me, and I see the concern written all over his face.

“He never used to have those.” I keep staring in the direction Andy disappeared.

“I didn’t know him before, but now…” Gabe trails off, running his fingers through his white-sprinkled dark hair with a heavy sigh. “He’s carrying around a lot of broken pieces, and you are one of the heavier ones.”

“He’s the one who left.”

“Yeah, and you’re the one who let him,” Gabe points out, causing my stomach to knot in anger, but I bite my tongue. “We’ll be making that meeting sooner rather than later.”

Gabe leaves me standing there, watching him weave his way toward the exit.

“Son of a bitch!” I mutter with a harsh whisper, storming out of the justice halls and catching a cab back to the office, still reeling that I let Gabe play me like that. That fucker is no better than my own bosses.

“Damn it!” I throw my briefcase onto my office floor with a huff when I’m finally alone.

“That bad?” Leanne walks in with a coffee and some homemade cookies.

“Yes, Leanne, it was that bad.” I grab a cookie and munch on it in irritation.

“The losing part or the losing to your ex part?” She leans on the table, completely unfazed by my bad mood.

I finish my cookie and sigh with resignation. “Between us?”

“Cross my heart, and you owe me a bottle of wine.”

“The judge made the right call. It was the deceased’s explicit wish that her inn be operated by her heir for at least a year,” I confess. “I’m pissed off because it means I’ll have to keep working with Andy and that sneaky bastard Gabe.”

“What are you going to do?” Leanne grabs a cookie and sits in one of the guest chairs.

“Not go on another crazy bourbon bender, for one.” I shudder at the thought. “God, this is pathetic. I should be furious at Andy. Hate him...”

“But you don’t,” Leanne states, and I groan.

“I’m not sure what to do. I thought of giving up the case.”

“Not a chance in hell!” Leanne smacks her palm on the tabletop. “You worked too hard and too long to give up because of a hot guy who looks like he could be really good in bed.” Pause. “Is he?”

“Leanne!” I try to look horrified, but I can’t stop the memories from surfacing, or the fact that I’ve been wondering what all those flexing muscles would add to his already reputable bedroom prowess. Heat blooms through my body and crawls up to my cheeks.

“That’s a definite yes, then.” She grins my way. “At least if you have sex with the ex, you’ll have some fun.”

“Not happening,” I declare.

Leanne shakes her head and lets out a snort. “You do what you gotta do, sugar, you know I have your back.”

“And you know that whatever happens, I’ll take good care of you and that awesome kid of yours, right?”

“You’re going to make me ruin my makeup, sugar.” She wipes a stray tear and takes a deep breath. “Okay, back to work.”

“I’ll come grab you for lunch,” I promise, and she waves over her head.

My calendar pops up a new notification. Great. Andy and Gabe are coming in tomorrow to make an offer.

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