Home > Cocky Doc(10)

Cocky Doc(10)
Author: Samantha Lind

“Wow. That’s all so amazing. I’ll have to follow him on Instagram and live vicariously through his travels. I’ve always wanted to see the world but have always known that is more of a pipe dream.” There’s a wistful tone to her voice.

“He does go some crazy places,” I confirm. “Why does traveling have to be a pipe dream?” I ask as the SUV turns the corner and into the driveway of the country club that is hosting the gala.

“Mostly money. I can’t just jump in the back of a bus and go explore. Traveling with my chair requires planning. Expensive hotel rooms and special rental cars. My family has never been able to afford those luxuries. My parents hadn’t been on a vacation, even just the two of them, until they helped me move out here. They used the drive home as a small vacation, stopping along the way to see the sights.”

I take in what she’s said, and it reminds me just how lucky I was to never want or need for anything. With a family that has such deep roots in the area, that has more money than we know what to do with, I’ve always been able to do pretty much whatever I wanted. Hell, I never even had to think twice about what my undergrad or med school was going to cost, as I knew that it was going to be more than covered. I just had to focus on studying hard and excelling. I wanted to be one of those top doctors that could save kids like my brother. The ones that had a pleasurable bedside manner, on top of knowing their shit when it came to diagnosing and treating their patients. My parents had multiple visits with different doctors until they found the right one to treat Tyler.

“You ready?” I ask as the SUV comes to a stop and the driver gets out and opens the door for us. I slide out as he also lowers the ramp so that Megan can roll herself out. I wait as she does so and walk next to her as we both enter. My mother is standing just inside the door, seeing us as soon as we enter.

“Drew,” she says as she places a kiss against my cheek before she wraps me in a hug.

“Mom,” I greet her back. Once she releases me, I turn back to Megan. “I’d like to introduce you to my date for the evening.” I pause, allowing my mother to look beside me at Megan. “Mom, this is Megan Lively. She’s the newest child life specialist at the hospital. She got stuck with Lucy training her when she first started. Megan, this is my mother, Carol.”

“It’s nice to meet you, dear,” my mother says as they shake hands.

“Likewise,” Megan tells her.

“Are they treating you well over at the hospital?” Mom asks.

“They are. I’ve had a very nice welcome, and everyone has been wonderful to work with.”

“That’s good. I always worry about this one,” she says, pointing at me. “He’s been known to prank people and I’d hate to hear that he’s starting to do such things to anyone new.”

“He’s been the perfect gentleman,” she tells Mom, a small smirk pulling at the corner of her mouth.

“Something tells me that isn’t one hundred percent the truth,” Mom calls her out.

“Well… there was the one time when we first met…” Megan trails off and I just groan.

“Andrew Michael Montgomery!” Mom exclaims in her stern mom voice. “What did you do to this poor girl?” she demands to know.

“Uh…” I stammer for a second. “I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going and kind of tripped over her as she was coming out of the supply room and fell into her lap.”

“What am I going to do with you?” she mutters under her breath. I look over at Megan and she’s got the largest smile filling her face I’ve ever seen. Seeing her so lighthearted about the entire situation has me laughing right along with her.

“I don’t think anyone at work is going to let him live it down about tripping over someone in a wheelchair,” Megan says between giggles. “But don’t worry, Mrs. Montgomery, he apologized profusely when it happened.”

“Well, that’s good. But how in the world did you not see her?”

“I was texting and walking,” I tell her, shaking my head in shame.

“I swear I taught my kids manners and how to walk correctly,” Mom assures Megan.

“I’m sure you did, and don’t worry, I’ve seen almost every doctor doing the same as Drew was. They’re always so busy running from one patient to the next.”

“Still, he should have been paying attention,” Mom declares. We’re interrupted when someone from the club walks up needing something from my mom before the event gets into full swing. “I’ll see the two of you later. Drew, can you stop by the podium when you get in there? I’ve got your speaking notes on the podium for you and wanted you to read through them quick to make sure you’ll be good to go.”

“I’m on it,” I assure her. “Go take care of whatever it is they need you for.”

Megan and I watch as my mom takes off, disappearing behind a doorway a few seconds later. “Shall we?” I ask, sweeping my hand out in a gesture toward the entrance of the ballroom where the festivities will take place.

“Lead the way,” Megan says, and I do just that. Once we make it into the ballroom, I lead her over to our family’s table and find our spot. I had already let Mom know that my plus one would need accommodations for her wheelchair, and the event staff has already done so, thankfully. It’s nice to be able to have what I need when I need it, I wouldn’t want to make her uncomfortable.

“This is gorgeous,” Megan says, looking around at the elaborate decorations.

“It is. My grandmother doesn’t cut any corners when it comes to the gala.” Speaking of my grandmother, I see her up on the stage talking with someone, along with my brother. “Would you like to meet my grandmother and brother?” I ask Megan.

“Of course,” she replies, and we head for the side of the stage. Tyler sees us approaching and rushes over to the side, meeting us at the bottom of the stairs and ramp. He pulls me into a huge bear hug.

“Nice to see you, man,” I say. “When did you get in?”

“This morning. I had some flight issues yesterday,” he replies.

“How long are you staying this time?” I ask him as we let go of each other.

“A week. I knew Mom would throw a fit if I only showed up for a day or two, since it’s been a bit since I’ve been back for more than a night or two.”

“Good thinking, maybe we can get out for a run or two while you’re in town.”

“Yeah, I’d love that,” he says.

“I’d like to introduce you to someone,” I tell him, turning to include Megan in our conversation. “Tyler, this is my date for the evening, Megan. Megan, this is my pain in the ass, little brother, Tyler.”

“Who are you calling little?” he quips from beside me as he slings his arm around my shoulders. He might be four years younger than me, but he’s got a good solid two inches on me. And it isn’t like I’m short, I’m six fucking two.

“Nice to meet you, Tyler,” Megan says on a laugh as her eyes bounce between the two of us. Our child-like antics on full display.

“Nice to meet you, as well,” he replies. “Now, tell me how in the hell you convinced this beautiful woman to be your plus one tonight?” Tyler asks me.

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