Home > Cocky Striker(5)

Cocky Striker(5)
Author: Evan Grace

 I stick my earbuds in and start listening to Tool as I make my way across campus. There are women everywhere in tiny shirts and even smaller shorts—I love living in SoCal.

 I throw out some chin lifts and smiles. Margot, a girl I fucked a couple of times last year, comes strutting toward me with her ample cleavage on display. She’s proud of the fact that her daddy paid for her new tits.

 As she approaches, I pull my earbuds from my ears. “What’s up, darlin’?” I say as she wraps her arms around me. “Looking beautiful as always.”

 “Hey, Chance. I’ve hardly seen you this year. I’ve missed you.” She drags her finger down my chest, and my dick perks up. “Come to my place tonight? My roommates are going out, so I’ll be all by my lonesome.”

 This is just what I need, no strings—just sex, good sex. “I’ll be over at eight.”

 Margot’s face lights up. She leans in to kiss my mouth, but I turn my head. That’s one thing I don’t do, kiss on the mouth. It’s too intimate and gives way to false promises. I don’t do relationships and never have. Of course, I won’t say that when I was younger I didn’t kiss lots of girls because I did, but the older I got I just quit doing it.

 Oh they try to convince me to change my mind, but my mom says I’ve always been stubborn. You’d think having two parents who are still wildly in love would make me gung-ho to have that too, but I don’t want it.

 I like the freedom of variety. I focus on Margot who is pouting. I brush her hair behind her ear, and the pout turns into a smile. “I’ll be waiting … naked.”

 “I look forward to it, babe.” I run my hand down her arm and then squeeze her hand. “You might want to take a nap before I get there. You know … to rest up.” I give her my signature smirk before walking away.

 It’s turning into a good fucking day.



Chapter Four



 Ava’s soft breathing tickles my neck. I close my eyes and pull her more tightly to my chest. I’ve been missing her terribly since school started. Yes, maybe we FaceTime every night, but it isn’t the same.

 I bury my nose in her hair and inhale her baby shampoo scented locks. I know I shouldn’t let her crawl into bed with me, but she’s a good cuddler. Sometimes I believe she deserves a better mother than me. I was sixteen when I got pregnant and had her, and I was so lost during that time.

 No matter what I’ll never regret it though because I wouldn’t have Ava, and she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. She pushes me to do and be my absolute best.

 Little pale blue eyes that are identical to mine pop open. “Mommy,” she whisper-shouts. “You’we hewe. I missed you so, so much.”

 She was still up when I got home last night, but it makes me happy to hear those words from her. “I missed you too. What should we do today?”

 “Swim?” I knew that was what she’d want to do, so I brought my suit. Ava’s my little water baby, and thankfully my parents have a pool.

 “Should we see if Uncle Jay wants to swim too?” My brother is almost nineteen and the best uncle a girl could ask for. Ava has him wrapped around her finger.

 Ava nods eagerly.

 “Let’s get up, and I’ll make some breakfast.” After we both use the bathroom and brush our teeth, we head into the kitchen. With me home last night my parents took an impromptu overnight trip up the coast to a little B&B they like to visit.

 Of course guilt always plagues me that they’ve had to put their lives on hold while helping with Ava so I can finish school. I’ll make their sacrifices worth it by graduating at the top of my class.

 My parents get home as Ava jumps to me in the pool. We’ve been at this for a while. Jay hung out with us for a bit, but then his girlfriend came over, and they took off.

 “Nana! I swimming wiff Mommy.” She smiles proudly.

 “I see that, love bug. Are you guys having fun?” Mom looks at me when she asks.

 I nod. “Yeah. I’m glad I came home.” Lifting Ava out of the pool, Mom wraps a towel around her. We watch her disappear inside to visit her papa. “How was your night?”

 “It was great. We ate at that little crab shack your father loves, and then we hung out in our room.” Mom wiggles her eyebrows, and I shake my head.

 Thankfully she doesn’t go into detail because, gross. I mean, it’s not gross, but it is because it’s my mom and dad. “I’m glad you got to get away for a bit. I know it’s not easy…”

 She covers my mouth with her hand. “I don’t want to have to say it again, but we wanted this. We wanted you to go away to college and have that experience. We’re able to give you that, and honestly it’s the least we can do after being so blind to what was happening…”

 It’s my turn to cover her mouth. “Don’t. I got really good at hiding everything from you.”

 I take my hand away. “I know, sweetheart, but we should’ve noticed something wasn’t right. That man preyed on you, and we didn’t see it until it was too late.”

 Dad comes out, interrupting us with Ava on his back. “Ladies, we’d like to go out for pizza.”

 My daughter thrusts her little fist in the air. “Pissa! Les go, Mommy.”

 I grab her from my dad. “We need to shower first.” I smile at my parents. “We’ll be ready in twenty.”

 By the time we’re showered and changed my stomach is growling.

 “Do you have to go back to school?” Ava asks as I slip her pink sandals on.

 I grab her little hands and bring them to my lips and kiss them. “I do, but we talk every day, don’t we?” She nods. “I promise this year will be over before you know it.” I know she has no concept of time, but I don’t know what else to say to her—she’s breaking my heart, I do know that much.

 Ava throws her arms around me. I fall down to my butt and hug her tightly to my chest. “Don’t be sad, love bug. In no time at all you’re going to come stay with Mommy and Coco for the week while Nana and Papa go on the big boat.

 During our week off in October my parents are taking a cruise, and Ava is coming to stay with me. She loves seeing where her mommy goes to school. I carry her out to the living room where my parents are waiting for us.

 The rest of the night Ava is super clingy and being whiney, which hurts my heart. When it’s time for her to go to bed, I watch her sleep for a long time.




 I follow Nicole into a little bar near campus. The bartender takes our drink order, not even bothering to card us; Nicole’s twenty-one so she’s safe, but I’m only twenty.

 Nicole knows I can only stay for one round, but I was so depressed when I got back from visiting Ava that she insisted she buy me a drink or two.

 This morning the clinginess was ever present, and Ava was being so naughty. When it was time for me to leave, she cried hysterically, and Dad had to pull her out of my arms. I held it together until I got back to school. Poor Nicole got to listen to me blather on and on.

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