Home > Rockstar Romeo(30)

Rockstar Romeo(30)
Author: Abbie Zanders

I’d chosen slimming dark jeans, an untucked pinstriped button-down, and a black vest. I was going for casual, confident, and chic, which was the exact opposite of what I felt.

We’d flown from LA to LaGuardia and then taken a charter flight to a regional airport around the Finger Lakes. By the time we arrived, I was feeling a little worse for wear.

Jace, of course, looked jumpably hot in his faded, butt-hugging Levi’s and flannel. The cowboy hat, dark glasses, and facial hair he’d grown for public travel drew lots of appreciative female attention, even with the disguise.

Yes, ladies, I thought with a touch of smugness, he really is as delicious as he looks.

Heaven knew I’d certainly gorged myself on him over the past two months. The trouble was, Jace was addicting. The more I had, the more I wanted.

Unfortunately, he hadn’t been able to use any of his special brand of persuasion over the last eight hours. When I’d finally agreed to accompany him to his sister’s wedding, I hadn’t realized that meant flying out to the other side of the country and spending an entire week with his family.

An attractive woman waved to us from the far end of the baggage claim. Judging by Jace’s smile and the way he excitedly tugged me in that direction, that woman was his sister, Jackie. The closer we got, the more apparent that became. Jackie sported the same silky waves of dark chocolate and familiar golden eyes that sparkled when she smiled. She wrapped herself around Jace, closing her eyes in bliss.

I understood completely. I felt the same way when I hugged Jace.

“You must be Eva,” the woman said, turning to me with a friendly grin. “I’m Jackie. I’m so glad you could come.” She flashed a knowing smile at Jace. “Now, let’s get out of here before someone recognizes you. Eric’s got the motor running for a quick getaway.”

Jace put his arm around me and guided me toward the exit. We made it out to Jackie’s SUV without issue, moving quickly and saying little. They’d probably run this drill a hundred times over. Rock stars, especially those like Jace, didn’t get to live an ordinary life, coming and going as they pleased like the rest of us.

I’d made a lot of transportation and security arrangements for famous Backstage Pass clients, but I hadn’t experienced it myself. For the scant year or so I had been with Black Raven, we had been on the road constantly, and never once had we attempted to return to our roots. Even if we had, it wouldn’t have been a big deal. In those days, Black Raven wasn’t exactly a household name. Jace Logan and Dark Wing were, and it had been that way for quite some time.

Jackie’s fiancé, Eric, was waiting for us in the loading zone. He was a handsome guy in a rugged, mountain-man sort of way and had a friendly, welcoming smile. He and Jace shared a manly handshake, and then Jace easily swung his suitcase and mine into the back and opened the rear driver’s side door for me.

I thought we’d gotten away without incident when a feminine squeal sounded off to our right, a plea for Jace’s attention. Rather than dive into the car, he patiently signed autographs and posed for a few pictures. I was also happy to report that when one young woman pulled her low-cut shirt down and exposed her breast, Jace signed her forearm instead.

The whole thing took only five minutes, but to me, it felt much longer. Probably because I was holding my breath for most of it as I watched the scene through the tinted windows. Part of me wanted to be out there with him, staking my claim, but this was who he was, and also, I had no claim.

“Is it always like that?” I asked Jackie.

“No,” Jackie said on a laugh. “It’s usually much worse. That’s why Jace tries to fly in during the middle of the night when there’s less chance of being discovered.” She turned in her seat and critically eyed him. “Nice disguise, by the way. You are going to shave that bush off your face before the wedding, aren’t you?”

Jace used his right hand—the one that wasn’t intertwined with mine—to stroke along his jawline. “You don’t like it?”

Jackie looked at him with a mischievous glint in her eye. “If you don’t shave it, I will personally find Dad’s old straight razor and do it for you. And you know how steady my hands are.”

Jace covered his throat with his hand and shot a hopeful look my way. “You’ll protect me, won’t you?”

Jace was one of the few men I thought looked good with facial hair, but I preferred him clean-shaven or with just a shadow of scruff. “Actually, I think I might hold you down, so she can do a good job.”

Jace managed to look both horrified and shocked, murmuring something that sounded like, “Delilah,” but Eric exploded in laughter, and Jackie grinned back at us.

“I like her. You’re going to fit in perfectly, Eva.”

I wish I were half as confident.

We drove away, the lights of the airport fading behind us. Before long, the warmth of the car, the near pitch-black of the rural roads, and the cozy snuggle against Jace conspired against me.

“Well, here you go.”

My eyes opened at the sound of Eric’s voice and Jace’s gentle nudging. A quick glance at the digital clock on the dash told me we’d been driving about an hour or so. A blast of cool mountain air hit me when Eric and Jackie opened their doors. Unlike the air on the West Coast, it held a hint of moisture and the scents of pine and freshly cut grass.

Jace placed a soft kiss on my forehead as I sat up and tried to shake off the cobwebs.

“Have a nice nap?” he asked.

I surreptitiously checked Jace’s sleeve for moisture, pleased to find his shirt drool-free. “Yeah. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. You needed it.”

Anxious about traveling cross-country to meet Jace’s family and attend his sister’s wedding, I hadn’t been sleeping well. He knew because he’d been sharing those nights with me more often than not, coming up with wonderful, creative ways to tire me into a few hours of rest.

“Remember, we’re meeting for brunch tomorrow at the house,” Jackie reminded.

“Got it. And thanks for picking us up.”

“Anything for you, rock star.” Jackie grinned impishly. “Don’t let him give you any shit, Eva.” She waved good-naturedly. “See you tomorrow.”

As Jackie and Eric drove off, Jace took the opportunity to wrap his arms around me and annihilate me with a branding kiss that left me breathless. “I’ve been waiting to do that since we left LA,” he murmured.

Were his kisses getting even more potent, or was I suddenly afflicted with a case of vertigo?

It took a few moments for my vision to clear sufficiently to take in our surroundings. Thankfully, Jace’s strong arm kept a close hold on me while he reached into his pocket and dug out a key. Once we stepped through the door, he flipped a switch, and soft lights flooded a spacious foyer.

I drew in a breath. The place was stunning, like something out of an architectural magazine ad. All light wood and glass and marble and ... bare. Completely devoid of furnishing and decoration.

“What is this place?”

“Do you like it?” Jace’s voice echoed slightly in the empty space.

I turned in a complete circle. Through a series of arches, I could see that the far wall consisted of floor-to-ceiling windows. A graceful, curved staircase spiraled in a lazy half-circle to the second floor, where a balcony looked down over the foyer and sunken living room like a courtyard. There were additional arches to the left and right, but the rooms beyond were too dark for me to see.

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