Home > Rockstar Romeo(32)

Rockstar Romeo(32)
Author: Abbie Zanders

I exhaled a sigh of relief. I knew Brian and Tommy had good heads on their shoulders, but I also knew that drugs were not biased. They lured the intelligent and informed into their clutches too. Sometimes, the temptation was just too great to resist.

“So, what happens now?”

“Honestly, I don’t know. Brian and Tommy are in heaven right now, except for the shit with Ian. As long as we have them, we should be able to scrape through the next couple of gigs, but don’t be surprised if we end up cutting the tour short.” He paused. “How long were you planning on being away?”

“Not that long,” I answered evasively, unwilling to provide any more detail than that. “Keep me posted, okay? But text next time unless it’s really important.”

“Eva ...”

“I’m really glad you’re with them, Ross. Thank you. I’ll talk to you later.” I thumbed the End Call icon and tossed my phone back onto the nightstand, refusing to answer when it immediately rang again and flashed Ross’s number.

“Problems?” Jace asked, pressing a series of kisses between my shoulder blades.

I shivered, my nipples hardening further with every brush of those talented lips.

“You could say that.” I turned, giving him access to my jealous front, and relayed the highlights.

Jace listened while lavishing kisses on my breasts. I threaded my fingers into his hair, holding him to me as I arched beneath him. He really did the most wonderful things with his tongue.

“Did he say when?” he asked, the words muffled against my skin.

“Couple of weeks at least.”

“Hmm,” he hummed, taking his attention southward. “Plenty of time ...”



Chapter 15


Dear Ida,

I’m falling more in love every day. I’m convinced I’ve found my soul mate. I think she feels the same way, but she’s holding back, and I don’t know how to convince her that my feelings for her are true. – Frustrated & Impatient Rocker

* * *

Dear Frustrated & Impatient,

First and foremost, you must identify the source of her reticence. Is it because of something you’re doing, or is it something from her past that makes it difficult for her to trust? If you’re sending mixed signals, she’s right to be cautious. If she’s been hurt in the past, then the only thing you can do is be patient and let your actions do the talking. Some old wounds are hard to heal.

~ * ~


“Oh, Jace, it’s breathtaking,” Eva said as we stood on the deck outside of the breakfast nook, looking out over a scenic vista of rolling hills and forest.

Standing there with her in the pristine silence, it was hard to believe there was anyone or anything else in the world.

She leaned back into me as she sipped her coffee. I soaked in the feel of her body, breathed in the scent of warm, fragrant, satisfied woman. My desire for her had climbed to unparalleled levels. I wanted to start my day like this every day for the rest of my life.

“Glad you like it.”

I had hoped she would. I’d dreamed of eventually moving back here one day and settling down.

Eva had oohed and aahed through the grand tour earlier, a tour that took much longer than expected because we’d christened several rooms in creative ways. I’d designed and built the home with the possibility of a big family in mind, so there was lots of open space, plenty of bedrooms and bathrooms.

“Why is it so empty?” Eva asked again.

Structurally, the place was complete, but the interior was unfinished. In the light of day, it was stark. Besides my very large, very comfortable bed, there was little else in the way of furnishings. A good percentage of the outside walls was insulated, solar-sensitive glass, devoid of draperies or accoutrements. The spacious kitchen boasted marble countertops but only the bare minimum in terms of appliances. Everything inside was purposely utilitarian and meant to be temporary.

I considered my words carefully before I answered, wanting to be honest but not wanting to scare her.

“I never meant to live here alone.” My fingers played with her silky hair, fascinated by how the strands seemed to capture the sunlight and intensify it. “The design is all mine. I wanted the woman who would share it with me to make it hers too.”

“Hmm,” Eva hummed, pulling away. “When are we expected at your parents’?”

That wasn’t exactly the reaction I’d been hoping for. When I’d imagined this moment, I’d envisioned a bit of anticipation or excitement on her part, maybe some playful teasing. Definitely not this blatant neutrality.

Then again, maybe it was a defensive mechanism. Eva did scare easily, and it wouldn’t be the first time I’d inadvertently stumbled onto some internal trip wire. As loving and passionate as she was, she was also afraid to trust.

That was something I’d have to work on. Eva was the only woman I wanted to share this house—this life—with. For now, I backed off, sensing her anxiety beginning to ratchet up again.

“Soon.” I affectionately smacked her on her luscious ass and then caressed away any possible sting. My distraction worked. Her eyes heated, as I’d intended. “Stop worrying.”

“Who says I’m worried?”

I planted a quick but possessive kiss on her, biting back a smile. She was nibbling at her lower lip, a subtle but sure sign she was anxious. As adorable as it was, I preferred to be the one doing the nibbling.

“I do. But they’re going to love you.”

I was excited about introducing Eva to my parents. Whether she was ready to accept it or not, she was now a part of my life and, therefore, theirs as well.

Eva was unusually quiet as we dressed and prepared to take the trek down to my parents’ place. It wasn’t far, located just down the hill. I chalked it up to nerves, though she really had nothing to be nervous about. I was crazy about her, and I had no doubt they would be too.

Unfortunately, words held little sway with Eva without actions to back them up, so again, I was just going to have to show her. Hedging my bets, I texted Jackie about meeting us there earlier than planned, thinking that seeing a familiar face might help Eva feel more comfortable.

Jackie and Eric hadn’t yet arrived when we knocked on my parents’ front door. My father answered almost immediately, leading me to believe my mother had him on watch duty.

“Jace, my boy,” he said, drawing me into a manly bear hug.

“Hey, Dad. This is Eva D’Agolino. Eva, my dad, Ray.”

“It’s a pleasure, Mr. Logan.”

“Ray, please,” my dad said, smiling warmly. “Unless, of course, you want me to call you Ms. D’Agolino.” He raised his brow in challenge.

“Ray it is,” Eva said.

My dad winked. “Glad we’ve got that settled. Come on in. Your mother’s waiting on you.”

He led us to the kitchen where my mother was cooking enough food for an army.

“Look what I found,” he announced with a big grin and then quickly stepped out of the way.

“Jace!” My mom turned, her face shining with the radiance of the sun. She put down the bowl she had been holding and made a beeline for me. “Ah, it is so good to see you! And you look good! A bit skinny maybe, but we’ll take care of that.”

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