Home > The Rules (Summer Nights #2)(73)

The Rules (Summer Nights #2)(73)
Author: Lauren H. Mae

   “I want to choose that with Dani.” His chest ached with how much he wanted it. When he’d watched Dani walk away from him, it felt like someone had blotted out the sun. He’d ruined it, just like he’d always suspected he would if he ever decided to go down that road with a woman—the one where he tried to be something he wasn’t sure he had in him. But he hadn’t expected the way needing to fix it would overshadow any sort of indignance he could claim for being right about love.

   But he wasn’t right.

   He opened his eyes to see Cat’s left hand moving slowly over her belly, Josh’s mother’s ring shining in the dim light of the bedroom. His parents weren’t the only example he had. Maybe he’d spent so much time giving Josh shit for his all-in, optimistic version of love because he was afraid to see it for what it was—proof that his excuses were bullshit. He had examples all around him now—good men, being adults, being responsible. So far it hadn’t killed any of them.

   Love wasn’t about disappointing someone. That happened no matter what you called it. Love was about trying your hardest not to disappoint them, and showing up to fix it when you failed. It was about sticking around and promising to do better next time. He wanted so badly to make things better with Dani and that could only mean one thing. His stomach turned. What a thing to realize too late.

   “If you want to choose that, Dylan, why are you here instead of there?”

   “I can’t get in touch with her. She won’t take my calls. Besides, Josh pretty much ordered me to be here to make you food, so…”

   Cat laughed, then she put her hand over his and her laugh turned to sniffling. “Shit.”

   Dylan’s head sprung from her shoulder. “What? Are you okay?”

   “Yes. I’m fine. It’s just…” she wiped at her eyes. “God, I’m too pregnant for this. She’s going to Bartucci’s. On Main and Tenth. Damn it. She’s going to kill me. She’s going there tonight with someone from the app. A new guy.”

   “What time?”

   Cat rolled her lips inward like she was about to pivot.

   “I’ll wait there all night if you don’t tell me.”

   “Ugh! Seven.”

   An idea hit him and he shot up to his knees, cupping Cat’s face and pecking the top of her head. “You’re an angel, Kit Cat.” He hopped off the bed. “I’ll get your dinner.”




   The December temperature had dropped below average with the sunset, leaving a dusting of frost on the ground. The sound of Dylan’s boots crunched loudly in his ear as he trudged toward Bartucci’s. Inside, the warm orange light from a stone fireplace shone through the glass front. He could see the back of Dani’s head at a tall pub table in the corner, a glass of wine in front of her as she fiddled with the bracelet on her wrist.

   Emotion punched at his chest. He knew the language of her body now, knew her tells—she was nervous. What he couldn’t tell from the way she kept lifting her glass then putting it down without taking a sip, using her fingers to smooth her ponytail, was why. Did she already like this guy? Enough to have first date jitters? Was she anticipating a bad time? Did she somehow know he was about to swoop in there and make a scene?

   It occurred to him then that he had no idea what this guy he was there to intercept looked like. That was a minor detail that might prove to be a problem for his brilliant plan. But how many single guys in a certain age range could be showing up to this very date-like restaurant?

   It turned out more than a handful. “Hey, man,” he said, catching a guy in a leather jacket on the sleeve as he passed.

   “I don’t have any change,” the guy said, his eyes straight ahead.

   Really? Dylan looked down at his pressed white button-up and dark wash jeans, his fucking two-hundred dollar shoes, and gaped at the guy. At least the dude who thought he was a pimp had looked him in the eye.

   “No, I was wondering if you’re here to meet a woman named Dani.”

   “Sorry. No.” The guy brushed off his grip and kept walking into Bartucci’s.

   Dylan leaned against the brick wall of the building and pulled his phone out to occupy him while he waited.

   Katie: Where the hell are you, D-bag? I didn’t drive two hours to wait all night for you. Pick an outfit and get over here.

   He swiped away the third and most exasperated message from his sister without answering. One step at a time. He’d pulled up his Instagram looking at Dani’s last post—her in a backless dress winking over her shoulder. She held a glass of champagne up for the camera.

   Dylan smoothed a thumb over his screen, enlarging the picture. He should have been there, wherever that picture was taken. It should have been him. Tonight it might not be champagne and little black dresses, but it would be him. He had to make sure.

   Another guy approached—mid-thirties, beard, dress shirt— and Dylan stashed his phone. “Hey. Excuse me.”


   Dylan ran a hand over the back of his head. “Are you here to see a woman named Dani by any chance?”

   “Who are you?” The guy took a step back, clearly caught off-guard. This had to be him.

   Dylan put his hands up to say no harm meant and cleared his throat. “I’m Dylan.” He held his hand out and the guy reluctantly shook it.


   “Listen, Jake, I’m a friend of hers.” He stopped. “More than a friend. Or I used to be. I know this is weird, but I’m going to appeal to you, man to man. I blew it with her. I know you don’t know her yet, but trust me, it was a big mistake. I need another chance.” He straightened, tugging at his shirt hem. “I’m here to ask you to let me take this date from you.”

   Jake laughed, and not in an I totally get it, dude way. More in a this guy is insane way.

   “I know it sounds crazy,” Dylan said. “But you don’t understand—”

   “First of all,” Jake said, holding up a hand, “what the fuck?”

   His shoulders sagged. “I know.”

   “Second of all, how do I know you’re not some creepy ex-boyfriend she doesn’t want to see? Or a stalker or something? I let you go in there and she ends up in the trunk of your car.”

   “No. Look, it’s nothing like that—”

   “Of course, you wouldn’t tell me if it was.”

   “You’ve got a point.” Dylan nodded, giving Jake his best normal dude smile. “You’re right. You’re a good guy, Jake. Give me two minutes.” He pulled his phone out again, swiping away another message from Katie, and dialed a video call.

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