Home > Protecting His Mistress

Protecting His Mistress
Author: Evangeline Anderson




“Are you certain you’re up for this assignment, Commander Karn?”

Commander Sylvan, head of the Kindred High Council and Karn’s Commanding Officer, raised his eyebrows inquiringly. “Knowing your stellar record in the Elite Espionage Corps, I wouldn’t ask, but it’s not every male who can stand to be treated the way they treat males where you’re going.”

Karn inclined his head, indicating he knew what Sylvan was talking about.

“So I understand,” he rumbled, running a hand through his thick, brownish-gold hair. He was a Hybrid—half Beast and half Blood Kindred—and he had the mismatched eyes to prove it. His left eye was sky blue and the right was blazing gold. But it was his status as a half-breed that allowed him not only to excel in the Elite Corps, but also to take the difficult and dangerous mission his commanding officer was offering him now.

As a Hybrid, Karn knew his chances of bonding to any females and starting a family were almost nil—which honestly didn’t bother him. He had always known it, so he didn’t allow himself to long for a mate as most Kindred did. Instead, he threw himself into his work. And the fact that he had no expectations or hopes for the future made him a formidable agent—ready to try anything.

Even posing as a bodyslave on the notorious Yonnie Six.

“I can handle it,” he told Commander Sylvan with certainty. “You know I don’t shy away from difficult or dangerous missions, Commander.”

“Yes, I know. And I’m grateful you’re willing to take this one on.” Commander Sylvan looked pleased. “Very well, let me give you the details.” He settled behind his desk and indicated a chair across from him for Karn. “Please, have a seat.”

Karn settled his muscular bulk in the chair gingerly. As a Hybrid, he was also slightly larger than most Kindred warriors—over seven feet tall. No doubt it was one of the reasons Commander Sylvan had chosen him for this assignment. It was well known the Mistresses of Yonnie Six liked to have the biggest, most muscular, terrifying-looking bodyslaves they could get. It was a status symbol for them.

Well, Karn could stand to be a status symbol for a little while. After all, this wasn’t a permanent assignment. He was up for anything.

Or so he thought at the time.

“All right,” Commander Sylvan said. “Well, lately we’ve had reports of more and more Kindred warriors of all kinds from all areas of the galaxy being kidnapped by the Yonnites and taken as bodyslaves. I’m afraid our race has come into ‘fashion’ and we’re now the preferred males for such service.”

Karn winced.

“Ouch. That’s a hell of a thing to be singled out for.”

“It’s becoming a real problem,” Sylvan said seriously. “And the difficulty is finding exactly where each warrior has been taken. Once they get sucked into the Yonnite system, they can be traded and bought and sold so many times, it can be almost impossible to locate them.”

“But I’m guessing you found a solution to that particular problem?” Karn raised one eyebrow.

“We think we have, yes.” Sylvan nodded. “There has been a shake-up in the Sacred Seven—the ruling body of Yonnie Six. Reports of corruption resulted in a complete rearrangement and replacement of several members. And one of the new members is Mistress Mirabella. She’s new to the power structure and she’s been given the job of Archivist for the Sacred Seven. And, as Archivist, she ought to have a listing of all registered bodyslaves, their places of origin, their sale records, and their current locations.”

Karn gave a long, low whistle.

“Whoever could get into her records could find every single one of the warriors who’ve been taken.”

“Exactly.” Sylvan nodded. “And that’s where you come in.”

“I’ll be happy to infiltrate her household and get into those records,” Karn assured him. “But how can you be certain she’ll buy me?”

“We have an in at the private auction house where Lady Mirabella has bought her last six bodyslaves,” Sylvan said. “A Lady Tikka—a lower tier Mistress with huge gambling debts. Creditors are breathing down her neck, which is the only reason she’s willing to work with us. For the right price, she’s willing to make certain you end up as Mistress Mirabella’s newest bodyslave. And word on the street is that she’s about to buy a new one since she got tired of her oldest one and sent him to the Diluthian Mines.”

Karn frowned.

“Seven Hells, that’s a death sentence!”

Diluthian was a toxic mineral which released deadly fumes when it was unearthed. It was useful in the refining process of Dream Gas—a product Yonnie Six was famous for. But workers that went to the mines, didn’t last long.

“Yes, I know,” Sylvan said blandly. “That’s another reason I want you to be sure you want this assignment. It could turn deadly if you’re not able to please Mistress Mirabella sufficiently.”

Karn shrugged and grinned.

“I have yet to meet the female I can’t please, Commander.” As a Hybrid, he didn’t have to worry about bonding anyone to him. So he’d had his fair share of amorous encounters, though he took care never to become emotionally involved with any of them.

“So I hear,” Commander Sylvan said dryly. “It’s yet another reason why I thought of you when this assignment came up.”

“I’ll do it,” Karn said without hesitation. “I know there are risks but hell, there always are.” That was part of the excitement of working in the Espionage Corps—you never knew what was coming next.

Sylvan smiled.

“You’ll be doing your kinsmen a great favor, Commander. I know there are many in bondage right now, who need to be discovered and rescued.”

“We’ll find them, Commander Sylvan,” Karn vowed. Both males rose and Sylvan offered his arm for a warrior’s clasp. “We’ll find every last one and bring them home,” Karn said as he took the offered arm.

“I pray the Goddess will bless your mission,” Sylvan said formally. “And I thank you for taking this risk.”

Karn smiled. “Happy to do it, Commander.”

Of course, at the time he had no idea he would be risking much more than his life—he would be risking his heart.

But by the time he found that out, it was too late…






“Just stand still on the pedestal and try to look menacing,” Mistress Tikka snarled under her breath. “Mistress Mirabella likes big, scary bodyslaves. They enhance her status.”

“I can do that.” Karn pasted a glare on his face and tensed, making his muscles bulge. He did wish he didn’t have to be displayed naked—it really wasn’t his preference to stand around with his shaft hanging out. But apparently those were the rules of the private auction house, since the minute Lady Tikka had met him, the first words out of her mouth had been an order to strip.

Not that she had much else to say to him, Karn thought, eyeing the sour look on her narrow face. She had bright green hair which went badly with her sallow complexion and seemed to hate her role, working for the Kindred. And no wonder, since all Yonnites considered males to be inferior. But apparently her huge gambling debts were more pressing than her hatred of men. So though she clearly despised what she was doing, at least she was doing a fairly professional job of it.

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