Home > Bowed(33)

Author: M.V. Ellis

“I want to let you know that I wake up every morning, and I can’t fucking believe how lucky I am to be that girl. That girl who gets to open her eyes to the sight of these two gorgeous men every day for the rest of our lives. I can’t believe that I’ve been blessed with love of the kind that some people never experience in their entire lifetimes, from not one, but two of the most beautiful humans on the planet, both inside and out.” I stopped again, in an attempt to calm the quiver in my voice.

“I’m here to tell you that when I look at them, I see my future, and that future is so fucking bright, we’ll all need sunglasses just to look at each other. I’m also here to say that whoever, and however, you love, be proud. Live and love your truth, and fuck anyone who tells you otherwise. I’m here to tell you to take all the love. All. The. Love.” I looked back over to the guys, who by this point were standing slack jawed with shock.

“All the love.” I blew them a kiss each as they mouthed our special words back to me.

I gave the signal for the house band to launch into Light and Shade, but instead of playing, the guys put down their instruments and rushed to me under the spotlight.

The crowd erupted into a wild sea of cheers and applause as King and Rome enveloped me in their arms, burying their faces into the sides of my neck as we spoke again in unison.

“All the love.”









Three months later.

“Hey Mack, do you mind if I take five? I’m not as fit as these gorgeous dancers, and this routine is taking it out of me a little.” I wiped my sweat-beaded brow to emphasize my point.

“Of course. Take as long as you need. You’re doing fabulously, by the way. This video is going to be epic.” It certainly didn’t feel that way as I shook and shimmied through the routine that had been choreographed for the Light and Shade video, but I would have to take Mack Macintyre’s word for it, as he was the best in the business.

“Oh no, five minutes is fine. I’ll just catch my breath and freshen up a little. I feel like a sweaty mess.”

“You don’t look it, darling. You’re fabulous, and the camera loves you.”

“Thank you. You’re too kind, and you know, flattery will get you everywhere.” I flashed him the biggest grin I could muster, and as he instructed the rest of the crew to take five, also, I made my way from the sound stage as calmly as I could manage.

“Jesus Christ! You nearly scared me to death.” I emerged from the bathroom of my dressing room a few moments later, wiping my mouth with a paper hand towel, and almost died a thousand deaths when I was unexpectedly greeted by King and Rome.

As ever, they seemed to fill the space, not just with their physical presence, but with their…everything. I wondered when, if ever, I would stop feeling so overwhelmed by them—physically, emotionally, and in just about every other way possible.

They had their arms crossed and were facing me, almost like nightclub bouncers. What the fuck?

“What?” Neither spoke. I couldn’t read either of them, which was a rare occurrence these days. “Guys, seriously, what’s going on?”

“When and how were you going to tell us?” King sounded frosty, to say the least.

“Tell you what?” I didn’t like the way the interaction was unfolding, it was seeming more like an interrogation than anything—nothing like the way we normally related to each other.

“Don’t try it, Q. We know.” Rome was no friendlier, though it jarred less coming from him, given his naturally not-so-sunny disposition.


“That we’re going to be dads,” they chorused in unison, dropping their folded arms, and bursting into heart-shattering grins.

“Oh.” My stomach dropped as though I was trapped in an elevator rapidly free-falling toward the basement of the world’s tallest building.

“Yeah, ‘oh’ is right.” King took a step closer to me.

“How did you know?” My fight or flight instinct had settled a little, but my heart was still hammering a frantic beat against my ribs.

“There’s only so many ‘I ate some bad seafood,’ or ‘this dance is too strenuous’ excuses we were going to buy before we started to suspect something was going on.” Rome stepped forward as well.

“Not only that, but I googled it, and the fact that your tits seemed to have doubled in size overnight was a major giveaway.”

“And you’re not upset?”

“About your tits? Are you insane? They were amazing before, and now that they’re even more lush and juicy, I spend most of the day thinking about coming between them.” The shit eating grin Rome was sporting told me he knew exactly what I was talking about. He moved closer still.

“Did you seriously think we’d be anything other than over the fucking moon?” King’s grin matched Rome’s as he walked closer, also.

“I didn’t know what to think. I mean you guys are hardly the ‘family man’ type, so…” I shrugged, sure they could fill in the blanks for themselves.

“Correction. We weren’t until we met you.” Rome reached me first.

“Now we’re all about it.” He was quickly joined by King.

“Really?” I’d been so worried about breaking the news.

“Are you kidding me right now? Of course really. We feel like the luckiest guys alive.” King was actually laughing,

“Nah, scratch that. We are the luckiest guys alive.” Rome’s laughter tinkled around the room as they hugged me, each placing a hand on my stomach.

“You never answered my question.”

“Question…?” I was in such a daze, I legitimately had no idea what King was talking about.

“How and when were you going to tell us?” Rome connected the dots for me.

“Truthfully, I had no idea. I just found out for sure, myself.” The previous afternoon, to be exact. Before I was ambushed by my loves, I’d been planning on calling Deone after we wrapped filming the video, to ask her advice on how best to play the situation.

“Well now we know, let’s skip straight to the part where we celebrate.” If Rome’s wolfish grin wasn’t enough to let me know what he was getting at, his hard-on pushing into my back, and the way he was ravaging my neck with kisses, definitely conveyed his meaning loud and clear.

“We can’t. We have to be back on set in a moment.”

“I don’t give a fuck. They can wait. Besides, Mack said take all the time you need. We need this, and it’s going to take time.” King thrust his erection against me, and slid a possessive hand to my neck.

“I don’t think these walls are very thick. They’ll probably hear us.” Even as I said the words, I knew they weren’t going to fly.

“That sounds like a them problem, not an us problem.” Rome threaded one hand into my hair and pulled my head back for better access to my neck, as the other snaked around to squeeze my breast, and King moved his free hand down to grab my ass.

Lord. I was going to have my hands, and everything else, full with these two.


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