Home > Mimics & Mayhem(23)

Mimics & Mayhem(23)
Author: Maz Maddox



Chapter Eleven



Since I knew all my luck was gone, it must have been Danny’s that got us to his apartment. We kept to the alleyways and stayed as hidden as possible as we made our way past Uptown. Danny locked up tight once we hurried inside and immediately started pulling clothes out for me to wear. As much as I wanted to stay in my beautiful dress, it was way too risky.

Either someone would spot me and get us caught, or I might tear it. Neither option was acceptable.

Danny’s clothing was a little big in the arms and shoulders, and the pants only went to my knees, but I didn’t mind. He only had the one pair of human shoes, which were a little tight, but I didn’t have the benefit of having hooves. So they would have to do.

I packed my heels and dress in Danny’s suitcase, which barely contained it. I took a moment to rest against the closed suitcase and collect my thoughts. I needed to get the hell out of New Haven but wasn’t stupid enough to think I could just stroll over to the train station and buy a ticket.

First, I had no money. Second, there were too many eyes looking for me. Even in a different form, someone would surely spot my eyes. Maybe I could steal some glasses or make a damn eyepatch.

Danny lifted his mattress and dug out a small bag, pouring out a couple of dollar coins and two rolls of paper money. The money he had been tucking away for emergencies was spilled onto the sheets, and he gathered up the lion’s share. He brought it to me, taking my hand and pushing the money into it.

“There’s a hundred dollars here.”

I shook my head. “Absolutely fucking not.”

“Scarlet, please--”

“I’m not taking your money.” I jerked my hand away, causing a couple of coins to fall onto the floor. He shook his head, his curls bouncing slightly around his horns. Worry played across his face, which was simmering just above the hurt boiling below.

“Where will you go? What will you do?” he whispered.

I met his gaze and took a long breath. “I want to go home.” I paused and ran my teeth over my bottom lip, doubt raking over my stomach like needles. I didn’t doubt my next words. I doubted I would get the answer I truly wanted. “And I want you to come with me.”

His eyes danced over my face, searching for something I couldn’t guess.

“You want me to leave here with you?” His voice was soft and careful. I nodded and swallowed the knot in my throat.

“Gods, I don’t blame you if you want to tell me to go to hell after all this. I’ve put you--” My words died as he took my face in his hands and kissed me in rapid succession. It wasn’t a long, smoldering kiss, but a barrage of short, sweet things that were coated in relief and love.

I laughed when he stopped to breathe, our noses brushing together. Tears welled up in my eyes as he whispered “yes” over and over. I took a full breath for the first time in days and pressed my head to his.

“We have to go, my sexy Satyr man.”

“How are we going to get out of New Haven with the Baron looking for you?” Danny pulled back and scooped up the money and my suitcase. He tucked away his licorice tobacco, matches, and a pocket watch into his pockets, forgoing the rest of his apartment as we left.

I breathed in the night air and scanned the area as we ducked away from the building. “Where is the Iara embassy?”

He blinked. “Why the hell would we go to the Iara embassy?”

“I might have a way to get us some protection,” I assured him, though I didn’t feel so sure myself. Quellin hadn’t given me any real instructions for how to use the card he’d given me, so I hoped showing it was enough to get some help. Iaras weren’t known for their warm nature, but I doubted they would ignore me flashing a Widow card around.

I just hoped Danny still had some luck left.

“It’s further down the coast aways, but I know where it is.” Danny took my hand, and we began the trek when a voice boomed from behind us. We whipped around to see someone from Danny’s apartment pointing in our direction, and a couple of officers began yelling at us to stop.

Danny pulled me with him as he ran, directing me through narrow passageways, over a fence, and even through a shop to try and shake the officers who were chasing us. Danny was much faster than I was, but he never let go of me as he weaseled our way through each new obstacle.

One of the officers blindsided us while we tried to skirt along the docks, slamming Danny into the wooden walkway, and tried to get a repressor cuff around his wrist. I grabbed the suitcase, which had slid free from Danny’s grip from the impact, and swung it hard into the officer’s temple, knocking the man into a daze. He staggered to his feet, and I slammed my knee into his balls, causing him to buckle over and fall into the ocean below.

I helped Danny up, but he winced and held his shoulder. Blood was seeping through his sleeve across his upper arm where he’d been cut from the tackle, but he didn’t linger long. He grabbed my hand again, and we escaped back into the night.

The embassy was a couple of miles away, and each time we thought we had shaken the trail of the officers, they would round another corner. By the time we got to the embassy, we were panting, sweat soaked, and panicked.

The building was tall and proud, mostly brick with ornate silver and blue pillars on either side of the glass doors that led inside. Above the arched doorway was a hand-painted sign in three languages stating what the building was. I prayed to each god and my dead mother for the doors to be unlocked as he ran to them, and I nearly cried as they opened easily.

A woman raised her head and arched a brow as we barreled inside, clutching each other and looking properly spooked.

“May I help you?” Her eyes were the color of frozen seafoam and just as cold as she swept her gaze over us. She likely thought we were lost and not supposed to be staggering through the embassy. I dug Quellin’s card from my pocket and placed it on the marble counter in front of her.

“I was told”—I swallowed, catching my breath—“that if I was ever in trouble to come here and give you this. Well, we’re in trouble. So.” I inched it closer. “I’m giving you this.”

Her eyes darted from the card to me to the card and to me again before she finally picked it up. She flipped it in her fingers, watching it carefully before meeting my gaze.

“Who gave this to you?”

“Quellin of Matron Lelia.”

There was a very long, pregnant pause before she pushed to her feet. She was wearing a beautiful wrapped dress that moved like ocean waves.

“Wait here.” She turned and moved with quick, confident steps out of the room.

“What did you give her?” Danny asked softly, his eyes watching the door for signs of trouble.

“I think a Widow card.”

Danny’s head snapped to mine, his eyes wide. “Come again?”

“Maybe later, darling, but right now we have to wait for the Widow.”

“Widow-Widow? Like the assassins?” He whispered the last part, sounding the correct mixture of scared and excited. I nodded but gave a shrug at the same time.

“I’m not entirely sure, but I think so. A friend gave it to me. You’ll meet him when we get home.”

He smiled when I told him, and that seemed to ease his state of mind a bit.

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