Home > A Sea of Smoke(20)

A Sea of Smoke(20)
Author: Karen Lynn

As he strolled past endless curbside cafes, something forced him to focus on the patrons. He could have sworn he glimpsed Marty at one of the tables. Squinting to take a second look, he confirmed it. She sat alone, a vacant, distant look in her eyes.

Maybe I should go back and talk to her. It couldn't hurt. But how could it help?

Unable to make a decision, Jake froze.


It took him a second to get his bearings before he turned to her.

“I thought I saw you walking by. You didn't see me?” Marty’s face flushed as she struggled to catch her breath.

He shrugged. “I wasn't paying attention.”

“Oh.” She blanched, lowering her eyes.

“What are you doing around here?” Suddenly, his curiosity flared. He guided her to the side of a building out of pedestrian traffic.

“Well... I was supposed to meet someone…”

Aware she was embarrassed, he attempted to conceal his amusement by clearing his throat. “And?”

Groaning, she kept her eyes low. “I got stood up.”

“No kidding? His loss!” Jake grinned. Even though she wasn't the type he usually went for, she was cute. He made a quick assessment of her thick, wavy black hair that cascaded down her back, big brown eyes, and full lips. Other than the small boobs, he could see why Ray had been so attracted to her.

“What are you doing around here all by yourself?”

“I live a few blocks from here—you didn't know that?”

Didn’t Kristen tell you?

He pushed away the fleeting, unwanted image, resisting the question he wanted so badly to ask.

“I guess I wasn't paying attention.”

The devilish gleam in her eyes intrigued him. Something about the way her face lit up comforted him. “You wanna get a drink or some food?”

“Sure!” She inched closer to him.

Without hesitating, he took her arm and led her back inside.




The incident with Logan, coupled with the looming threat that his business associates presented, really freaked Kristen out. She wasn't used to having no one to confide in, and found herself sinking into a rising sea of despair. The thought of calling Ruby crossed her mind, but it had been so long since they'd spoken she couldn't bring herself to do it. What if she hangs up on me? I can’t blame her. I disappeared without as much as a phone call. And Marty? She already believes I’m a fool for leaving with Logan.

At this stage of the game, she had to choke it up and swallow it herself. That's exactly what she planned to do as they entered a different trendy restaurant in South Beach.

She wore a red dress this time, but was still the same disenchanted, fickle, very pregnant wife of an emotionally unstable, immature man whom she was unfortunately still hooked on. There were no bright stars in her darkened sky. At least not in sight. It was time to play the game and reap the rewards, or resist and face the wrath.

Jonny had a strange look on his face when he and Nick greeted them in the lobby. It was just the four of them, the blonde and Tony nowhere in sight. She couldn't decide if that would make the evening more tolerable or not.

“Kristen, lovely as usual.” Jonny’s voice was all it took to make her skin crawl. To make it even worse, he took her hand.

Feeling obligated, she didn't pull away this time. “Thank you.”

His eyes implied they were accidental co-conspirators. It was hard to stomach, and she quickly broke away from his gaze. Logan, already flying high from a coke buzz, didn't seem to notice or care when Jonny lead her to the table.

A couple of bottles of the finest champagne sat in the middle of their table, tempting her. She could practically taste it, feel the relaxed state of mind it promised to provide. But she was determined to be strong—the only one at the table, perhaps in the entire restaurant, that would remain coherent and not under the influence that night.

Since the blonde wasn't there, she found Logan considerably more attentive to her. His gaze locked on her, he kept moving in to kiss her face. Jonny watched like a hawk while, as usual, Nick was lost in his drinks. The night endlessly stretched before her, but at least her ravenous appetite was satisfied by the delicious food. A temporary solace.

“Hey, what are you thinking about?” Logan whispered in her ear.

She'd been in a trance most of the evening. Snapping out of it, she searched his eyes in brief reflection. “I really wish you were ugly.”

He burst out laughing, unaware how serious she was. As his laughing tirade continued, Jonny and Nick became increasingly uncomfortable.

“What's the joke?” Jonny moved in to ask her.

Refusing to look at him, her tone stayed emotionless and cold.

“I have no idea, but it must be hysterical.”

Nick couldn't take the endless cackling and shook Logan's arm.

Jonny took advantage of the distraction. “Ya know, Kristen, I can see why Jakey-boy is always moping around since you left. Yeah, it’s obvious now.”

Shocked, her misery grew. All she could do was stare at him, visualizing the droplets of drool leaking out of his mouth. It was a toss-up between throwing up on him or die laughing. Instead, she chose to keep her mouth shut.

“Yeah, with the exception of that hot piece of ass, he was a mess.”

“Jonny, I really don't want to hear about this.” She lowered her voice, sneaking a look at Logan.

“Hear about what?” Logan chimed in. He downed his drink between coughs, his laughing fit ended.


Jonny cut her off. “—I was telling Kristen how much her friends back home miss her. I almost forgot how popular she was, but thinking back, yeah, I can see why now.”

“Really? Too fucking bad I have her all to myself now, huh?”

Jonny straightened up, more annoyed than shocked by Logan’s cold glare and sudden change in demeanor. “Yeah, right, you got her under control then?”

Nick clamped Logan's arm. Ripping it away with a vicious hiss, his elbow sent a wine glass crashing to the floor.

Startled, Kristen jumped, inching away from Logan. Biting her trembling bottom lip, she hugged herself to contain the violent shivering. Logan’s reddened face, clenched jaw and arms did nothing to relieve her nervous tension. Glancing at Jonny’s hardened face, sent her mind racing in all directions.

He can’t possibly remember that time with Jake in the storage room, can he? What if he brings it up? I can’t let that happen. I can’t let this blow up!

“Baby, calm down, remember what you told me. Please!”

Logan twisted around in his seat to face her, a big, silly grin on his face, and shrugged. “It's all good.” When he returned his attention to Jonny and Nick, they all chuckled, but the tension was evident.

“Walk me to the bathroom, please.” She tugged at his arm.

Logan frowned, shaking it off until he noticed the intense look on her face. “Duty calls.” He attempted a grin, taking her hand.

They strode off in silence, stopping outside the ladies’ room.

“What's up?”

“You need to chill out, Logan. Remember how dangerous you said they were?”

Logan snickered. “That was all bullshit to scare you, Kristen! I can't believe you think I'm scared of them!”

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