Home > A Sea of Smoke(37)

A Sea of Smoke(37)
Author: Karen Lynn

When the doctor entered, Logan mumbled something and slid out the door, leaving Kristen wide-eyed and fuming. The doctor greeted her, lifting her eyebrows quizzically.

Twenty minutes later, Kristen returned to the waiting room, ready to leave. She searched and found him sprawled back on a chair, his eyes closed. When she approached, he popped up, his gaze meeting hers.

“How'd it go?”

“Why? Do you care?” She handed her paperwork to the clerk and made another appointment. When they walked into the warm afternoon sunlight he reached for her hand. Too tired to fight, she didn't reject him.

“Let's get some lunch.” With a smile flickering across his face, he felt the tenseness oozing out of his body.



* * *

The small cafe overlooked the beach. The day was balmy and clear with the slight whisper of a warm breeze. Kristen watched dreamily as a seagull swooped onto the sand, then took flight again. They ordered, then sat in awkward silence, staring at each other, both with unanswered questions in their eyes. Finally she couldn't stand it anymore.

“What was that tantrum about?” She didn't shift her eyes from his.

“I don't know. Guess I'm getting cold feet.” The blunt, unfeeling response pretty much summed it up. He avoided her gaze.

She stiffened, moving back in her chair. “What does that mean?”

“Why are you always sneaking around talking on the phone?”

“I wasn't sneaking around. If you hate Alicia, why should I talk in front of you?” She covered his hand with hers. He looked down at them briefly. When he brought his eyes up to hers, there was a hint of warmth in them.

“Okay. Let's make up.” He grinned, that cute grin that lit up his face and was contagious.

“If you promise to be good and keep smiling, I’ll think about it.” She returned the grin as his other hand squeezed hers tightly. “Everything is good, she said. I have another appointment next week and then if I don't go into labor, another one.” A sudden wave of fear passed over her. She paled.

“Hey, don't freak out on me now. I need you.”

Should I believe him? The innocent sincerity in his eyes, brought tears to her own. Not now, I have to stay focused and strong. “That's sweet, Logan. I'll try not to, but you have to help me and running out like that wasn't cool.”

He pulled his hand away to rub his forehead, a troubled look flashing across his face. “I'm sorry. I just lost it.” After a pause, his pale blue eyes zoomed in on her. “Are you sure that was Alicia on the phone?” His hair fell across his face. Without moving, he continued to peek out from under it.

“Yes,” She squinted at him hoping he bought it. Their food arrived. He nodded slowly. That was the last time he mentioned it, but something told her it wouldn’t stay that way for very long.




Since he had nothing better to do, Jake ended up at the SoHo gallery for their Saturday night special event and party. Once the shock of being unemployed one minute and getting the money from Kristen the next, wore off, he'd been motivated to paint, and had two canvasses to bring over.

Franky was already there and stared in awe at his work. “Damn man, you need to get fired more often!”

Jake exhaled deeply, a sheepish smile lit up his face. “I don't know about that.”

He couldn’t help thinking about how hard the first part of the week had been for him, with hardly any sleep, lots of drinking, negativity and no end in sight. If it wasn't for the money from Kristen, he'd probably still be huddled in a dark corner of the apartment. Now at least he had some stability.

Magnetic alternative rock music vibrated through the room. People were rapidly streaming in and Jake was pumped. On his third glass of champagne, he couldn't stand still. His head was spinning, his body numb when he felt a light touch on his back.

“Hey, Jake, right?” The woman's voice didn't register. He whirled around, his eyes squinting down on her face.

The tall, attractive dark skinned woman smiled up at him. “Ruby. Kristen's friend.” She extended her hand eagerly and he shook it without hesitation. He felt the heat rising in his face. Embarrassment and possible disdain? Renewed memories? It had hardly been a pleasant experience when they met so long ago, although at that moment, it was hard to recall.

“Yeah, right.” He grinned. “What are you doing here?” It was a stupid question, but all he could come up with. A slender Hispanic man walked up to them, a huge smile on his face. He handed one of the drinks to her.

“Dominic this is Jake. He's Kristen's boyfriend.”

Dominic shook his hand with obvious enthusiasm.

“I don’t know if Kristen told you but we're both art aficionados. We've been dying to check this place out for the longest. When I saw your name on the brochure tonight I couldn’t believe it, right Dom?” Before Dominic could open his mouth, she rushed on. “Then I remembered what Kristen said about you guys getting into the business.”

Jake stood dumbfounded. She eyed him, taking a sip of her drink.

The blurred memory of Ruby’s unusual reaction to Kristen’s involvement in their business venture seeped into Jake’s champagne-infused mind. Not sure if he should laugh or bolt, Jake latched onto the nearest waiter, grabbed a glass of champagne from his tray and downed it in one long gulp.

“Where is Kristen anyway? I haven't heard from her in—damn, almost a year now!” Ruby frowned, a sudden look of astonishment on her face.

Jake's eyes narrowed suspiciously. Is she playing me, or is she really in the dark? Good thing I’m buzzed.

“She's in Florida last I heard.” He tried to be as matter-of-fact as he could, but feared his eyes would give him away. To avoid her, he looked into the distance.

“Really? Why?” Ruby wasn't letting up. Her voice actually sounded shocked and concerned. He turned his attention back to her.

“You probably should call her and find out. She still has the same number. I gotta go, but thanks for coming. Nice meeting you, Dominic.” He patted his arm, gave them a broad smile and ambled away, trying to maintain his balance.

When Jake returned to his area, he found Franky accompanied by two men waiting to make offers on his latest painting. It didn’t take long before he had eight hundred dollars in his pocket. Even in his inebriated state of mind, he sensed a positive, energizing streak. In a matter of minutes, he forgot all about Ruby and her distressing inquisition about Kristen.

“We are on a roll! I spoke to Henry. Here's his contact info. As soon as you send over some more samples of your work, we can get our shit in order. You're going to really love Miami!”

Franky’s excitement should’ve been contagious, instead it startled Jake. Everything was happening so fast, but a sudden good vibe, told him the time couldn’t be better. “Yeah. I'm sure I will.”

Jake’s eyes went vacant and dreamy in contemplation of the upcoming trip. It wasn’t until he came out of it and spotted Ruby and Dominic heading his way, that he noticed the hot-looking blonde admiring one of his paintings. A sharp familiar pang hit his stomach. Nervous tension.

“You like it?” Touching her arm lightly, he put on his charm and made a quick assessment. She wasn't his usual type—tall, lean, long, straight almost white-blonde hair falling limply around her shoulders. Very light skinned and Swedish looking, but she'd do.

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