Home > A Sea of Smoke(33)

A Sea of Smoke(33)
Author: Karen Lynn

“A lot of shit. He brought Jenny back, they're together. She was on my ass constantly and telling him a bunch of bullshit.”

“I'm sorry, Jake. That really sucks.” She paused, trying to think. It didn’t occur to her to question his motive for telling her about it. Motioning to Alicia, she quickly walked out onto the balcony.

“Jake, if you need money…” She knew he would explode, but didn’t care.

“No, no, I didn't call to ask for your help. I actually wanted to ask you about Jonny—”

“—I'm not saying you did. I just wanna tell you, that day I left, I went to the house to pick up some stuff. There's some money, it's under the mattress. I didn't get a chance to take it.”

“What? Why were you there? What money?”

“It was from the safe. It was for us... but then I, Marty had to take me to the hospital.”

“For us? But I thought you were leaving with him?”

“No! That's not what I wanted, Jake. I just started getting really bad pains and it changed everything.” She heard his loud breaths but ignored it, desperate to get to the point. “There should be a real estate lock box on the place. If you call a realtor, maybe you can say you wanna rent it.” Tears filled her eyes. She wasn't sure why she was telling him. It just felt right. “I want you to have it…”

Jake’s mouth dropped in surprise. I can’t believe this! He buried his face in his hands and sat in silence. When he spoke again, his voice was troubled and muffled. “Kristen... you want me to steal from him?”

“No! No... it’s mine too, remember? I told you. What if you need it, Jake? What if the baby is yours? What if we need it? If someone rents the place, we’ll never see it!” She squeezed her eyes tight to push back the tears.

Jake was speechless. When he finally managed to find the words, his voice was barely audible. “I have a friend, I'll call her. She's gonna want a favor though.”

“Do whatever it takes. And hurry. Ok? I don't want someone else to find it.”

“Thank you Kris. I'll give it all back to you as soon as I can.” he whispered.

“You don't have to, Jake. Let's see what happens, okay?” Her rapid heartrate forced her into a chair.

“Okay. That sounds fair.” He was about to hang up. He needed to, to digest everything, to make sense of it all. But he couldn’t. “Hey, are you okay?”

“Yes, I'm fine. What about Jonny?”

“Oh yeah!” He smiled, recalling the real reason for his call. “Jenny's the one that told me you were pregnant. She got it from him.” He heard her gasp. “Yeah. How did he know?”

Should I tell him? He already has it in for Logan. She proceeded with caution, carefully choosing her words. “He was in Miami with some friends. He saw me—us in a restaurant.”

So, my suspicions were right! “Hmm, are you sure he wasn't hanging with you guys? Business maybe?” The uncomfortable, familiar feeling that she was lying again came over him.

Damn! He’s too smart! I’m busted! She took a hard, painful gulp.

“Jake, do we have to talk about this now?”

“That's my answer then.”

He paused, reflecting on it briefly.

“Jonny’s a dangerous man, Kris. I don't know what they're into, but I can tell you it's probably illegal.”

“You think I don't know that too? I hate him.” Her eyes travelled to the door. I should get back to Alicia, but I don’t want to hang up. Not yet.

“I know you're trying to protect your husband.” He exhaled, seeking the courage. “Tell me truthfully, do you love him?”

She bit her lip, willing the tears back. It took a second before she answered. “We’ve been together a long time, Jake, you have to understand. There's a bond...”

Unable to resist, his laugh was bitter. “Oh, I do, Kristen, way too well. Why are you even talking to me then, hmm?” The pent-up emotions he had been struggling to hide, threatened to explode.

“Why? You called me, Jake...”

“I know that, but you didn’t have to answer! Fuck—you disappeared for what, 7 months? Why now? First the rings, now all of a sudden you wanna give me a lot of money. For us? You are fucking up my head big time, you know that?”

The unmistakable anguish in his voice broke her heart. “Because I'm sorry, Jake, about everything. And, I still really care about you. If the baby is yours, I can’t stay with him!”

I can’t let her twist me around her finger again. “So you wanna use me then?”

“No! Jake, it's very complicated. Please, it's hard to talk about this over the phone.”

“Believe me Kristen, you don't wanna talk about this with me in person.” His face hardened. “Do you love him or not? Or is it just that mysterious bond you're always talking about. It has to be pretty damn strong that you would protect a murderer!”

Beginning to get frantic, she tried to control herself. “I care about him—I do, but I don't love him anymore. I never planned to be with him like this. Now this Jonny shit, and his fucking partner. Until I have the baby—I'm trapped right now, you have to believe me!” Her voice boomed. Alicia stood at the door. “I'll be right out. Sorry,” she called to her.

“Who are you talking to?”

“My nanny, Alicia.”

“Your nanny? You don't even have a baby yet!”

How can I expect to compete with him? Maybe I will get that money. Why the hell am I even talking to her?

“She's my only friend here. Do you believe what I told you? I never stopped thinking about you, Jake.”

He fought as hard as he could, but the vulnerability in her voice brought him to his knees. “I think I do. I shouldn't though. Listen, I may be going to Miami for some business with Franky.”

“Oh! Really?” Her eyes widened.

“Yeah. I'm not sure when. Hopefully the baby will be born by then. We’ll see what we're gonna do...” His voice trailed off. Why does everything have to be so uncertain and complicated—like a freaking unsolvable puzzle.

“Okay.” She sank to the seat, completely drained.

“If it's his, I guess you'll stay with him?” There is no way I can raise that monster’s kid—no freaking way I will. Then why the hell is this whole thing tearing me up like this?

“I don't know, Jake. He doesn't want a baby. He hates the idea, but I'm sure he would still fight me if it is his.” Hanging her head, her words were dull and lifeless. There wasn’t an easy solution, and the stress was killing her.

“Oh yeah! You better believe he would, just for spite.” Calming himself, he lowered his voice. “So you're still thinking about a divorce?”

“Yes, definitely, after the baby…it’s too close now. I don’t have the strength to fight him.”

“If you didn’t wait so long, it would’ve been a lot easier.” He paused, hoping that she would come up with a magic, comforting response.

She was silent, listening to the thoughts rattling in her brain, unwilling to accept them. I can’t let this bring me down, even though he’s right—somewhat. Why is it always so difficult to make firm decisions? Especially when it concerns Logan.

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