Home > A Sea of Smoke(78)

A Sea of Smoke(78)
Author: Karen Lynn

“But, what about you? I'll get you a towel from the kitchen to hold on it.”

“I'll be fine, she needs help. Go.” His demeanor had a strange calmness, almost a resignation to it. When she gave in, he sighed and limped to the kitchen for the towel.

As much as she tried, she couldn’t keep her eyes on Gina for very long. It was hard to accept the fact that one minute she had been an intimidating force and the next lay barely breathing. Other than during her father’s battle with cancer, she had never been this close to death before, and hated it, especially since it was her fault. Terrified, she turned to Logan, surprised to find him observing her with a strange expression on his face.

“Are you sure she's alive?” Her voice was unrecognizable She tried to gulp down the huge lump in her throat.

“Yes I'm sure! Go to the bathroom and bring all the gauze and bandages you find. And some towels,” he ordered, returning his attention to Gina.

At first her legs wouldn't function then it felt like she was sleepwalking. She could feel Jake's eyes on her and glanced over. He nodded for her to go. She smiled. It’ll be all right. I’ll wake up and everything will be all right. Like before.

Logan wanted to call 911. There was that slim chance some concerned neighbor reported the disturbance, but just in case. Kristen began to weep. She wasn't ready to go to jail.

“We have to Kristen. It's not going away.” Jake rested his leg up on a couch, applying pressure on the wound with the towel. The painkillers she gave him were ever so slowly decreasing the pain. Hopefully it would also clear up his head.

“What are we gonna tell them?” she sniffled, ignoring the queasiness building inside of her. Through the corner of her eye she glimpsed Logan pacing by Gina.

“The truth. She broke in and attacked you. He grabbed the gun and it went off. It wasn’t your fault baby. Get that out of your mind. And stop worrying. It was all self-defense.” Jake was eager to console her, but found it hard to function himself. The horrific turn of events was not at all how he imagined the day going. Desperate to make her feel better, he stroked her hair with his free hand.

“No! Kristen come here.” Logan stormed toward her, coming to an abrupt halt when he realized how close Jake was.

She squinted. Biting her lip, she removed Jake's hand from her head and went to Logan. Disregarding Jake, Logan took her arm guiding her to the hallway. Jake watched in a haze of pain and torment, too exhausted to react.

She stared at Logan without a word, her eyes filled with anguish.

“Do you wanna go to prison?” he whispered, his eyes tearing into her. She shook her head, afraid to speak.

Logan's mind was on fire. He gripped her face, bringing it to his. “Do what I say then and you won't...”

“But, I…” she stammered, unable to overlook the blood leaking down his cheek.

“But nothing! For once, just listen to me!”

Her mind went black. It was so cold. Lost in his eyes, she let him take control.

“I'm telling them I did it.” He paused, waiting for her to absorb it. Choosing his words carefully, he closed his eyes, trying to convince himself as he invented it. “Like he said, it was self-defense. She broke in, pulled the gun on me. I shot her. End of story.”

“But, it's my gun Logan... I touched it...” she floundered, her face filled with uncertainty and confusion. She grabbed his waist without thinking, then it dawned on her—Jake was in the other room. In slow motion she brought her arms to her chest and cradled herself.

Taken aback, Logan choked up for a second, but just as quickly composed himself. “Of course you touched it Kristen. It's your gun.”

“Let's ask Jake.”

“Fuck him! This is between me and you!”

She recoiled, pouting. He pondered his story for a moment, then proceeded in a softer tone.

“She threatened us with her gun. Your gun was on the table, I grabbed it to defend you. You tried to stop me, I pushed you away and it accidentally discharged, then it fell and went off again, hitting both of them.”

It should've blown his fucking head off!

An unearthly calm descended over him, the sense of power and control gripping him, surreal. How ironic, right after I re-discovered my own gun. Where the hell did I put it anyway? I have to hide it before the police arrive.

In his subconscious, he heard Kristen babbling. She tugged his arm, snapping him back.

“Will they be able to tell I shot her though?” Her eyes were large and frightened.

“No! How could they? Go tell him. We need the same story.” He started pushing her back to the living room. She stopped short, blinking back the tears as she turned to face him.

“Why are you protecting me Logan?”

With some hesitation, he brought her face closer, his expression serious.

“You know why.” He kissed her before she could resist. “And I'm adding it your tab. It keeps on growing.”

That familiar heart melting grin, tugged at his lips. It was contagious, but almost instantly her own smile disappeared into a disturbed frown. “What about your cut?” She cringed, dropping her eyes from the festering wound on his cheek.

“Don't worry about it. It'll heal. You can kiss it though.”

She sighed, amazed at his nonchalance. “I meant won't they ask about it? What about Jake? You can’t say he did it!”

The second she said it his smile disappeared. “That's all you care about? Kristen, I'm saving your ass, I need something in return.” He crushed her to him.

“That's why you're doing it?” She crinkled her face in a sulk. It figures. How could I be so stupid?

“What do you think? It's not as if I enjoy being locked up. But I can handle it better than you can. Plus, I’ll get out in no time and when I do you owe me big time.” The smile was back, but the sadness was hard to hide. His hands slid along her back.

“You need to get out in one piece first.” It was a serious concern, and one she didn't want to deal with. But it was better than her doing the time. Pulling away before he could persist, she headed back to Jake. He followed.

Jake lay on the floor, his injured leg still elevated onto the couch. When she knelt next to him he leaned into her.

“Why's he doing it Kris? What does he really want?” There was a darkness in his soul threatening to smother him. The meds were taking their toll and he was on the verge of nodding out. With heavy eyelids, he looked into her terrified face and backed down.

“Is it still bleeding?” She tenderly touched the blood-stained towel draped around his leg.

Jake lifted the towel to peek at the wound. “I think its slowing down.” Her concern surprised him, but he couldn't help thinking it was just a ploy to avoid discussing Logan's motive. He decided to let it go for now. He had no choice.

Logan stood next to them, growing more restless as he pressed a towel up to his cheek. He hated dealing with cops but knew the sooner he got the inevitable crime scene investigation over with, he could get Nick's attorney to start the process and move on with his life. It would be cut and dry self-defense, stand your ground law. He’d seen them get Nick’s guys off for a lot worse countless times.

Jake forced himself to acknowledge him. “I don't like your story. She can't be involved at all. Change it! Tell them you did it, accident or not. I don't give a shit. But Kristen never grabbed the gun. Her prints were on it from before.” His voice was bitter.

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