Home > A Sea of Smoke(77)

A Sea of Smoke(77)
Author: Karen Lynn

Jake recoiled, raising his hands up in submission.

Satisfied, Kristen returned to Logan, her narrowed eyes menacing.

“You're lucky I didn't let him slit your throat so don't give me another reason to kill you myself. You know I already have plenty.”

Logan flinched. Even if he was lucid enough to go back in time, he doubted he’d recall her ever being so deranged. They stood in silence for a few seconds. Kristen drew in long, deep breaths, trying to clear her head. She stepped closer to him, studying his face like she had never seen it before.

Logan sensed she was at a breaking point. “Is that thing even loaded?” he whispered in her ear, oblivious to Jake’s leering. With a resurgence of confidence, he touched her arm.

Self-doubt flashed across her face as she struggled to recall. When rising confusion made it impossible, she brushed his hand away.

“Of course it is! Do you think I'm an idiot?”

He was in her face, she smelled his cologne. The gun continued wobbling in her hands.

Why can’t this damn thing stay steady? I need to focus; I can’t let him trick me. Not this time.

This time she would listen to the voices in her head. This time she would do the right thing. Filled with positive energy she averted her eyes, holding her head up high.

Jake stood transfixed by their intimate interaction. It was maddening. Shameless jealousy boiled inside of him, taking hold of him, affecting his ability to function. He battled to rationalize, his thoughts on a wild collision course in his head.

What if the gun really isn’t loaded? What if it is and goes off? Should I tackle her and take it? I can’t let that piece of shit manipulate her, but I can’t let her get hurt either.

Kristen killing Logan? The idea enticed him. But he couldn’t let her do it. He couldn’t risk her going to prison. He couldn’t lose her again. And he needed the victory to be all his. Especially now. He continued watching them without blinking, waiting for the right moment to make his move.

Logan knew he had to take control while Kristen was still weak and vulnerable, without spooking her. Gently lacing his fingers around her wrists, his lips brushed her ear. “Krissy you don't want to hurt me, you already proved that. Give me the gun, sweetie.”

Stunned, Kristen did a double take, her arm slackened, the gun aimed to the ground. Maybe I can finally talk some sense into him, maybe we can work it all out without anyone getting hurt…

“I don't Logan, but you have to promise to leave us alone…”

Logan pounced on her, his hand locking on the gun. With a twisting motion he pulled her back, restraining her against him. Gasping in astonishment, she struggled to resist and break free. But his strength was too much for her.

Jake jolted upright, stopping short to take an impulsive glance over his shoulder at the front door. He froze. Gina stared back at him.

“Logan!” Gina screeched at the top of her lungs.

Suddenly all eyes were on Gina and the .45 caliber pistol glistening brilliantly in her hands.

Kristen's shock dissolved into terror, her knees weakened. She felt Logan’s hand tensing next to hers on the gun. She swung her head around to look at Jake. His eyes were glued on Gina.

“You should learn to lock your door asshole!” Gina smirked, marching towards them. “How sweet, Logan and his little cunt wife! Having a threesome honey?”

“Gina! Why don't you put down the gun and tell me what you want?”

“Not a threesome, even though I might not mind if he’s involved.” Her laugh mirthless, eyes wicked, she took in every inch of Jake. The instant they returned to Logan, they darkened. “But you should know that by now, shouldn't you, papito? Did you forget how much you owe me?”

“I'll give you that bail money, Gina! I’ll give you whatever you want, put the gun down!” All of the muscles in Logan's body relaxed—he never felt Kristen’s flinching. Instead, he fixated on his renewed power over Gina.

Gina roared with laughter, maintaining her rigid hold on the gun. “You're not that slow are you? You treated me like dirt and now you think you can buy me?”

“This isn't the way to solve this! Are you fucking crazy?”

“Logan shut up.” Kristen’s voice wasn’t low enough to keep Gina from hearing.

“You better get this bitch out of here before I shoot her!”

Grinning, Logan released Kristen, shoving her out of the way. The sudden rough momentum sent her stumbling forward. In the back of her mind, she sensed her numb fingers frozen on the trigger. For one quick second her eyes fixed on Gina before her mind went blank. Loud popping sounds blasted through the air. Kristen’s screams echoed though the room. She tripped, falling forward onto the tiled floor. The gun flew out of her hands. Burying her head in her arms, she lay there, too petrified to breathe.

Gina emitted an agonized wail, her gun clattering to the ground. Lurching forward her head crashed into the concrete wall. Her body convulsed several times and went motionless.

A look of amusement spread across Logan's face. “Holy shit! It was loaded!”

An eerie silence hung over the room. Kristen raised her head cautiously, her eyes landing on Gina’s limp body. She gasped, cramming them shut.

How could this happen?

It wasn’t sinking in; it didn’t make sense. She hugged herself desperate to stop the violent shivering. But the room continued spinning.

Logan's adrenaline was on overdrive, propelling him to Gina’s side.

“She's still breathing,” he called out, whipping around to find Kristen.

Kristen went numb. She stared at Logan's blurry image without comprehension. Then it hit her. She needed to find Jake. She found him in a corner, lifting himself off the floor. When he saw her, he rushed forward, the sudden blistering pain in his leg forcing him to grimace. “Baby, are you okay?”

“Jake, you're bleeding!” Her eyes welled up with tears. She wanted to tell him she never meant to shoot Gina, that she was sorry for everything—but couldn’t.

Stunned, Jake made an effort to focus on her, before a lightheaded feeling took over. Paling, he lowered his eyes to his injury. Not wanting to panic her further, he held onto her arm forcing his lips into a grin.

“It’s just a flesh wound, no big deal–”

“—Yes, it is! Please, go over there and sit...” Her eyes huge and pleading eyes, stared up at him.

Jake sighed, allowing her to lead him to the couch.

Pulling his jeans up to reveal his injured calf, he clamped down on his leg to still the spasms. Kristen’s hand flew to her mouth.

“See I told you it’s not that bad, I just need my belt.” Attempting to reassure her, he placed one hand on the back of her head and unbuckled his belt with the other. She watched grimly as he fastened it above the wound, leaned back and pretended to be good as new.

“Kristen, we need to apply pressure to her wound!” Logan called out, ripping Gina's shirt away from her stomach to expose one of several entry wounds he found. “Come here!”

Kristen looked over at him, then back at Jake.

“Kristen hurry up!” Logan shouted again.

Unable to move, she gripped Jake’s arm. “Jake... I didn’t mean it...”

“I know you didn’t baby.” Blinking back the moisture in his eyes, he stared at her briefly. “Just go help him now.” His mouth set in a hard line, his eyes glazing with pain. For the time being he had a lot more to worry about than her interaction with Logan.

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