Home > Breathe You : Breathe Me Duet(34)

Breathe You : Breathe Me Duet(34)
Author: C.R. Jane

My emotions take the best of me as I tremble taking it out of its box.

“It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” I gasp.

“Not to us,” Logan utters lovingly, his blue eyes twinkling with adoration.

“Can you put it on me?” I ask him, to which he complies with a sweet smile to his lips.

“You really like it?” Quaid asks after it’s around my neck.

“I more than like it. I love it.”

“Good. Your dad gave us all the idea,” Quaid explains hoarsely, his eyes never leaving the compass lying on the upper swell of my breasts.

“It’s perfect. I’ll never take it off.”

“Good. We like seeing it on you,” Carter says with a wink.

There is this heavy energy that surrounds us. Like the feel of electricity in the air before a thunderstorm. It’s so thick, my chest heaves with the pressure of the compass on my chest. All of us feel it. The need to touch and be touched. To kiss and be kissed. To give in to this feeling right here and damn the consequences.

“So what do you want to do next? Carter scored some fake IDs for all of us, so if you want to go to a club, we can,” Logan says after our long lustful pause.

“Actually, I was thinking we could do something different,” I reply, my initial idea of what I wanted to happen tonight cemented in my head more than ever after that moment we just experienced.

“Your birthday, your call. What do you want to do?” Carter interjects, leaning against his seat.

“I want to go to the river.”

“The river?” Logan asks, confused.

“It’s a warm night. The full moon is out, so I thought it would be fun for us all to go there and just talk. Maybe even take a swim.”

“I’m down for a swim,” Quaid says all chipper.

“Why not. Haven’t been there since we were kids. Might be fun.”

“Let’s get out of here then. This place is giving me hives,” Carter retorts, looking at the snappy dressed men and their dinner dates with an appalled glower.

I can’t help but laugh at how out of place he looks in such a fancy setting.

We all get back to the car, joking and messing about during the thirty-minute ride to the river. When I get out, the warm wind hits my face, doing nothing to decrease my nervous jitters.

“Everything okay? You look nervous,” Logan asks, clasping his hand in mine.

“I guess I missed this place more than I realized.” I look at my boys’ faces, and they all seem to understand perfectly what I’m feeling.

This was where our friendship first began to bloom. It’s only natural that I want it to be the place where we take the next step into our relationship and turn in to something everlasting.

On our way over, we saw plenty of cars parked in the main area of the river, but just as we did when we were kids, we never stayed in that part. We have our own special place. Secluded from the rest of the world and just ours. We walk in silence as we get to the small cliff down to the edge of the riverbank. When we were kids, it looked steep and dangerous. But now after years of climbing down it, we’re no longer intimidated by it, knowing that the climb down has become second nature to us. But yet we stay rooted to our spot, just taking in the scenery. The moon shines brightly on the water, giving it a magical feel to the night and whispering in my ear that anything is possible.

“You’re right. I missed this place more than I realized,” Carter mumbles under his breath, nostalgia hitting him just as hard as it does the rest of us.

“Shall we go down?”

They nod and carefully walk down, Logan holding my hand the entire time. I’m glad I had the good sense of mind to bring ballet flats instead of high heels tonight, as it makes the climb down less stressful. When we get to the bottom, I take them off to feel the cool water on my feet.

“Anybody want to take a dip?”

“You ate like a beast back at dinner. Are you sure you want to go in?” Logan warns Quaid when he starts taking off his shoes.

“Stop being such a sour puss,” Quaid taunts as he begins to unbutton his shirt. “Live a little.”

He reveals smooth golden abs underneath his shirt, and I can’t help but lick my lips, watching him undress. Logan rolls his eyes at Quaid’s childish taunts, but begins to strip down anyway, following Quaid’s lead. When Carter pulls his black T-shirt over his head, my heart leaps into my throat. My body shivers in anticipation, even if my skin feels like it’s a boiling furnace. I swallow dryly when all three boys are just in their boxers, each one more perfect than the other.

“Your turn, Val. Or are you going to ruin that pretty little dress you got on?” Carter smirks with a mischievous wink.

I bite my lower lip as I pull one spaghetti strap over my shoulder and then the other. When the dress pulls down to my feet, they all gasp. They weren’t expecting that underneath my dress there wasn’t another stitch of clothing. Their lingering eyes take each inch of me in, their Adam’s apples bobbing away in both confusion and elation.

“Val?” Logan stutters, not believing his eyes.

I curl my hair up into a bun on top of my head and turn away, walking slowly into the water. I’m just knee deep in when I turn around to face the boys who hold my heart in their hands rooted to the small patch of sand.

“What are you waiting for? The water is fine,” I shout, before turning back around and diving into the cool water.

When I come back up, my eyes go back to the shore. It’s Quaid who is the first to pull off his boxers and jump into the water with me. Even from afar, I can see how hard he is. The minute Quaid slashes through the water, Logan peels off his own boxers to follow him while Carter stays on the shore just watching me. Neither Quaid or Logan come too near, letting me swim to my heart’s content.

When I see that Carter hasn’t moved an inch, my heart begins to throb inside my chest. I swim closer to the water’s edge and stand up once I’m close enough to see his scowl, the moon making it even more menacing.

“Not in the mood for a swim?”

“Is that what you call this?”

I walk out of the river, water dripping from my body as I inch closer to him.

“What would you call it?”

“A trap,” he counters, his face angry.

“What’s got up your butt?” Quaid asks, making me snap my head over my shoulder. Both he and Logan followed me out to the bank, their glowers fixed on the boy in front of me, unimpressed with the black look Carter is giving me.

Carter swipes his hand over his face, frustration marring all his dark features.

“Idiots! Don’t you see what she’s trying to do?!” he yells, grabbing his T-shirt off the ground and putting it back on.

“And just what exactly am I trying to do?” I yell back, my own rage beginning to bubble through.

“Don’t act innocent with me, Valentina! I know you through and through. I know exactly what all this is and where it’s supposed to lead. Don’t you deny it!”

“What’s going on? What is Carter on about?” Logan questions me suspiciously.

I open my mouth to defend myself, but then shut it, unable to find the right words to salvage this night.

“Carter is just being a douche. That’s what’s going on,” Quaid retorts as he hands me my red dress to cover myself.

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