Home > Reign(11)

Author: Siobhan Davis

Acid crawls up my throat. “He hurt you again.” I glare at Saint. So much for his spy. This is what I was afraid of.

Her cheeks flush red, and she waves her hands about. “It’s nothing, Lo.”

“Just more rough sex, huh?” I bite out, because I’m getting sick of her dismissing his treatment of her. Fuck. I can’t deal with this today. My emotions are veering all over the place, and I can’t handle it.

“Harlow.” Her tone brooks no argument.

“Say what you came to say, Mother,” I snap. “You’re pissing me off now.”

“I’d like you to get out of town for a while. Just until he calms down and I can find a way to keep him away from you.”

Saint and Galen lock eyes, and my curious gaze bounces between them.

“You don’t need to worry about that,” Galen says. “We have a way to ensure that doesn’t happen.”

“You do?” I blurt, because this is news to me. From the expression on Caz’s and Theo’s faces, it’s the first they’re hearing of this too.

“We’ll discuss it later,” Saint says in that commanding tone he likes to use.

Mom’s shoulders visibly relax. “I knew I could trust you boys to take care of my daughter.”

“Lo doesn’t need us to take care of her,” Theo says. “She’s very capable without our interference.”

“That I know as well.” Mom’s smile is tinged with sadness. “Lo’s had to grow up way too fast.”

“Why are you with him, Mom? Please tell me.” I’ve asked her before, and she usually deflects.

She tilts her chin up, and all hint of sadness disappears, replaced with a steadfast confidence Mom used to always convey. “Don’t go there again, Harlow. As much as I want to give you answers, I can’t. Just trust that I know what I’m doing, and don’t worry about me. Focus on looking after yourself.”

That is the closest she has come to telling me she’s working some angle. The conversation I had with Saint and Theo in my closet returns to the forefront of my mind, and I drop the subject even though I’m tempted to push her buttons to try to get her to open up. The guys are right. If Mom has an agenda, she’s keeping me out of it for a reason. I’ve got to let it go and concentrate on dealing with my own shit.

“Okay, Mom. I won’t ask you again.” My tone is devoid of emotion because I’m so done with this.

Her shoulders relax again. “I’d still like you to get out of town. Neo is unpredictable right now, and I want you out of his crosshairs. He’s furious someone tried to take you all out, and he’s seething that The Arrows ambushed his delivery. Who knows what he’ll do when he’s like this. I’ve never seen him so angry. It would give me peace of mind to know he can’t vent that anger in your direction. Staying here is too risky, but he doesn’t know about your father’s cabin. Go there for a few days.”

My mouth hangs open, and I stare at my mom in complete shock. “You know about it?”

“There’s a lot I knew that your father wasn’t aware of,” she cryptically replies, standing. “And don’t ask, Harlow. You agreed.”

I absently nod, thrown for a loop. I want to ask her if she knows it was Sinner who kidnapped and tortured me, but I’m also afraid to ask, because if she confirms it, I have no idea how I’ll stop myself from murdering her with my bare hands.

“Have you contacted the school?” Saint asks. “Or do you need us to cover it?”

“I’ve spoken with Vice Principal Pierson. It’s handled.” She stands in front of me. “Walk me out, darling?”

Caz helps me to stand, and I follow Mom outside.

“I’m so sorry about Sariah, Harlow.” She holds my face in her palms. “I know how close you two were.”

I gulp over the fresh lump in my throat, beseeching Mom to drop it.

She nods briefly before clearing her throat. She releases my face, clasping my hands in hers. “I know I’m asking a lot, but I need you to trust me and believe me when I say you are the most important thing in my life. Everything I have done is to protect you. I almost lost you too.” Tears well in her eyes. “I nearly died when Saint called me.” Tears stream down her face. “This is not the life I wanted for you, and I can’t stand by while others try to harm you.”

“It’s okay, Mom. We know who’s responsible, and we’re dealing with it.” Although, I’m far from safe, but articulating that point won’t help either of us.

“I’m so proud of you, Harlow.” Her eyes shine with the truth of her words. “You never stop fighting, no matter how many times life tries to drag you down. I always thought you were more like your father, but I think there’s more of me in you than I realized, but you’re stronger than we were at your age.”

“Was it real, Mom? Did you really love Dad?”

“Oh, honey.” More tears pool in her eyes. “Trey Westbrook was the love of my life, and I loved him with my whole heart and soul. I miss him so much.”

Tears gather in my eyes. “Me too. He was the best dad.”

“He was, darling, and he loved you so much. He was incredibly proud of you.” She kisses the top of my head, and we stand there, without speaking, both lost in our heads, but it’s not awkward, and the burst of angry frustration I was feeling inside dies out. I didn’t realize how badly I needed to feel Mom’s love or how deeply it cut me believing she didn’t care enough. I don’t understand why she’s doing what’s she’s doing, and I hate she is concealing so much, but I believe her now, and I hope we can find a way to permanently repair our relationship once that bastard is out of the picture.

“Take those boys and get away from this mess for a few days,” she says, breaking the silence. “When you return, we’ll talk properly.” She kisses my brow. “I love you so much, honey. Never doubt that.”

“What about you, Mom? Who’s going to protect you?”

She tucks my hair behind my ears. “I’m a big girl, Harlow. I know how to take care of myself, and I know the inner workings of Neo’s mind. I know how to play him, so don’t waste a second worrying about me.” She kisses my brow again. “Go. Rest. Eat. Heal. We’ll talk when you are back. I promise.”

I wait until she has driven out of sight before heading back inside, trying to figure out what the heck just happened.

“She gone?” Saint asks, and I nod.

“I think she’s on our side.” I lower myself on to the couch beside Galen.

“She’s definitely working an angle,” Saint agrees.

“And she’s doing it for you,” Theo adds. “That was crystal clear today.”

“What’s this cabin she mentioned?” Caz asks.

I wet my lips, preparing to eat humble pie. “I was going to tell you about it. It’s a cabin that’s been in my dad’s family for generations. It’s where we went once a month to train.”

“Wait! Granddad knows about it?” Saint looks seriously unhappy.

I walk over to him, climbing into his lap, ignoring the stab of pain that shoots through my ribs. “Don’t do that. Diesel knew about it because it’s where we trained. Period.”

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