Home > Reign(53)

Author: Siobhan Davis

I lower my gun when I have all the phones in my possession. “You didn’t see anything tonight.” I drill them with a look. “We have your cells which means we know everything about you. You breathe one word about what you witnessed tonight, and we will come for you and your family.” A woman sobs, clinging to her husband, but I’ve no time to feel remorse. “Do you fucking understand?” I roar as Galen shouts at me in the distance.

They nod vigorously. “Then what the fuck are you still doing here?” I yell. “Go. Now!”

I sprint away as the sirens blare loudly, confirming the police are almost here. I race toward the curb where Bry has the car idling, sliding into the back seat. Bry floors it out of here, taking a left up a side street, just as police enter the square from the opposite direction.

No one speaks as Bry maneuvers his way out of Lowell using alleyways and back roads. Mom has her head pressed against the window, and her eyes are closed. She’s clutching her purse to her stomach, and her limbs are stiff, betraying her emotions.

I have so much I want to say, yet I don’t even know where to start. And having this conversation in a car, when we’re fleeing to safety isn’t wise, so I keep my lips closed, waiting until we reach the cabin to interrogate her.

I hate that we’re placing our safe haven at risk by going there, but there isn’t any other option. Saint knows that, and it’s why he suggested it. I tap out a message to Diesel, letting him know what’s happened and asking him to meet us there. We need to get Mom out of the country tonight, because Sinner will want her dead for this.

I only start relaxing when we move onto the highway and Bry steps on it, putting as much distance between us and the carnage we left behind. I punch coordinates into the GPS app on my cell and pass it to Bry, poking my head through the gap in the front seats. “This is where we’re headed.” He drops my cell into his cup holder, nodding.

“You took care of shit in the restaurant?” I ask Galen.

He turns to face me. “It’s handled. Theo wiped the camera feed inside, and I’ve no doubt he’s wiping the cameras in the square as we speak. Caz retrieved the bullet from the bar, and Saint will dispose of the gun, as well as ensure the manager doesn’t speak to the cops.”

“I got the cells from the idiots outside, but there were a ton of witnesses. Someone is bound to have recognized Sinner.”

“Sinner will deal with that,” Galen says. “He has a bunch of cops on payroll. He’ll make it go away because he looks weak if word gets out.”

Mom nods off at some point on the journey, and I take the opportunity to grab a little shut-eye myself.

“Lo.” Someone shakes my shoulders. “We’re here.” I blink my eyes open, stifling a yawn as I stare into Galen’s piercing green eyes. He presses his lips to mine briefly. “You hanging in there?”

I nod, looking around me. The truck is parked at the front door to the cabin, and it’s open. “Where are Mom and Bry?”

“They’re inside. Theo sent me the codes because I didn’t want to wake you until I had to.”

“And the others?”

“They’re en route. About an hour behind us. They dumped Sinner at his place first.”

“Is Diesel here yet?”

Galen shakes his head, holding my waist and helping me down from the truck. He slams the door shut, and I slide my arms around his neck. “Did tonight really happen, or did I dream Mom pulled a gun on Sinner in a crowded restaurant?”

“I wish it was a figment of our imagination too.” He winds his hands into my hair. “Sinner will go nuts, Lo. Your mom needs to get overseas ASAP.”

“I know. Why do you think I called Diesel? He’s the only one who can make her disappear fast.”

“Sinner won’t be happy with us either,” Galen adds.

“He can eat shit,” I snap. “He’s the reason for this, and I know he’s a psycho, but even he’s got to accept we would not let him harm my mother. We’ll just have to make sure he’s distracted taking down The Arrows and the commissioner. Hopefully, he’ll have cooled off a bit by then.”

Galen doesn’t look convinced, and neither am I. But we will worry about that another day.

“Come on.” I let my arms drop to my sides, linking his hand in mine. “Let’s get inside.”

Mom is asleep on the couch, draped in a blanket. Bry is in the kitchen, making coffee. “Nice place,” he says, looking over his shoulder as we enter the space.

“This cabin has been in my dad’s family for generations. The men used it for hunting weekends, and the past few years, I came here every month with my dad to meet my trainer.” I figure there’s not much point concealing the truth from him now.

“No one knows about this place,” Galen adds, coming up behind me. “We expect you to keep its whereabouts to yourself.”

“I won’t tell anyone,” Bry promises, handing me a mug of steaming hot coffee. He eyeballs Galen as he passes him a coffee. “You have my word.”

Galen nods. “Good.”

We sit at the table in silence, drinking coffee while waiting for the others to arrive.

Diesel shows up next with his brother Lincoln in tow. “Hey.” Diesel gives me a quick hug at the door.

“Thanks for coming so fast.”

“We’re worried about Giana,” Lincoln says, squeezing my hand as he goes past me.

“He’s pissed,” Diesel says, lowering his voice. “And he feels responsible, because he let her get away.”

“I didn’t pick my stubborn streak off the ground,” I admit. “She wanted to do this, and there’s nothing he could’ve done to stop it.”

“Thank fuck, you did.” Diesel closes the door and we walk inside.

“It was a team effort.”

“I’m aware. I’ve been speaking with Theo. You guys did good.” As we enter the kitchen, he squeezes my shoulders before coming to a dead stop. “Who the fuck are you?” His sharp tone is directed at Bry.

“This is Bryant Eccleston. He’s a friend and fellow initiate.” I drag Diesel over to the table. “Bry, this is my trainer and good friend, Diesel.”

Bry jerks his head in greeting, and the two men eye one another. Over Diesel’s shoulder, I spot Lincoln kneeling in front of Mom, checking her over for injuries. She’s still asleep, but she won’t be for much longer, because as soon as the guys get here, I’m waking her up and demanding answers.





GALEN AND I stand in front of the house as Saint’s Land Rover comes toward us. “I hope we haven’t made a mistake trusting Bryant,” Galen says.

“It’s not like we had much choice,” I admit, folding my arms around myself to ward off the strong minty breeze blowing from the surrounding forest.

Saint pulls the car in behind Diesel’s Land Rover, killing the engine. “I’m changing my car,” Saint growls as he climbs out. He eyes Diesel’s almost identical Land Rover with an evil lens, as if he’d like to set fire to it.

“Same taste in wheels. Same taste in women,” Caz says, grinning as he shuts the car door. “I think you and Granddad were separated at birth.” He slaps Saint on the back, chuckling.

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