Home > Reign(54)

Author: Siobhan Davis

“Fuck off,” Saint snaps. “Unless you’d like to wear your insides on the outside.” He flashes him a manic grin.

“The truth hurts, bruh. You two have more in common, and you know it.” Caz grins right back, stopping to kiss my hair before he wanders into the house.

“Did anyone follow you?” Galen asks, earning a scathing look from Saint.

“Do we look like fucking amateurs to you?” His nostrils flare. “Of course, no one followed us! Sinner was still out for the count when we tossed his psychotic ass on his bed.”

“He’ll be thirsty for our blood tomorrow though,” Theo says, pressing a feather-soft kiss on my cheek before he walks inside.

Saint’s hands ball up at his side, and from his rigid stance, bad mood, and the rage that vibrates from his every cell, I can tell he is pissed as fuck. “He can fucking try. I’ll—”

I crush my lips to his, pushing my tongue inside his mouth, sucking some of the aggression from his psyche as we devour one another. He grabs my ass, pulling me in flush to his body, as our lips assault one another in a melting pot of need and anger. When we pull back, both panting, Galen is nowhere in sight. I trace my hands up Saint’s impressive chest, over his shoulders, linking them behind his neck. “Better, babe?”

“I want to fuck you so bad right now,” he admits, squeezing my ass cheeks. He grazes his nose along the column of my neck. “That would make me better.”

“I’ll let you angry fuck me later,” I promise, closing my eyes momentarily, enjoying the feel of his hands on me.

He bands his arms around me, cradling me protectively to his chest. “Just when I think we’re getting a handle on things, your mom has to go and fuck everything up.”

I exhale heavily. “Yep. Giana has royally screwed us, but it was almost worth it to see Sinner shitting his pants.”

Saint’s chest rumbles with silent laughter. “That was an Oscar-worthy moment for sure.” He nips at my ear, before letting me go. “Let’s get some answers.” He threads his fingers through mine, leading me into the house.

Mom is sitting up on the couch, and everyone has moved into the living room. “It’s peppermint,” Theo says, handing Mom a mug. “It’s the only tea I could find.” Steam billows from the top of her mug, and she buries her nose in the scented clouds.

“Thank you, Theo.”

Galen thrusts a beer in my hand. “Figured you might need this.” He distributes beer while Bry sets a tray with the coffee pot, some cups, and cookies down on the coffee table. Everyone helps themselves to either beer or coffee and Mom sips her tea while we get settled.

Saint pulls me down on his lap in the chair.

“You need to give me some answers,” I say, staring at Mom. She cradles the mug in her hands, sitting back in the couch as she nods. “What do you know, and how long have you known?” I ask.

She clears her throat and wets her lips. “I know Trey tried to keep me protected, but I grew up in this world. He always seemed to forget that.” Her eyes well with tears. “I loved your father so very much, Harlow. Out of everything these past few months, that has hurt the most. To pretend like I’m not still devastated over his loss. To act like every single touch from Sinner didn’t feel like a betrayal. To have you think I could ever replace the love of my life so easily.”

“Why did you do it, Mom? What were you hoping to achieve?” I sit upright on Saint’s lap, and every muscle in my body is wound as tight as a ball of yarn. Saint runs his hand up and down my spine in a soothing gesture, but nothing can erase the tension winding inside every part of me.

“I wanted to keep you safe, and I wanted to avenge Trey’s murder. I wanted that bastard to pay.” A muscle clenches in her jaw, and she visibly trembles.

“How the fuck was welcoming that man into our home keeping me safe?” Disbelief meanders through my tone.

“Because keeping your enemies close is always a smart strategy. One that bastard taught me. And I knew he would come for me, so I decided to preempt it, because I wanted to be the one in control.” Mom puts her cup down, patting the space beside her. “Please come sit with me.”

Reluctantly, I slide off Saint’s lap. Theo gets up from the couch, making room for Galen to slide across, leaving a space empty beside Mom. I sit down, and Theo settles on the floor, between my knees, with his back against the couch. Galen laces his fingers in mine as my other hand rests on Theo’s shoulder, my fingers toying with his hair.

“Honey.” Mom peers deep into my eyes. “There is one thing I didn’t know before I put my plan into place, and it’s important you understand this, because I would never have let Sinner into our home if I’d known he was the one behind your kidnapping.” Her eyes blaze with unrestrained fury. “I’ve always believed David Jennings was behind that because The Sainthood didn’t hurt children. Not as long as I’d been a part of that world. Jennings made no secret of his desire to take my business right out from under my nose, and he was a dirty player. We were engaged in an all-out war, and I was sickened when you were taken. I instantly knew he was involved, and when the police found evidence confirming it, I didn’t doubt it.”

Jennings was a competitor and business rival of Mom’s, so I understand why she’d believe the story The Sainthood concocted to hide behind. Truth is, that man is innocent, and he’s still rotting behind bars. His family were forced to flee town, and the judge ruled he had to issue a substantial compensation, so he lost everything. That’s something that needs to be put right, but it’ll have to wait, because dealing with Sinner is our main priority.

She pauses to draw a breath. “I’m so mad at your father for concealing that truth from me. I’d known for some time that Sinner was blackmailing Trey into helping them avoid jail for their crimes. I knew he was holding me over him, but I had no idea it was as bad as it was. I got an inkling there was more to it when I found out Sinner had forced Trey into an affair with Alisha, but still, your father downplayed it. I knew then Sinner was holding more over his head, and I pleaded with Trey to tell me, but he made me promise to drop it. He told me it was the best way of keeping you safe, and I believed him.” She lowers her eyes to her lap, and you could hear a pin drop in the room.

Everyone is quiet, listening attentively, waiting for her to admit it all.

“How did you discover the truth?” I ask.

She lifts her chin. “Sinner told me a few weeks ago. That bastard took great delight in telling me how he was the one to mark your skin and how he imagined it was me the entire time.” Her voice cracks. “I’m so sorry, honey. I swear I didn’t know. He told me he’d do worse to you now unless I did whatever he wanted. It was then I knew how badly I’d fucked up. How I’d put you in even more danger, but I couldn’t see any way out.” She breaks down as sobs rip from her chest. Theo grasps my hand, rubbing soothing circles on my skin as I stare off into space.

“He’s been playing us against one another,” I calmly admit. “Threatening to hurt you if I didn’t cooperate and vice versa.”

“Why didn’t you tell Lo?” Saint asks. “If we’d known what you were planning, we could’ve been working together instead of giving that asshole further ammunition to hurt you both.”

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