Home > COWBOY (Unfit Hero #5)(63)

COWBOY (Unfit Hero #5)(63)
Author: Hayley Faiman

Something isn’t right.

There aren’t any paranoid old men that would allow him to film porn on their property or hold someone hostage in Gallup. I only know of a few off-grid places that even have true bunkers, like the one I’m in.

I’m never going to be found, not unless there’s some kind of miracle. Wishing that I didn’t have to eat whatever the fuck Sebastian brought, I open the bag of fast food. There’s a burger and fries, nothing else.

I wonder offhandedly if it’s poisoned or drugged, but figure it doesn’t matter. I need sustenance to survive, drugged or otherwise.

Taking the burger out, I tear off a big bite with my teeth, letting my head fall back with a thud as I chew. I allow my mind to drift to Stephanie, something that I haven’t really allowed much in the hours I’ve been held here.

I don’t want to think about the what-ifs with her right now, it is too fucking depressing and I need to control my emotions and conserve my strength. I finish eating everything, though my stomach still growls when I’m finished.

The small ass burger and smaller fry was just enough to piss me off. Sucking down the Dr. Pepper, I close my eyes and let out a growl when I realize that my body is starting to become really fucking heavy.

“Shit,” I hiss.

I try to lift my arms, but I can’t. The door opens and my head lolls to the side as I watch Sebastian and his man walk through, along with a couple other men.


It’s not a feeling that I’ve experienced in my adult life. And yet, here I am, again. Except, I’m not unconscious like I was when Sebastian took me from my ranch. I’m fully awake and completely fucking incapacitated.

The two strangers walk past Sebastian and the guard, both of them stand side-by-side in front of me, sizing me up like I would cattle for purchase. That’s what I am to them, too—a side of beef.

I have never felt dirtier in all of my life. This doesn’t feel real, none of it does. It feels as though I’m floating around the room, watching everything unfold. I’m so confused and weak right now. All I can do is watch and wait for what is about to happen.

“He is just as you said. He’ll film beautifully,” one of the men states to the other.

“Can we really film him like this, though?” the other man asks.

Sebastian laughs, it’s sardonic and I decide as soon as I’m able, locked in this room or not, I’m decking the fucker. I don’t care what his little guard does to me as retribution. I’m taking this prick down.

“I have X and Viagra for that. He’ll perform his duties, happily, eagerly.” He laughs.

“Everyone is good with all of this? Your friends are good with this?” the first stranger asks Sebastian.

I have no clue who the friends he’s talking about are, but I can guess he is speaking about the Russians.

I highly fucking doubt they know anything about this.

Or maybe they do?

I mean, I don’t know. I don’t know anything and the emotions bubble inside of me. Trying with everything I have, I swallow them down, but they’re still there, just below the surface, trying to break free.

Without another word, the men turn to leave me. “The film crew will be in here in an hour, you have a bed?”

Sebastian chuckles. “I have a bed and saddle along with a saddle stand. I think this is going to be pure gold,” he purrs.

“Your finder’s fee is going to be hefty for this one. We couldn’t have found a better guy to play the part in LA. This is going to be great and we have several actors here ready, so we can film enough scenes for probably three movies just today.”

“Just trying to get my debts paid off as quickly as possible, since this was a way to do that, I wanted to get you the best I could find.”

The strangers chuckle. “Oh, he looks like he’s going to be the perfect stud for us.”

They leave, finally, and my stomach clenches, but I can’t throw up. My entire body is immobile. The idea of not only doing porn but being drugged with what I assume he meant ecstasy and Viagra, it makes me sick.

I’ve never done anything more than smoked a couple joints in high school, ever. I’m not that guy, never experimented like that. I was too busy working on the ranch, dating Stephanie and playing football to even have time to get into that kind of trouble.

My entire body starts to tremble uncontrollably as overwhelming sadness takes over me completely.





Minutes tick by. Rylan glances down at his phone every couple of seconds. The Russian beefcake guards that were left behind are outside and no matter how many times I ask them if I can get them something to eat or drink, they politely decline, every time.

I need something to do. I’m antsy, I’m nervous, and guilt is consuming me, wholly.

“Everything is going to be okay,” Exeter explains.

“How?” I demand. “He could be hurt.”

“And if he is, he will heal. I’ll help him in any way that I can and if I’m unable to, we’ll take him to a doctor who can.”

Nodding, I pinch my eyes closed, then open them again. “I’m just really scared. Where could he be and why haven’t we heard anything?”

Exeter shakes her head, sliding her arm around my shoulders before she tugs me against her side. Her embrace is nice, but it’s not Ford’s and honestly, that is the only person I want touching me right now, or ever again.

Walking away from her, I make my way over to the back patio glass doors. I’m not going outside, I’m not stupid enough to think that I’m completely safe right now. If Sebastian can get to Ford, then I have no doubt he can and will get to me next.

“You know, he’s going to be fine,” Rylan murmurs from next to me.

I look over to him, but he’s not looking at me at all, he’s looking out at Louis’ backyard too. Pressing my lips together, I shift my gaze to the yard again.

“I hope so,” I whisper.

“Don’t gotta hope, Stevie. He’s going to be okay.”

“I hate that nickname,” I snap harsher than I intend.

Rylan chuckles but doesn’t say anything else immediately. He inhales a deep breath, then lets it out on a long sigh.

“I know you probably do, but it’s how I remember you. Sexy little Stevie LaRue. Ford’s girl. Now you’re his girl again and it just fits.”

“Ford’s girl,” I whisper. “It doesn’t feel like it did back then though. Just so you know.”

“Yeah?” he asks.

I hum, tipping my head to the side and resting it on his shoulder. “It’s better. I was stupid to leave and now…”

“You appreciate everything you have.”

“Yeah, how’d you know?”

He chuckles. “Babe, being locked up for five years, you realize what’s important in life.”

“What’s that?”

He slides his arm around my shoulders and lets out a sigh. “Your people. Whoever they are. They’re not always your family, but sometimes they are. What they really are, are the ones who make you happy, who make you want to live, who always leave you with a smile on your fucking face.”

“Ford is all of that. So are all of you,” I whisper.

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