Home > Coming Home(37)

Coming Home(37)
Author: Lauren Lee

I stared at the blank screen for several minutes until I finally typed a message.

Hey you!

My pulse quickened as my stomach somersaulted over and over. I felt queasy as I studied the screen, waiting for him to reply. If he even replied.

The courage I felt earlier and the desire to not drink suddenly melted away. I needed one, and I needed it now. The old adage was true: waiting is the hardest part. I'd done similar things as an officer, but when you had a personal connection to the outcome, the stakes were raised tenfold.

I glanced at the time. Each second that passed without a reply, my pessimistic side screamed louder inside my head. I was foolish to think I could trick Callie's murderer to fall into my trap. Surely, if he hadn't been caught by now, he wasn’t sloppy, and he wasn’t careless.

Just as I rested my head on the pillow, desperation coming to the surface in the form of tears, a distinct ding echoed within my room. I reached for the phone with lightning speed. The home screen read "1 New Message.”

I opened the text, my heart threatening to explode inside my chest.


While I didn't expect the person to come right out and admit they killed Callie, the one-word response puzzled me. Now what would I say? I needed to trade my mind for the one of a killer's, or at the very least, the mind of a man who cheats on his wife and promises himself to younger women.

Not sure if you remember me. We met at Hens' Den a while ago. You gave me your number haha

If the man dated Callie, then it wasn't much of a leap to assume he'd been to the strip club too. My forehead glistened with sweat while my foot bounced against the top of my comforter. Anxiety filled me to my very core. I knew if it ever came to it, none of this would be admissible in court. Especially not Callie's phone, but that was just fine. It was only a vehicle for me to extract more proof. Plus, the cops wouldn't find much on the burner, anyway. The phone was my lure, and I intended to reel in a killer.

Yeah, I remember you cutie xoxo

Bile rose in my throat. Did men actually talk like this to other women? I strained to recall when Zac and I first dated. He never spoke like that. Sure, there was some flirting but never anything cheesy and cringeworthy.

I want to meet up like we talked about handsome xxx

Shivers sped down my spine. In all honesty, I wanted nothing to do with a cheating murderer, but in order to catch him, I had to put myself and my safety on the line. I wouldn't be able to call for backup or cling to my weapon for security. It was just me.

Coffee? Tomorrow?

I wrinkled my nose. Coffee, really? I was hoping to go somewhere more discreet. That way, I could scout out the situation, conduct reconnaissance, prepare. In the broad daylight, though? In public?

No drinks? :(

I cracked my knuckles and bit my lip.

Coffee first. Play second <3

Damn, this guy was a creep. His poor wife. Did she know her husband was such a sleazebag? Did she know he was a murderer? While I wasn't totally sure this man killed Callie, it wasn't far off to believe so. It was always the husband, or in this case, the secret boyfriend. And it was the only lead I had. I needed to see it through to the bitter end.

When? Where?

He replied quickly.

Tomorrow at 10 @ the Aroma Cafe

Aroma was located in downtown Keygate, right next to the local theater. I knew it well because I’d gone there in the summertime for free ice cream samples. It was a tiny place, no way to hide in a corner booth and scope out the scene. But at the risk of spooking him, I had to agree.

See you tomorrow! Xoxo






Ominous clouds loomed overhead, and rain threatened to appear any moment. Main Street appeared desolate and deserted, which wasn't surprising at this time of day and during an impending storm, no less. This could either work in my favor or against me. It might limit the number of people inside Aroma for me to make a positive ID of the murderer, or it could spook him enough to avoid coming to meet me. Either way, I hoped to at least catch a glimpse of him. Anything I could get would only help me.

I parked on the same block as the cafe. On the opposite side stood the Keygate Library, a few newer boutiques, and a fitness center. I approached Aroma and passed the theater on its left. The elaborate marquee boasted about a showing of Peter Pan coming the following weekend. On the other side of Aroma was a veterinary clinic that'd been there since I was a young girl.

My heart leaped out of my chest as I placed my hand on the door of Aroma. I pulled it open and was greeted with the scent of freshly baked bread, espresso and chocolate. While the cafe received a major facelift since I last visited, it still held the same hometown feel as before. Local artwork graced the walls, while the sparkling black and white tiles created a wonderful contrast. My eyes darted to and from each and every patron inside. There was an older couple seated near the counter, a woman reading a book by herself at a corner table, and a few teenage girls huddled at another table whispering over chocolate milkshakes.

I glanced at my watch to see I was still ten minutes early. I approached the counter and studied the chalkboard menu with handwritten items displayed in cursive. While I'd never ordered coffee here as a girl, I knew what I wanted right away. An older gentleman with a black apron strode toward the counter with a smile on his face.

"How can I help ya, miss?”

"May I please have a large white chocolate latte with an extra shot of espresso?”

The man eyed me up and down politely. "That's quite an order!”

He didn't see my hands shaking. I needed some kind of stimulant in my body, not to mention a distraction from what I was about to do and who I was about to meet. "Sure is," I replied with a grin to match his own.

"Coming right up," he said.

I left enough cash on the counter to tip the man as well before I seated myself at a table where I could easily see the front door and all those who passed the cafe. My burner phone was on vibrate in my pocket. However, I made sure to leave Callie's at home in my handy secret hiding spot underneath the floorboards. I couldn't chance it falling into the wrong hands or my mom or dad finding it and misplacing it by accident.

The older gentleman brought me my drink with a danish on a small china plate. "Here you go, miss. Enjoy!”

"Thank you very much!”

My stomach growled at the sight of the danish. Carefully, I raised it to my lips and took a small bite. The buttery flakes from the pastry fell into my lap while the rest of it melted in my mouth. I moaned quietly in pure bliss. I'd have to bring my mom and Jack here for breakfast again soon.

I sipped my flavorful drink, wishing it were spiked with some Baileys or vodka. However, despite the body chills, I could feel myself not needing the alcohol as much, even though I still wanted it. I pulled the burner phone halfway out of my pocket and glanced at the home screen, but there were no new messages.

I took several deep and even breaths. I even closed my eyes and counted to ten. Getting the man inside the cafe was only half the battle and the easy part, at that. If he came, I'd need to trick him into thinking we'd met before. I would try and get as much information as possible on him. I would have to dig deep and expose him for the murdering coward that he was. This was assuming he would show up at all, and that he was, in fact, Callie's killer.

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