Home > Peripheral(29)

Author: Leslie Fear

The sound of a muffled ding brings me out of my thoughts, followed by a second and a third. Glancing over to the bar, I see my purse, its insides lighting up from the bright screen of my phone. I pull away and Ascot murmurs something under his breath as I reach inside.

Adam: Where the hell are you?

Adam: U can’t just leave whenever you want.

Adam: Come back now or lose your job!

“I’m assuming that’s your boss?” Ascot says and I look up, closing my eyes with a nod.

“You don’t have to go back there, you know,” he comes closer.

“I don’t want to, trust me,” I say, searching inside for my keys.

“Would you like me to go with you? Maybe help explain what happened?”

“You’d do that?”

He looks at me, slightly surprised. “What are you talking about, of course I would,” he runs a hand through his hair. “It’s been a tough morning. For all of us.”

“I’m not gonna lie, the thought of you being there sounds a lot better than me facing him alone.”

He cocks his head. “Hold up,” his brows push together. “Facing him alone? What are you not telling me?”

I shrug, not wanting any more drama. “I told you he could be a jerk. He threatens to fire me all the time.”

“No, no,” Ascot shakes his head. “I’m not talking about your job, Elise. Is Adam doing something else? Something that would give you a reason not to want to be alone with him?” he asks, nostrils beginning to flair.

I look away, embarrassed.

“That slimy piece of shit,” he whispers, taking my hand. “C’mon, let’s go.”

“Wait,” I pull him back. “I-I can handle him, it’s fine.”


“No, seriously, I’ll just go and explain. There’s no need for more drama.”

“Jesus, you don’t even see it, do you?”

“See what?” I ask, confused.

“Adam has you on pins and needles. You’re scared to death.”

“It’s fine, Ascot, I can handle h…”

“He’s violating every workplace law out there.”

“And I’ve told him that,” I cut in. “Even threatened to tell his wife how flirtatious he is and now he’s getting a divorce.”

“Don’t tell me you’re feeling sorry for the asshole.”

“Hell no!” I raise my voice. “It’s just…”

“Just what, Elise?” he takes me by the shoulders, his deep green eyes fixed on mine. “You do realize that you and Adam are practically the office version of Tammy and Kevin, right?”

I blink, staring at him, completely stunned.

Holy shit.

That’s exactly what this is. Adam knows I live paycheck to paycheck. He knows I’m afraid of losing my job, no wonder he never really backs down. Now he wants revenge and will make my life a living hell. He even admitted it to my face.

“Elise?” Ascot says and I blink.

“You’re absolutely right,” I whisper. “Adam’s been up to no good from the moment I started working there, manipulating and intimidating me. So much so, that I started not to care about him firing me and tried to fight back. I even threatened to report him to the insurance board. I was proud of myself for finally standing up to him when he tried to make a move on me. Deep down, I don’t want to lose my job,” I take a breath and swallow, “but if I’m being completely honest, I’m mostly afraid to be alone with him.”

Ascot’s face twists with anger as he breathes in and slowly lets it out. “That son-of-a-bitch,” he bites out, a vein slightly jutting along his neck. “You never have to worry about money again, Elise,” he grabs my hand. “I’m going with you, you’re quitting today,” he growls. “But I can’t guarantee Adam’s face won’t be bloody when I leave.”



Chapter Sixteen



“Well, well, look who decided to fucking show up,” Adam grunts, staring down at his computer screen.

“Hello to you, too,” I say, sneering as Ascot follows in behind me, his jaw tightly clenched.

Adam looks up and swallows hard, immediately getting to his feet. “Oh, uh, g-good afternoon, sir,” he steps toward Ascot, holding out his hand. “What can I help you with today?”

Ascot stands expressionless and icy cold. “I’m with her,” he tilts his head in my direction, ignoring Adam’s reached out hand. “Do you always talk to your employees with that fowl mouth?”

“I-I,” Adam coughs. “No, I mean, never,” his eyes shift to me then back to Ascot, ears suddenly bright red.

“I believe you owe Elise an apology,” Ascot says through a tight-lipped smile.

Adam’s face clears. “Yes, of course,” he blinks, glancing back at me. “I’m sorry, Elise,” he wipes his brow with the palm of his hand.

“Thank you,” I say, pleased he’s being so submissive to Ascot.

Adam gives me a nervous smile and nods.

I turn and move to my desk. “I just came in to grab my things,” I say, picking up a framed photo of my parents, a small ivy plant Tammy gave me a few months ago and my favorite ballpoint pen.

“What are you doing?” Adam moves closer as Ascot shadows him.

I glance up at him, his eyes going wide and I shrug. “I’m quitting.”

“You can’t do this! I said I was sorry!” Adam raises his voice, breathing rapidly.

“Adam,” I look up at him, “you and I both know your plan was to make my life miserable until I quit. Well, you got your wish.”

Adam shakes his head. “I didn’t mean it, I swear. I need you!” he grabs my arm, letting go immediately when Ascot gets between us.

“You haven’t even asked about Tammy,” I cross my arms, glaring at him and he blinks.

“What about her?” his brows push together. “She’s not coming back either?”

“I can’t speak for her, but most certainly not today.”

Adam’s brows shoot up. “Why not?”

I glance over to Ascot, his lips tightly zipped and back to Adam. “For starters, her ex-husband tried to kidnap Camilla at school this morning,” I uncross my arms. “And when Kevin started following Tammy and her daughter as they left the school, Ascot stepped in, and we told her to go to his place instead of home.”

Adam’s eyes dart over to Ascot, working it out in his head. “That’s why you left? Because Tammy had a little disagreement with her husband?”

“Ex,” I quickly correct, becoming more frustrated. “Dear God, Adam, he tried to kidnap her daughter!”

“Why is that your problem?” Adam asks with a sarcastic smirk plastered on his face.

“Are you even hearing what I’m saying?” I bite out, tilting my head. “Kevin is a sick man. He’s been abusing Tammy since the moment they met. There was no way I was going to let her face him without my help.”

“Why didn’t you just call the police?” he asks, lifting his chin proudly.

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