Home > Peripheral(31)

Author: Leslie Fear



Chapter Seventeen



“He won’t stop until he sees you,” Eric says, taking a sip of his morning coffee. “You know how stubborn our father can be.”

Ascot rubs the scruff on his jaw and glances over to me, placing both elbows on the table. “Yeah, unfortunately, I do.”

“Good, because he’s already in town,” Eric admits.

“What?” Ascot straightens up, eyes widening.

“You can’t tell me Cad didn’t clue you in.”

“Yes, Caduceus warned me, but I thought I had more time,” Ascot runs a hand through his black waves. “Dammit.”

“You may as well get it over with.”

“Is he alone?” Ascot whispers, locking eyes with his brother.

Eric’s mouth twists. “I’m not sure.”

I touch Ascot’s shoulder and he turns, glancing back at me. “Who-who would he be with?”

Ascot shakes his head and sighs. “Most likely one of his ladies.”

“Oh, so not Zeus?” I whisper, taking his hand.

“Oh, hell no,” Eric cuts in. “Our father does this every half century or so. He wouldn’t dream of telling his own father Ascot’s location.”

“Well thank God,” I say, tilting my head, glancing back at Ascot. “So, why are you worried?”

He leans back in the chair. “Simple math. The more people who know where I am, the more likely I can be found.”

“Well, there is one more little detail,” Eric admits, leaning back in his chair as I glance over at him. “You’ll have to explain Elise.”

Ascot nods, rubbing his palms together. “A first for everything, I guess.”

“What are you talking about?” I ask, confused.

“Us, the fact that we’re together and…” he pauses, blowing out a breath, “the fact that I made you immortal.”

“That wasn’t your fault, Ascot,” I whisper, taking his hand. “Why is it such a huge deal? You act like this has never happened before.”

“It hasn’t!” he raises his voice, pulling his hand away. “There’s a reason I keep my distance from people, I stay diligent in my work, and I don’t allow anyone to get too close,” his face softens, “not until you.”

“Oh,” I whisper, “I didn’t know, I guess I thought since you’ve been alive for so long it…”

Ascot takes back my hand. “Now do you see?” he cuts in, his tone gentle and quiet. “You’re my first casualty,” his thumb rubs my fingers, eyes gazing into mine, “and hopefully my last.”

“Jesus, you two,” Eric glances back and forth between us, “enough of the mushy shit,” he makes a face, and I smile, his eyes going back to Ascot. “Do you agree to see him?”

“Do I have a choice?” Ascot sighs.

Eric chuckles and shrugs his shoulders. “Yeah, but it better be the right one.”

Ascot looks away, whispering something under his breath and glances back up at his brother. “Go ahead and set it up.”

Eric gets to his feet. “I’ll go to him now,” he smiles. “He’ll be happy to see you again, brother,” he glances over to me. “And he’s gonna love you,” his smile widens.

I tilt my head. “Why does that feel like a warning?”

“Don’t listen to him,” Ascot glares up at his brother. “Now go before I have to kick your ass.”




“I promise he won’t bite you, Elise,” Ascot reaches out. “Here you go, take him,” he says, holding Caduceus steady in his hands, the pure black snake slowly withering through his fingers.

“Do I have to?” I ask, crinkling my nose.

Ascot chuckles. “It’s okay, boy, she didn’t mean anything by it,” he whispers, his expression suddenly serious. “You two need to get to know one another,” his brows rise slightly. “You’re going to be here a long time, my love,” he glances down at his snake. “Cad can help you in more ways than you know, and the best way for that to happen is for you to hold him.”

I swallow. “Okay,” I reach out both hands. “Like this?”

Ascot gently places Caduceus in my palms, all three foot or so of his cool, heavy length wrapping around my forearms like a newborn’s hand taking a finger. An odd sensation at first, sending chills down my neck but then I become aware of his wisdom and the peculiar feel of him somehow scanning my mind. It only takes a few seconds, but it’s as though we are now properly acquainted, his black, shiny scales suddenly warm and comforting along my skin. I look up and smile.

“See?” Ascot grins. “It’s kind of amazing, huh?”

I silently nod, completely in awe.

“Keep holding him,” Ascot advises, guiding me to the chair next to the aquarium. “Let your arms rest on your lap, allow Cad to go a little deeper.”

I take a seat and close my eyes, enjoying the tingle of the serpent’s skin as it stretches and tightens against mine. I try to keep my breathing steady and concentrate, opening my mind.

Sudden images of Sylvia, my mother and father flash in my head, fading into the sterile, metal bed at the psychiatric hospital. Books and computer screens, graduation, the day I left my home, Caduceus is getting all of it at warp speed somehow. Liv and Becca are next and I hear myself gasp but the snake keeps going, seemingly unconcerned until he stops and I see Kevin. I can feel Cad’s hesitation or maybe it’s a warning? Without thinking, I ask in my head what it means, and to my amazement, he hears me. I’m slammed with emotions of fury and revenge but they’re not my own. Blackness surrounds me as Kevin’s face rushes towards me and I jerk back, startled and trembling. I turn to run, looking back as he gains on me, somehow catching up, his hand grabbing me by the shirt and I scream.

Without warning, the images vanish and the weight of Caduceus is lifted from my lap. My eyes flash open. Ascot is holding his snake protectively, his eyes equally as wide as mine.

“What the hell happened?” he asks, glaring at me like I did something wrong.

“Nothing!” I get to my feet. “I-I didn’t do anything,” I reach out to him.

Ascot stiffens his hold, quickly stepping away. “Well something happened! I haven’t seen him like this in ages!”

“Like what?” I look down at the snake his scales no longer solid black but tipped a light gray on the edges.

I shake my head, reaching out again but Ascot pulls further away and I look up. “I think he sent me a warning,” I blurt out, frustrated and confused as my eyes begin to well.

“He sure as hell did!” Ascot shouts, walking Caduceus back to the aquarium. He slowly raises his hands, tenderly placing his limp serpent inside under the warm light.

“Are you upset with me?” I blink in disbelief. “You’re the one who wanted me to…”

“I know,” he cuts in and sighs. “I’m—I’m just mad at myself more than anything. It may have been too soon.”

“Will he be okay?” I whisper. “I’m so sorry.”

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