Home > All I Ask of You (The Kalmin Brothers Book 3)(71)

All I Ask of You (The Kalmin Brothers Book 3)(71)
Author: Chelsea Maria

These were kids locked in prison with full grown men who had an unethical code to do whatever since they had nowhere to go and nothing to lose. These kids were hard in the streets, but reality hit once in prison with other niggas who had the same heart but different fetishes. These boys were around the same age as JD and knowing that infuriated me how they were preyed on like that shit was okay and normal.

After dinner each block went their separate ways and I decided to go take a shower before the crowd came in. “I’m going to head to the showers. I’ll be out in a minute.” I spoke to Kyle, one of my corner boys that worked for me before he got picked up on a robbery charge.

I headed to the showers and was so in my head thinking about my family that I didn’t take notice that the halls and stalls were unusually empty. Normally there would be at least four to six men going in and out of the showers around this time.

Once I undressed and got a towel out the fresh laundry hamper, I rounded the corner and stopped in my tracks. Roosevelt’s dudes were standing in the entryway and I walked right past them like they didn’t exist, already knowing that I was about to see some shit that was going to make me puke my damn dinner.

Sure, enough Roosevelt had somebody hemmed up in a corner stall. I went on the other side not wanting no parts of whatever was going on. I wanted to wash my ass and get on out of here.

“Get your faggot ass away from me man.” That voice, it was Warren.

“Roosevelt, you’re one hardheaded motherfucker.” I spoke washing the soap off my face.

Out of my peripheral I watched him stiffen and move away from Warren. Poor kid stood petrified. With a nod of my head I motioned for him to leave.

Trying to act like he wasn’t afraid, he joked. “I knew you had jealousy issues. It’s okay though.” I said nothing as he talked. I approached him with a smile. Listening and watching my back. “I don’t share either, although I did when it came to that nephew of mine. Have I ever told you how…” He lived longer than I intended him to but today, hearing him talk about JD, the shiv I kept handy sliced across his face.

He dropped down to his knees touching where I cut him along his eye and nose. He kept gasping and wheezing like I cut his throat. In between that point to punching him until I heard noises behind, I blacked out. It was Warren staring at me. Glancing down at myself, I was covered in blood. Not mine. All Roosevelt’s. In my head since the day JD told me about this sick fuck I had plans on doing all types of shit to him. Being in prison I was limited to only doing so much but I made do with what I had.

I went back to where I was showering and cleaned myself off. Warren was still there in the doorway of the shower staring at what was left of Roosevelt. After I got dressed and sat on the bench, I asked the kid about his charges.

“What are you in here for?”

“Huh?” He scratched his head like he was trying to wake up.

“Your charges, Warren. How long are you in here for?”

“Um check fraud and money laundering.” Ah, a green-eyed greedy monster.

Hated those types. “Eight years but my lawyer told me three with good behavior.”

“Go back to your cell. Don’t come out.” I ordered. I knew it was only a matter of time before the guards came in.


“Kid, I don’t like repeating myself.” He heard the same footsteps and took off running.

A few minutes later two guards rounded the corner. “Jesus, Kalmin. Did you have to castrate the man and make him eat his own dick.” One of the guards sighed before radioing in the incident.

Knowing how this was about to go, I held out my wrist for them to cuff me.

“What? Not my fault he slipped and fell.” I winked as he escorted me out.

Now that Roosevelt had been taken care of, the only person left was Kyle Braxton. The Prison’s psychiatrist who signed off on Roosevelt and Johnny’s last mental release forms. Deeming them mentally stable to go back into society. The new warden threatened to send me to Braxton for a psych evaluation and spend a few months in solitary confinement if I got into another altercation. Little did he know that’s exactly what I wanted. Last person on my list was Braxton.



Chapter 18




2 ½ Years Later

Ever since Clover came to visit a few weeks ago I’ve been having constant chest pains. These were worse than heartburn. I barely slept through the night and I hadn’t been able to get a hold of Pacino. I knew nothing happened to him. Cassian would’ve said so when I spoke to him early this morning. Still, this nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach and the chest pains, something had happened.

Was Clover dead already?

Did something happen to Krishna?

My goal had never been to stay in here past a year. Killing Roosevelt and Kyle were at the top of my list and I executed those tasks within a year of being here. Turning over all my assets and saying goodbye to my family came from a place of fear.

Prison was a whole different ball game. Here I was cell neighbors with killers more vicious than me. Killers who were the brothers, uncles, fathers, sons, and lovers to people I slaughtered mercilessly. Revenge would make anyone do anything.

“Isn’t that your case that they’re talking about, Boss?” One of the inmates sitting next to me pointed to the TV. We were in the main rec room playing dominoes. Others were on the phone and some just chilling around.

“Turn it up.” I spoke to no one in particular without taking my eyes off my hand.

“I remember this case, Brad. The whole state of Florida was eager to see justice for those victims and were happy to bring peace to the families after the arrest and conviction of Amell Kalmin.” Now that got my attention. Lifting my head, I watched the Channel 7 news crew stand outside of the Broward County Federal Courthouse.

“For those of you just turning in, we come to you with breaking news. Judge Stanley Maylor has officially been disbenched as circuit judge of district one. This comes after evidence has been revealed that, not only has the once honorable Judge been part of a secret group of well-known political parties that apparently have a system that they automatically up the charges of African American men, but they also have officers lie on their arrest reports, plant drugs, as coerce these men into admitting fault for crimes they never committed.

“As we know the Kalmin vs. The State of Florida gained national coverage almost three years. Allegedly Mr. Kalmin confessed to these crimes but it has been said that there is no DNA matching him to any of the murders, and the DNA used in court was planted by the arresting US Marshals. Attorney General Beauregard Humphrey is set to make announcement regarding the cases and whether or not Amell Kalmin’s case will be overturned.”

How was this happening right now?

“Kalmin, let’s go. You got a visitor.” A guard yelled out.

Without hesitation I stood and followed him through several different corridors until we reached the visitation area. If this made the news then I knew Pacino was coming to see me. He and I had to figure out how this was happening before I executed any plans.

“Hello, Amell. Good to see you.” Mahogany stood behind the desk.

I waited until the guard shut the door before, I spoke. “While I’m happy to see that you’re doing well, why are you here?”

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