Home > A Novel Murder(33)

A Novel Murder(33)
Author: K.C. Wells

“Ohh, I am definitely sharing that when they get here. I wouldn’t like to be in your shoes. Ruth looks like she can pack a mean wallop.”

“She does! She used to beat me up when we were children.”

Janet’s lips were twitching as she left the dining room.

Mike gave him a hard stare. “I am storing up every word you say, you know. I want to stay on their good side.” He paused, his cup of coffee in his hand. “I hope they go for this. I’ve thought of little else all week.”

Jonathon thought it adorable how badly Mike wanted to be a father. “We’ll have to wait and see. We can only hope they like the idea as much as we do.”

“What time are they arriving?”

Jonathon consulted his phone. “Ruth’s last text said they’d been on the road for an hour, which means they set off very early.” He laughed as his phone warbled. “Well, that answers your question.”

“What does it say?”

He grinned. “Put the kettle on. We’re gasping.” He sent Ivy a text. “I’ve let Ivy know we’ll need more coffee and two more cups.” He quickly composed another. “And more toast. They’ll be hungry.”

“Aren’t you excited too? You seem so calm.”

Jonathon put down his phone. “I am so excited, I feel like I’m about to explode. But I’m tempering it with practicality.” There was always the chance that this might not come off.

Janet poked her head around the door. “Your visitors have arrived,” she said with a smile.

Jonathon hastily wiped his lips with his napkin and got up from the table. Mike followed him out of the room, through the house, and to the imposing entrance hall. Outside, Ruth was in the process of locking the car, while Clare carried the bags toward the house. She dropped them when she saw him and held her arms wide.

“Hey. It’s so good to see you.”

Jonathon gave her a tight hug, before being seized by Ruth. “I like my ribs the way they are,” he grumbled. “Intact.” He glanced over his shoulder at Mike. See? He mouthed.

Laughing, Ruth released him. “I echo what Clare said. It’s good to see you, even if it does feel like you’re up to something.”

“I never could hide anything from you.” Jonathon took her arm and led her into the hall. Clare and Mike followed, with Mike carrying the bags. “We have fresh coffee and toast waiting for you.”

“Then do we get to hear what this is all about?” Ruth demanded. “Have you finally come up with the plan?”

“A plan,” Mike said with a smile. “But I guarantee it’s like nothing you’ve considered.”

“Now you have intrigued me. But lead me to the coffee.”

“You speak for yourself,” Clare added. “I want toast.”

“The wonderful Ivy does know we’re coming, doesn’t she?” Ruth’s dark eyes sparkled with humor. “Especially after last time.”

Jonathon squeezed her arm. “I really am glad you’re here.” The excitement he’d pushed down hard the last few days refused to stay down a moment longer.

Please let them go for this.



RUTH LET out a low cry. “That’s wonderful news! Congratulations!” She hugged Mike first, then wrapped her arms around Jonathon. “I see you finally found the right moment,” she whispered.

“Not exactly.”

Clare hugged them both. “So when did this happen?”

“Six days ago.” Jonathon stilled. “Was it only six days? It feels like so much has happened since.”

“That wouldn’t be the small matter of the death of a famous author, would it?” Clare sighed. “Tell me you’re not looking into it.”

“We could tell you that,” Mike admitted, “but we’d be lying.”

“You’re not here to talk about the murder,” Jonathon said quickly. When both women gaped at him, he held up his hands. “Yes, it was murder. Now let’s get onto the real reason why we invited you.”

Ruth frowned. “It wasn’t to tell us you’re engaged, then?”

Jonathon shook his head. “We’re thinking about September for the wedding, but there’s something we need to discuss with you before that.”

Mike joined him on the couch, laying his hand on Jonathon’s knee.

Ruth listened intently as Jonathon told them about what had led to his proposing to Mike, including the conversation with his father, before going through their idea, mentioning only the part that Ruth would play, as they’d agreed earlier. At one point she gave Clare a startled glance, and Jonathon’s heartbeat sped up. When he’d finished, Jonathon took a deep breath, anxiously awaiting their reaction.

“I don’t believe this,” Ruth murmured.

“I know. This is incredible,” Clare said from beside her.

Jonathon’s heart sank. “Then you don’t like the idea.”

Mike sagged back against the seat cushions.

Ruth widened her eyes. “Oh God, that’s not what I mean at all.” She gave a chuckle. “It’s just that… we were really happy that you invited us for the weekend, because we were about to invite ourselves to ask if… Mike would consider donating his sperm so that Clare can have a baby.” Her eyes twinkled. “Great minds, eh?”

Mike burst out laughing. “We had the same idea.”

Jonathon couldn’t believe how things were proceeding. This is actually going to work.

“We do have one stipulation, however.” Ruth grinned. “We do not want to be pregnant at the same time.”

Claire laughed. “Two pregnant women in the same house? Hell no.”

“Wait a minute.” Jonathon looked from Clare to Ruth. “The same house? Is there something you want to tell us?”

Ruth held out her hand, and Clare took it. “You’re not the only ones who got fed up. We decided a few months ago to start looking for a house together. Well, we found one. We’re actually not that far from you, which is just as well, given the circumstances. And once everything goes through, I’m going to tell my family about Clare. Then it’s full speed ahead with wedding plans.” She leaned over and kissed Clare’s cheek.

Jonathon couldn’t be happier. “I think that’s wonderful.”

“Can I be practical for a minute?” Mike interjected. “What happens next?”

“Next is working out how to start proceedings for artificial insemination.” Ruth squeezed Clare’s hand. “Then we’ll take it one day at a time.” She gazed at Jonathon. “I’d suggest we get started ASAP, because it might take a while. I’ll talk to my doctor after the weekend and let you know.”

“There is one more thing I’d like to discuss.” Jonathon looked at Ruth. “I’m not planning on having a best man, because I can’t think of anyone I’d want standing with me. I was thinking, however, of having a best woman instead.”

Ruth caught her breath. “Me? Oh, Jonathon.” Her eyes glistened. “I’d be honored.”

Clare handed her a tissue. “Look at you. If you’re all emotional now, what on earth will you be like when you’re pregnant?”

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