Home > A Novel Murder(36)

A Novel Murder(36)
Author: K.C. Wells

There was nothing to do but leave.

As the door closed behind them, Mike sighed. “I hate being right.” They headed for the car.

“Well, you heard him. Do you think he was lying?”

“I think he’s pretty pissed off right now.” Mike’s expression was gloomy. “But you know what? His reaction could be taken one of two ways. He’s either angry that we could think of him like that, or he’s angry to think someone may look into this. Because what came across loud and clear was him not wanting anyone in his fields.”

“I don’t blame him for throwing us out.” Jonathon glanced back to the farmhouse. Paul was at the kitchen window, watching them.

“But you’re not as sure of his innocence as you were, are you?”

Jonathon hated to admit that Mike was right. Paul’s reaction could be anger or guilt. “I don’t want to think of him as a murderer,” he confessed.

“And that’s because he’s a friend.” Mike unlocked the car. “You can’t be objective.” He got behind the wheel.

“And you can?” Jonathon got into the passenger seat.

“Maybe it’s the ex-copper in me. I don’t want to think of him killing Teresa any more than you do, but I’m not about to ignore the possibility.”

As they drove away, Jonathon went over Paul’s remarks in his head. “You know what would change everything? If April turned up.”

“She’s been gone since 2005. Why come back now?”

Jonathon considered the question. “Maybe it would be enough simply to find her. Paul told us he’s never looked for her.”

“So what if we look instead? Is that what you’re suggesting?” Mike chuckled. “I love it when you wear your Mr. Fix-It head.”

“But you will look into it? You’re the one with the connections.” The more Jonathon thought about it, the more he wanted to make it happen.

Besides, to his mind, Meredith seemed the more guilty of the two.



Chapter Eighteen



MIKE PULLED up outside the village post office. “They close at twelve, so I won’t be long. I’ll see if we can trace where that package came from.” Then he stiffened.

Jonathon followed his gaze and groaned inwardly.

DI Gorland was walking toward the car, scowling.

Mike lowered the window. “Good morning, John. Lovely day, isn’t it?”

“It’s DI Gorland to you.” Gorland’s scowl deepened. “How many times do we have to have this conversation? You are no longer a police officer. And that means you don’t interfere with police inquiries.”

Mike stared at him. “And what exactly am I supposed to have done that counts as interference?”

Jonathon was equally confused. All they’d done was spend a lot of time reading Teresa’s books.

“We’ve had a complaint from a Meredith Roberts. Apparently, you’ve been harassing her.”

Jonathon gaped. “She said that? We had coffee with her, that was all.”

Gorland nodded. “And asked a lot of questions about Teresa Malvain. Well, she felt some of your questions were intrusive, and she came to the police station to make an official complaint. I was on my way to the pub to find you, until I saw your car. You’ve saved me the trip. So this is me officially telling you both to stay away from her. Got it?” He sneered. “Because if I find out that you’ve been bothering her again, I’ll arrest the pair of you.” He glanced in the direction of the post office. “And what are you up to here?”

“Posting something?” Mike said with such an innocent expression that it was all Jonathon could do not to burst out laughing.

Gorland narrowed his gaze. “Hmm. Well, just remember I’m watching you. Both of you.” And with that, he strutted toward his car.

Jonathon waited until he was out of earshot. “It seems we really riled Meredith.”

“I’m betting she didn’t like the fact that we knew she lied to us.” Mike watched as Gorland’s car pulled away from the curb. “I’ll be right back.” He got out and closed the door behind him.

Jonathon reached into his jacket pocket for his phone. Now that Ruth and Clare were happy with the plans, he had to let his father know, and that meant inviting him to Merrychurch. Telling him of their impending marriage and their surrogacy plans was not a conversation to be conducted over the phone.

His father answered after three rings. “I assume you’re calling to apologize for the way you ended our last conversation. Both for your tone and that rather cryptic final remark.”

“Actually, I’m calling to extend you an invitation to visit us.” Jonathon kept his tone even. It never ceased to amaze him how his father could irritate him with so few words.

“Us. As in, you and Mike.”

“Yes. We were thinking of next weekend, if that’s okay with you.” Jonathon mentally crossed his fingers. He wanted this over with as soon as possible.

“I see.” There was a pause. “That seems viable. I’ll be there Saturday in time for lunch.”

“Will you be staying the night?”

“That will depend entirely on whatever it is you have to tell me. Because that last phone call left me with the distinct impression that whatever your decision is, I’m not going to like it.”

Jonathon had to admit, his father’s usually sharp instincts were once again spot-on. “I’ll have a room prepared for you, just in case.” He said goodbye and disconnected as Mike got back into the car. “Well? Any luck?”

“Graham has already been to see the post mistress, but she only told him what we already knew, that it was posted in Winchester.”

“If Graham is looking into this, then he might have dusted the book for fingerprints. He already has ours on file.” Jonathon tapped Mike on the knee. “You need to call him.”

Mike chuckled. “Er, you were here a short while ago when the mean-looking DI warned us about sticking our noses into police business?”

Jonathon snorted. “You don’t mean you’re actually going to pay attention to him?”

Mike’s eyes gleamed. “Of course not.” He got out his phone and tapped a few keys before putting it to his ear. “Hey. Is it safe to talk?”

Jonathon couldn’t miss the explosive noise at the other end of the call. He smiled. “I’m guessing that’s a yes.”

Mike listened with an intent expression, nodding now and then. “Okay. Thanks. … Yes, I owe you a pint. I’ll be there tonight if you want to stop by.” He grinned. “Of course we’ll share anything we learn. We said so, didn’t we?” He disconnected the call, then put his phone down in the center console. “The only prints on that book were ours. Plus, he worked out how the sender knew where to mail it. Teresa posted on her Facebook page weeks ago that she’d found this charming old pub to stay in. Even shared the link.” Mike shook his head. “Why do people feel the need to share everything like this?”

Jonathon stared at him. “You’ve just given me an idea.”

“Uh-oh. Should I be worried?”

He whacked Mike on the arm. “I’m being serious. We need to check her Facebook page and other social media accounts. If she used them often, there might be clues we’re missing. Graham’s more on the ball than we are.” Jonathon frowned. “Will her account still be up?”

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