Home > Kraken(6)

Author: Harley Wylde

His arm curled around my waist and his lips pressed to mine. “Everything’s going to be fine, baby girl. Poison will keep you safe. Brick is going with you, and I’m going to hang back a minute. Make sure you get away.”

“What? No! Kraken, if they know you took us, they’ll be furious. You can’t say behind.”

“Phoebe, I’ll be fine. Now get in the truck, baby. Need to get you and Ember somewhere safe.”

I hugged him tight, then followed his orders. Even if it scared the hell out of me, worrying I might be trusting the wrong people, I didn’t like the thought of him remaining behind. After the night we’d shared, I already felt attached to him. More than I should have been.

“Be safe, Kraken. Come home to us,” I said.

He kissed me one last time and shut the door, then patted the hood of the vehicle. Poison put it in reverse and backed out. He headed for the long drive leading to the road. The Sadistic Saints didn’t have a fence or gate around their property. They didn’t need one. Only an idiot would dare try to break into this place, or run from it. Until now, I’d been smart enough to stay put.

I turned in the seat and watched as Kraken got smaller and smaller. Brick zipped past us once he hit the main road and took the lead. I heard the engine rev on both the bike and truck, and soon we were rocketing down the highway. I kept an eye on the side-view mirror, but I didn’t see a motorcycle closing in. I didn’t see one at all.

“He’ll be fine,” Poison said. “Kraken isn’t our Sergeant-at-Arms because he looks pretty. He earned it. No one stands a chance against him. And if those bastards think they’ll keep his woman and kid from him, I have no doubt he’ll kill them all.”

I glanced his way. “You know Ember isn’t really his, right?”

Poison shrugged. “Kraken claimed you, claimed her too. Makes her his daughter. Don’t matter if he helped make her or not.”

If only life were as simple as these guys made it seem. I knew better. And now, knowing my family had most likely benefited from all I’d been through didn’t make me believe in rainbows and happiness. My own parents had essentially sold me. If they didn’t want me, didn’t care what happened to me, why would Kraken and the Hades Abyss? It wasn’t like the guy loved me. We barely knew one another, even if he had given me the best night of my life.

We passed the sign for the town limits, but Poison and Brick didn’t slow down. If anything, the truck seemed to pick up speed. After we drove through a third town and Kraken hadn’t caught up to us, I started to worry even more. What if Deuce hurt him? I didn’t know why the Sadistic Saints wanted me, or why they’d have paid my family so much. I didn’t see Deuce being okay with me walking out on him. He’d made sure I knew I was less than nothing in his eyes. A place to put his dick, his little whore, but if he’d given away a lot of money to keep me, he’d want me to earn it back somehow. It’s just how Deuce worked.

“I need to stop,” I said, my hands clenching in my lap.

“No can do. Kraken would have my ass if I stopped for anything other than an emergency.”

“If I pee on your truck seat, is it considered an emergency? Because I need to go and I don’t see a bathroom in here.”

He cursed and flashed his lights at Brick. At the next off-ramp, they exited the highway and pulled over to a gas station. I glanced at Ember in the backseat, happily cooing to herself. She’d need a bottle soon, and probably could use a fresh diaper. I used the restroom, mixed some formula, and took Ember from the baby seat.

“I need something to lay her on so I can change her,” I said. “I don’t have one of those diaper mats or anything similar.”

Brick cursed under his breath and pushed off from the truck where he’d been lounging. “Wait here. I’ll see if this place has anything you can use.”

He disappeared into the store and I pulled out the package of wipes and a clean diaper from the duffle. I didn’t know how far it was to our destination, but I’d need more diapers before too long. Brick returned with a T-shirt.

“Best I can do. Once we’re closer to home, we can stop for whatever baby shit you might need. Get your girl taken care of so we can hit the road. If the Sadistic Saints send anyone after you, and we’re sitting here with our thumbs up our asses, Kraken will fucking end us.”

I changed Ember and gave her the bottle. She really needed some cereal or baby food, but I wasn’t about to ask for those things right now. This would do for the moment. Once I had her back in her seat, and buckled, Poison and Brick insisted we get back on the road and put more miles between us and the Sadistic Saints.

The fact Kraken never caught up to us worried me. If Poison and Brick were concerned, they hid it well. Despite their words of buying essentials for Ember along the way, we pulled through the gates of what I assumed was their compound and stopped in front of a large building. A man came down the steps, an air of power and authority clinging to him. As he drew closer, I saw his cut. Titan -- President.

“Take them to Kraken’s house,” Titan said. “I’ll meet you there.”

I hesitated only a moment before climbing back into the truck. I didn’t know what I’d expected, but the cute two-story clapboard house wasn’t it. White with black shutters and a red door, it looked like the perfect family home. Completely out of place at a biker compound.

I carried Ember inside and looked around. She squirmed in my arms and I put her on the floor. She took off crawling. The place was rather spotless for a bachelor’s home. I hoped Kraken didn’t plan for it to stay this clean with a baby in the house. Titan stood in the doorway, hands shoved into his pockets.

“Might want to check the fridge and cabinets. Make a grocery list, and one for other items you need. Kraken said you’d need clothes, but I’d rather wait and let him take you shopping when he gets here.”

My heart nearly stopped. “When he gets here? So he’s okay?”

Titan smirked. “Honey, it’s going to take more than some Sadistic Saints to take him down. He’ll be here sooner or later. Until then, I need to make sure you and the baby don’t starve. So whatever you need, write it down.”

I dug through the kitchen drawers and found a pad and pen. I took stock of the kitchen supplies and wrote down anything we might need, including baby food and cereal for Ember, more formula, and diapers. I checked the bathrooms for other stuff, then added those to the list. By the time I’d finished, I had over twenty items and hoped Titan wouldn’t balk. I didn’t know who was paying for it, but I knew it wasn’t me since I didn’t have so much as a penny.

“I’ll have a Prospect outside if you need something. His name is Sean,” Titan said.

“We’ll be fine. I, um, don’t have a phone.”

“Kraken will take care of it. You’re safe here, Phoebe. Just don’t leave the compound. Hell, don’t leave the damn house unless you have someone with you. Got it?”

I nodded. He seemed nicer than Deuce, but if he was the President of the club, the man was a badass in his own right. I only hoped he wasn’t evil like Deuce. I’d feel better once Kraken was with me. He might be a stranger still, but I felt safer with him than these other men.

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