Home > Kraken(8)

Author: Harley Wylde

I followed, stripping off my clothes along the way. I tossed my cut onto the dresser along with my phone and dumped my boots in the closet. My clothes went into the hamper in the bathroom. Phoebe openly stared at me, and I saw her fingers twitch. I reached for her, tugging her closer.

“You can touch me, baby girl. You might be mine now, but I’m also yours.” I took her hand and placed it on my chest. “You understand what I meant when I said I was claiming you?”

“You mentioned old ladies, but the Sadistic Saints only have whores.”

“I’ll have a property cut made for you. You’re not a club whore, Phoebe, and you damn sure never will be. Any man touches you, I’ll fucking kill him.” She tensed but I held onto her. “Not trying to scare you. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe, or this club. You didn’t ask how I knew Deuce wouldn’t come for you.”

“You killed him, didn’t you?” she asked, her voice nearly a whisper.

“Beat the hell out of him first. I’m the Sergeant-at-Arms, baby. My hands are covered in blood. Doesn’t make me like that shithead. I don’t kill innocent people, and I would never hurt a woman. Well, maybe not never. There are some evil bitches out there, and if one of them hurt you or our kids, I’d end her. Someone betrays this club, won’t matter their gender. I’ll handle it.”

She took a breath and seemed to be thinking it over. “You’ve never forced yourself on a woman, have you?”

I smirked at her. “Baby, do I look like I’d need to force anyone? They always fell at my feet.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’m being serious, Kraken.”

“And then there’s that. Around the club, I’m Kraken. In enemy territory, I’m Kraken. Here in our home and it’s just us? Call me Blake. No one’s used that name in a long-ass time, and only you get the privilege of saying it now.”

“Is it just you and me?” she asked. “Or will I have to share you with those other women? Is there even a reason for me to get tested? If you’re just going to bring something home to me…”

I silenced her with a kiss. “Said I’d never do anything to hurt you. I won’t fuck around behind your back. After I’ve showered and gotten some food, I’ll call Bones and ask him to stop by when he’s got a chance.”

“Bones?” she asked.

“Club doctor.” Something occurred to me. If they hadn’t cared about getting Phoebe tested, and Ember had been born at the Sadistic Saints clubhouse…”Has Ember had any shots or anything?”

She shook her head.

“Right. Well, we’ll get her taken care of too. Need to make sure both my girls are safe.” I kissed her again. Tonight, I’d take my time exploring her body. As much as I wanted to strip her bare right this fucking minute, there were other things we needed to handle first. “Get out of here, Phoebe, before I can’t hold back.”

She headed for the door, but stopped, looking at me over her shoulder. “Thank you. For getting me out of there, and for saving my daughter. It’s not her fault. I don’t want her to know, ever. Not about Deuce, or how she was conceived. She’s an innocent little girl.”

“So are you, Phoebe.” I held her gaze. “I said you were mine and so is she. No one will ever tell her different.”

Tears misted her eyes and one rolled down her cheek. “You’ll let her call you Daddy?”

Christ! She was killing me with this shit. I always said what I meant and meant what I said. Playing games wasn’t my style. I knew there was only one way for her to accept this was real. I brushed past her to get my phone. Didn’t matter what time it was. I dialed Wizard and put the call on speaker.

“I hope someone’s dying because I’m balls-deep in --”

“Shut it, asshole. You’re on speaker and Phoebe is right here.”

Wizard cleared his throat. “Right. Sorry, Phoebe. What can I do for you, Kraken?”

“You said there’s no record of Ember. I need a birth certificate, and you need to list me as her father. Understood?”

There was silence for a moment. “Right. Got it. Um… Since you seem to be taking a page from the Dixie Reapers, any other documents I need to create while I’m at it? Like say a marriage certificate?”

I glanced at Phoebe. Her lips parted and her eyes went wide. She’d frozen mid-step at his words. Other than shock, I couldn’t read her expression. Did she want to be married to me? Would it make her feel safer in her position here? I’d already made a commitment to her by claiming her and Ember. In my world, it was more than marriage. Once we claimed a woman, there was no going back. It was ‘til death do us part. Didn’t need a piece of paper to say so, but maybe Phoebe needed it.

“Do it. I’ll hand the phone to her so she can tell you any information you need like birth dates or whatever.”

I handed the phone to Phoebe and she stared at me. “Are you sure? You don’t have to marry me.”

“I’ll give you anything you need, baby girl. If you need us to be married, then Wizard can make it happen. I’m all in.”

I pressed a kiss to her forehead and went back into the bathroom. I took my time in the shower, scrubbing better than usual. Even though I’d cleaned up before hitting the road, I didn’t want to chance even a drop of Deuce’s blood might be on me. I shouldn’t have even touched her when I came in the door.

When I got out and dried off, I wrapped the towel around my waist. A smile curved my lips when I saw she’d laid out some clean clothes for me. With my new daughter in the house, I couldn’t very well walk around naked. Looked like I’d need some sweats or something to wear around here, but if Phoebe thought I was sleeping with clothes on, she’d be in for a surprise.

I followed my nose to the kitchen and leaned against the doorway. Phoebe stood at the stove, stirring something. It had to be the most domestic thing I’d seen in for-fucking-ever. Probably since my mom died. I sat at the table as she plated some food. I hadn’t asked her to wait on me, hadn’t expected it, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like it.

“You eating anything?” I asked.

“I had a bite earlier. I just warmed up the dinner I’d made. Hope it tastes okay.”

I took a bite of the meatloaf and my mouth watered. Holy shit! It seemed my woman could cook! “It’s great, baby girl.”

She worried at her lower lip, her teeth nibbling at it. “About the phone call, with Wizard… He assured me you meant what you said. He’s working on the papers for Ember and our marriage certificate. I don’t understand how it all works, but he said if anyone goes looking, it will appear as if we’re genuinely married. The state will recognize it, and will show you’re Ember’s father.”

“How old is our little girl?” I asked.

“Six months.”

I paused. “Six months. Then you were with the Sadistic Saints for more than a year.”

“Ember was born a little early. I call her my miracle baby because I have no idea how she made it without being in a hospital. She was five weeks premature. But yes, I was with them a little over a year. I tried not to count. Not after the first few months. I gave up hope of ever escaping them. No point counting days or weeks.”

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