Home > Silent Echoes(15)

Silent Echoes(15)
Author: Aleisha Maree

 Running my tongue over my own lips, I can practically taste what her kiss would taste like.

 “M-m-maybe,” she stutters out, her finger going to the small slice on her neck. Wiping the blood over her index finger, she lowers it into her mouth sucking the blood from it.

 “I’m a dangerous man, princess.”

 “You look it but you wouldn’t hurt me, intentionally that is.” Her tongue rolls over her lips. She takes my blade from me and my hands fall to my side as she runs her tongue over the blade taking every drop of her blood from it. Shock, awe, excitement and fucking plain arousal dance over my spine as I watch this lady go from shy girl with tears in her eyes to a fucking sexual goddess.

 She leans in closer and I have a strange feeling bubbling over my body.

 Closing my eyes, I let out a frustrated breath.

 “Oh, princess, you have no idea.” Shaking my head, I pull back from her as she steps in closer to me. I am meant to be dominant here. I am meant to make her fall to her knees in front of me. Make her weak with lust not the other way around.

 “I’m no good for you, darling. I’m not someone you want in your life.” My voice is like gravel as my body tries to withstand the storm brewing inside. This is why Jimmy gets so drunk on this feeling. It’s fucking insane as all hell.

 “How do you know? I may just know and like it. Want it,” she mouths to me. I watch her move around the room flicking lights off. She takes her apron off slowly, seductively uniting the strings from her waist. Stuffing my hands inside my jacket pockets to save myself from ripping her clothes off and showing her and her body just how fucking sick and dangerous a man like me is.

  “Want what, princess?” I manage to get out as she picks up the boxes she packed earlier.

 “You and all the danger that you possess, Micha Ragen.” She pulls her body into her jacket by the door.

 “To be devoured, swallowed up and destroyed by you,” she says calmly in control while I’m standing there unable to fucking breathe at what is coming from the girl who cried in the rain.

 She opens the door, turning slightly looking over her shoulder at me I just stand there looking at her, running my index finger over my hard cock from inside my pocket.

 “You going to take me home, Micha?”



Chapter Eight


 Forbidden feelings waking a soul that is hell-bent on vengeance.

 ~ Micha Ragen

 How many encounters with a person does it take to have feelings for them? How many shared looks through teary eyes and shop windows? How many small touches and near kisses do you think it takes to know you love someone? Is it instant? Is it over a period of time? Is it when you know all their secrets and have seen all their scars? Listened to their fears and spoken with their demons? I have no clue because to feel, to love, to experience anything other than pain that got stolen from me by monsters, that over time as I grew, slowly turned me into one also.

 A beast filled with a hate that it was consuming.

 But then there was her, this woman, this beautiful creature sitting in the front seat of my Camaro with boxed sweet treats sitting on her lap. I have never ever experienced such a feeling of pure and utter uncertainty as I have tonight looking at her.

 Listening to her.

 Feeling her.

 I am sweating bullets at the pure fear of fucking this up.

 I had seen my parents love fiercely and I had also seen how much it hurt my mother when that got stolen from her. I live that same life that my father lived.

 With the same threats and the same demons chasing your shadow.

 She is the one woman I hate more than my demon’s niece.

 She is my enemies’ blood, and she’s the woman who is making me question a lot of things right now, like the fact that I am feeling some crazy ass shit that I need to really consider. For years, I have lived in a cold world where I haven’t allowed anything in, around me or to touch me. Then I had seen her running around the lake, sweat sticking to her body. The way her breasts moved up and down with each long stride of her legs. Earbuds in, a smile on her face. In tight work-out tights and sports bra. That sort of clothing should be criminal.

 “Left here, then right,” she says pulling me from my thoughts. Shuffling down my jeans with my free hand, her memory alone gets me hard.

 “Stop overthinking things, Micha,” she says taking me by surprise. “Isn’t it a woman who is supposed to overthink?” Her voice fills my car. Before I can answer her, she says, “And then another right and my place is 3rd on the left through the entrance to the lake.”

 Fuck me, she lives close to my apartment.

 “Hey, your uncle, has fucked with my emotions so bad all I want to do is strangle him every time he pops up inside my mind. I want to kill him. Rip all things from him and torture him the way he has my mind for years now,” I say to her while pulling into her driveway. Pulling up the emergency brake and unclipping my seat belt, my head falls backwards onto the headrest and I close my eyes.

 Her voice, soft and broken, fills the car. “You and me both. I want to slit him open and watch him bleed out while I feed his cock to his bum boys.”

 With that she exits the car, shutting the door walking up the cobblestoned path to her front door. Turning and looking over her shoulder at me, her green eyes are laced with a golden hue, “I need you to save me and kill him.” She steps inside the house and I shut the car door and follow her, unsure of what to say or even if I should be there, but I can’t move away from her.

  I can’t stay away. I have tried. It doesn’t work.

  She’s like an addiction I obsess over, just like the one I have with her uncle. I want her as much as I want his blood on my hands.

 She walks up to me and cups my face in her hands which are cold from being outside. “For tonight, though, it’s just you and me. No one else. Nothing else. Just us.”

 I stepped forward into her touch, taking every moment she gives me.

 My lips find the soft, warm skin under her ear as I count every single beat of her pulse in her neck.

  “Just you and me,” I mouth into her, my hands cupping her ass, lifting her so her legs wrap around me.

 I walked backward until our bodies crash into the wall behind her. My eyes seek out hers, burning with fire and lust.

 “This is all new to me. Feelings and lusting. This is all foreign. It’s kinda like freaking me out. Like this could all be a sick dream and I will wake up.” I breathe heavy as her hands roll over my shoulders and down my spine, her ankles latch together under my ass. She giggles. It’s poetic.

 “It’s the same for me too. He stole all from me and took my emotions with it, scarring me.” A tear slips from the corner of her eye and without thought, my tongue licks up her cheek taking the teardrop. Moving over toward her lips my mouth takes hers in a kiss so deep that I can barely breathe. Her fingers dig into my skin as our tongues mold together. I never kiss, and I mean like ever, never ever. It’s not what I do. I fuck and I leave. I see the look in their eyes, the lust for me. Begging me to stay, to give them more, but I can’t. It’s not in me. But with her, I want to do it all. I want to stay. I want to feel. I want to touch her all over. Kiss her, explore each and every part of her body. I want to take my time and just fucking feel it all. Piece her back together.

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