Home > Starcross Manor (Love Heart Lane Series, Book 4)(34)

Starcross Manor (Love Heart Lane Series, Book 4)(34)
Author: Christie Barlow

‘My only photograph of my grandad… destroyed.’ Julia always loved the summer holidays hanging out with her grandad, they had so much fun down by the river. Her cousin Callie wasn’t one for sitting still for long periods of time on the riverbank, which Julia was secretly chuffed about, because that meant she would get her grandad all to herself.

Flynn took the photograph from her hand. ‘Look at you, you must be about…’

‘Ten years old. I was cute once, you know.’ She attempted a smile.

‘And that it seems hasn’t changed.’ Flynn flashed her a warm smile.

For a second, she studied his face. His hair seemed a little longer and he pushed his floppy fringe to one side. She noticed he had the beginnings of a beard, and his face was tanned from the summer sun.

‘That photograph was taken by the newspaper,’ she said. ‘We’d won a fishing competition. I can remember that day like it was yesterday,’ she said, taking the photograph from his hand and laying it flat on the dresser. Feeling a lonely tear slide down her cheek, she wiped it away with the back of her hand. ‘Look at me crying. This place has seen enough water in the last twenty-four hours and here’s me adding to it.’

‘I’m sorry about your grandfather,’ Flynn’s tone was soft.

‘It’s only a photograph, I still have the memories.’

‘No, I mean I’m really sorry for what I did… your grandfather’s house.’

Julia was surprised by his sudden apology and held his gaze. Flynn looked genuinely sorry.

‘Back then, all I thought about was making as much money as possible, and I didn’t care whose toes I trod on. I saw you, sitting in your car outside the estate agents when you handed the keys over. You were crying, and I saw the hurt in your eyes. I think that moment was a wake-up call for me, and I vowed never to do business like that ever again. I am sorry Julia. I know that property was worth much more than I paid for it… and that it was your future.’ Flynn’s voice faltered.

‘Thank you, that means a lot,’ replied Julia, amazed at the revelation.

‘I can’t change what happened back then, but let me help you get this B&B back on track. I can sort out all the soft furnishings, curtains etc. My chain of hotels has a dry-cleaning contract and we can turn everything around super-fast.’

‘You’d do that for me?’

He touched her elbow, sending shockwaves through her body. ‘Yes, I would. We need you to be up and running as soon as possible, and with my contacts we can turn this place around quickly.’

‘Why are you being so kind to me after everything?’ her voice faltered. Flynn’s kind gesture had made her a little weepy.

‘Hey, don’t get upset. Maybe it’s because I admire your fighting spirit, or maybe I admire someone who stands up for what they believe in. That’s something about you Julia Coleman – and I think we just got off on the wrong foot.’

His words gave her hope that her B&B would be up and running very soon and she felt grateful for his offer of help, knowing she couldn’t turn everything round as quickly without him.

‘Thank you, Flynn, your help would be amazing,’ she replied enthusiastically, her mood lifting a little. Maybe the clean-up operation wasn’t going to be bad as she first thought. Suddenly feeling hungry she peeped inside the breakfast bag. ‘I think I’ve just got my appetite back.’

‘Aye aye, what’s going on here?’ Eleni was standing in the doorway with a quizzical look on her face. ‘Are all things amicable?’ Eleni flicked a glance between Julia and Flynn. ‘Or do I need to call for backup?’

‘I don’t think there’s any need for backup,’ joked Julia. ‘We are all good, aren’t we?’ She looked towards Flynn who nodded.

‘Thank God for that, as my only option was Woody, and I’m sure he’d only lick you to death.’

Everyone looked down at Woody who suddenly sprang to life with the mention of his name.

‘Luckily your cleaning fairies are about to arrive, I’ve rallied the troops, and here they are now.’ Julia couldn’t help but feel thankful. Behind Eleni, armed with their mops and buckets, were Isla, Felicity, Meredith and Aggie, traipsing in like they meant business.

‘We have mops, buckets, brushes, cleaning products, there’s no stopping us now. Oh, and a radio so we can dance along as we go,’ said Felicity.

‘But there’s no electricity,’ replied Julia.

‘That’s why I’ve got some batteries! Right, what’s first? Have we got a plan? It is a bit of a mess isn’t it?’ Felicity spun around.

Julia really didn’t know where to start. ‘Maybe work from the top downwards? It might be easier that way.’

‘Good point,’ chipped in Meredith, looking around sympathetically then pulling on a pair of Marigolds. ‘Let’s do this!’

Flynn began making his way to the door. ‘I’ll let you ladies get on with it, but there will be extra cavalry arriving in approx. thirty minutes.’ He tapped his watch.

‘Extra cavalry?’ queried Julia.

‘Jack and the rest of the builders, I’ve told them to down tools up at Starcross Manor today and come over and help. If you strip all the beds, Jack will bring all the bedding on the truck over to the manor house, we have our own laundrette up there. The boys are going to remove all the mattresses and prop them up outside in the sunshine to dry them out, and any blinds or curtains Jack is going to ferry across to the dry cleaners.’

Julia was overwhelmed, Flynn really was going out of his way to help her and put the past behind them. She noticed the troops eyeing her with curiosity. The last thing they all knew about was the altercation between them in the pub and now here he was, standing on the doorstep helping out just like he was one of them.

‘Thank you,’ replied Julia, taking a mop and bucket from a very surprised Aggie.

‘I’ll catch up with you later.’ He turned to head outside and then paused in the doorway. ‘I’ll nip into Bonnie’s teashop – well, as long as I don’t get blanked,’ he rolled his eyes playfully. ‘And organise sandwiches to be dropped off for lunch, and when you’ve finished there will be a drink and a meal waiting for you up at Starcross Manor. But first, I would suggest getting every single window open – today’s sunshine is certainly on your side, unlike yesterday’s.’

There was a murmur of appreciation as Flynn stepped outside.

‘Spill,’ ordered Isla, amazed. ‘What the hell is going on here? Why have you suddenly got a new best friend?’

All eyes were Julia. ‘Okay…’ she took a breath. ‘We’ve decided to put the past behind us and have agreed to move on. I know I said he was untrustworthy, and I was hurt over the way he handled my grandfather’s estate but he’s since apologised and stepped up to the mark. He’s providing the help to get this place up and running again and I can’t ignore that kindness.’

Isla gave her a look. ‘I really wasn’t expecting that. What about the impact of the hotel?’

All eyes were on Julia and she knew they all must think she was barking mad at her U-turn regarding Flynn.

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