Home > Starcross Manor (Love Heart Lane Series, Book 4)(30)

Starcross Manor (Love Heart Lane Series, Book 4)(30)
Author: Christie Barlow

‘That’s the million-dollar question, but we could hazard a good guess.’

‘And that guess is?’ Julia was staring at the fireman.

‘Usually each individual sprinkler stem head is triggered automatically when the air rising to the ceiling reaches a fire-specific temperature of around 155 degrees. The systems installed these days are more advanced and reliable; the system you have installed in here is unreliable and doesn’t even meet the new regulations.’

‘But why would it be activated?’ asked Julia.

‘My guess is today’s heat. It’s been the hottest day on record for years. In the second storey of the house,’ the fireman pointed up above, ‘you have skylights, the first sprinkler that was activated was located near that skylight… from what we can tell. Most probably the heat activated a faulty sprinkler…’

‘And once one is activated, they are all activated.’

The fireman nodded. ‘That’s correct. Aside from deliberate sabotage, I would say that would be the cause. But obviously your insurance company will investigate further.’

Julia hadn’t heard the rest of the sentence. ‘Sabotage?’ she said out loud.

‘Do you know of anyone who would want to put you out of business?’ the fireman was looking directly at her.

In Julia’s mind there was only one person who would want to put her out of business… Flynn Carter. Her chest hitched as she snagged a glance towards Eleni.

‘I know exactly what you are thinking, but that’s just ridiculous. I mean this in the nicest possible way, Julia, but you are small fry compared to Flynn Carter. He wouldn’t need to put you out of business this way,’ confirmed Eleni in a whisper.

Before Julia could answer a voice bellowed from inside, ‘It’s all safe now boss.’ Another fireman appeared at the entrance to the B&B. ‘However, it’s swimming in water.’

‘Are you ready for this, do you want me to come inside with you?’ offered Eleni.

Julia nodded, not trusting herself to speak. Deep breaths she told herself, trying to be braver than she felt. Wiping a tear from her eye she followed the fireman inside. Her anxiety levels were off the scale as she took in the sight of the damage in front of her. Reality struck hard: how was she ever going to get this place back to any sort of normality? Julia felt suddenly helpless.

‘I’m afraid it’s not a pretty sight inside,’ said the fireman, propping open the front door of the B&B. ‘Those shoes may not be suitable.’

Julia gulped, she didn’t care if her shoes got wrecked, her whole B&B was wrecked. Feeling devastated, she saw that everything she had worked for lay under a tidal wave of water. The desolation was all-consuming, like a scene on TV. The reception was soaked through, the paint on the walls a darker shade than before, where it had soaked up the water. The reception diary sodden, the writing illegible.

Julia paled. With the computer submerged in water, how was she going to notify the up-and-coming guests that they would have to rebook their accommodation? She’d have no record of who’d paid what.

‘OMG!’ Julia gripped Eleni’s arm, panic-stricken. ‘Woody, where the hell is Woody?’

‘Woody?’ repeated the fireman. ‘All guests have been evacuated safely.’

‘Woody is my dog, he’ll be petrified. He’s usually under the kitchen table.’ Julia was fraught with emotion as she splashed towards the kitchen.

‘He’s here, don’t worry, I have him.’ Woody was clinging like a frightened child to another fireman, his coat drowned, his large dopey eyes were sad and his whole body was shaking from fright.

He really was looking sorry for himself but the second he spotted Julia he thumped his tail slowly.

‘He’s okay, he was hiding in the pantry, maybe a little shocked but he’s not hurt,’ said the fireman reassuringly.

Julia took Woody from his arms and was relieved he was safe. She hugged him like her life depended on it, but felt her body quivering with the shock. Everywhere was drenched, the paintings hanging on the walls ruined, the curtains soaked. She stared round at everything in despair, this was going to be a major clean-up operation, each room a mammoth task. She thought about taking a look upstairs but just couldn’t face it.

‘Julia, we need to think fast,’ encouraged Eleni. ‘We have paying guests sitting outside needing a bed for the night.’

Julia knew she needed to pull herself together and gave herself a little shake. ‘We need to telephone the Grapes Hotel over in Glensheil and see if they have any vacancies.’

‘It’s unlikely as it’s peak season, but I’ll try,’ replied Eleni, pulling her phone out of her pocket.

‘If not, try the George Hotel, even though I’m not sure how the hell I’m going to pay for it all,’ added Julia, thinking aloud.

Jack touched Eleni’s arm. ‘I’ll ring one, you ring the other,’ he nodded towards the back door. The pair of them waded through the kitchen and stood out on the patio and began to dial the local hotels.

Julia was surrounded by bedlam. Overcome with emotion she cuddled Woody so tightly and couldn’t hold on to the tears any longer. ‘What the hell am I am going to do, Woods? This is my life and look at this place.’

Eleni and Jack returned back inside, the look on their faces saying it all. ‘I’m so sorry Julia, but there are no vacancies anywhere…’

Julia just couldn’t help it, more tears began to stream down her face.

‘Please don’t cry…’ Eleni sloshed her way over to the box of the tissues on the table and reached inside. ‘Okay, no tissues, they are all just one lump of sogginess.’

Jack stepped towards her. ‘Don’t worry, we’ll sort this. It’s going to be okay,’ he said trying to offer a little bit of reassurance.

After placing Woody on the floor Julia flung her arms open. ‘How is it going to be okay? My guests are stranded outside on the lane with nowhere to stay and I’ve no idea where to start with this lot.’ Julia felt her chest rising and falling, and all she could do was try and catch her breath. ‘I’m sorry Jack, I don’t mean to take it out on you. I need to go and talk to the guests, but I have no clue what the hell I’m going to say.’

‘Don’t shoot me when I say this, but we think you only have one option,’ Eleni looked a little uncomfortable.

‘I’m willing to listen to any options.’

‘Starcross Manor,’ Eleni scrunched up her face as soon as the words were out, waiting for Julia’s reaction.

‘Except that option. Are you kidding me? I don’t need Flynn Carter’s help – not that he’s going to give it to me anyway,’ she muttered, wrapping her arms around herself in a soothing manner. Her mind flashing back to the altercation with Flynn earlier today.

‘I think he’s your only option. There’s a number of bedrooms finished, at least they will be able to have a hot shower and a good night’s sleep.’ Jack’s voice was soft.

Of course, Julia needed to get her guests fixed up with a bed for the night as soon as possible, but there was no way on this earth Flynn was going to help her out. And under the current circumstances she didn’t feel she could even approach him. Surely there must be another solution.

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