Home > Starcross Manor (Love Heart Lane Series, Book 4)(4)

Starcross Manor (Love Heart Lane Series, Book 4)(4)
Author: Christie Barlow

Eleni now had Julia’s full attention as she passed over her phone and pointed at the screen. ‘That man is wealthy, but yes, you’re right he’s not married, according to Google.’

Julia spent the next couple of minutes scrolling through Google. There was no mistaking Flynn Carter was a successful property developer with a string of five-star hotels under his Gucci belt, and his very first one still remained in Newton Stewart where her grandfather’s house had once stood.

‘Surely, he must have something to do with Starcross Manor,’ said Julia, thinking that the rickety old Boathouse on the edge of the River Heart was never going to generate an income as much as all his other successful businesses listed on the internet. ‘There’s no other vacant land this side of the bridge.’

‘Maybe he’s just had enough of the hectic rat race and is looking to enjoy the quiet village life,’ suggested Eleni.

Julia gave her a look. ‘And that’s what I love above you youngsters… innocence. You mark my words: Flynn Carter is not looking to enjoy the quiet life. That man is ruthless, he’ll be up to something. There’s a reason he’s turned up here… we just don’t know what that reason is yet.’

Jokingly, Eleni wagged her finger. ‘Cynical, that’s what you are. What happened to your jilted friend, by the way?’ she asked, taking her phone back from Julia then continually scrolling through every image of Flynn Carter on the internet. ‘He’s definitely got that handsome, sultry, brooding look going on, hasn’t he?’ She turned the phone back to Julia, who had to admit he was physically attractive. He was the kind of guy who would turn heads wherever he went.

‘Anais moved on, got married, has two boys. Her Facebook is always filled with exotic holidays and fast cars. Looks like she lives a great life and is very happy.’

‘That must had been nerve-racking, getting married again. I’d be a nervous wreck putting myself through that again. Were you bridesmaid again?’

Julia shook her head. ‘No, not that time. It was an intimate affair, the two of them took themselves off and got married on a sandy beach in Jamaica. I can’t say I blame her.’

Eleni was still staring at Flynn’s image on her phone. ‘There’s something about this Flynn Carter, an air of confidence about him. A snappy dresser too,’ continued Eleni, finally putting her phone down.

‘Time will tell why he’s here, but my gut feeling isn’t good. Cup of tea or a glass of homemade lemonade?’

‘Lemonade for me please,’ answered Eleni.

‘And how was your date?’ remembered Julia, standing up.

Eleni rolled her eyes. ‘Not my type – would you believe he had a tattoo on his chest of George Michael.’

‘What? Don’t be daft… really?’

‘I kid you not. Only ten minutes into the date he ripped open his shirt and began singing “I’m Your Man”, pure embarrassment. Apparently at the weekend he doubles as a tribute act for Wham! But that is the first and last date, believe me.’

Julia couldn’t help but chuckle. ‘Oh my God, that’s hilarious, the youth of today.’

‘You aren’t that much older, you know.’

‘I have at least twenty years on you. And before you ask: no, I’ve not thought any more about my birthday.’

This year Julia was hitting the big 4–0. It didn’t faze her going into her fourth decade, and she would prefer not to make too much of a fuss, but there was no way her friends Isla, Allie and Felicity were going to allow it to slip by unnoticed. She wasn’t opposed to a few drinks down the Grouse and Haggis pub, but already Isla was researching weekend festivals, racing car days, and clay shooting weekends. After a few gin and tonics and in a drunken stupor, Julia had agreed to leave the birthday preparations in their capable hands, much to their delight.

‘I wouldn’t worry, I’m sure the girls have got it all under control,’ grinned Eleni.

‘I’m sure they have,’ replied Julia, raising an eyebrow. ‘And I’m sure you are in the thick of it all. I’ll get the lemonade.’ As Julia disappeared towards the kitchen, she twisted her long blonde hair and secured it in a bun. Woody, her faithful Cocker Spaniel, was hot on her heels hoping for an afternoon treat, and sat to attention next to the kitchen cupboard looking up longingly at the treat jar on the shelf next to the fridge.

‘How can I resist those adorable eyes,’ she muttered, ruffling the top of his head before unscrewing the lid and tossing him a biscuit, which he swallowed in one gulp.

‘No more, otherwise we will both be on a diet,’ chuckled Julia, reaching for the glasses.

The kitchen was Julia’s favourite place in the whole of the B&B, with its farmhouse sink and chequerboard floor. There was one Aga and two ovens, two fridges and the aluminium pots and pans hung from the wooden rack fixed to the ceiling. At the far end there was a real fire with an emerald green wingback armchair situated to the left, a battered brown leather sofa and a small coffee table which housed numerous magazines alongside the book she was currently reading.

She poured two glasses of lemonade and placed them down on a green floral tin tray alongside two pieces of cake Rona had dropped off from the teashop. Once back outside Julia handed over a huge wedge of cake on a white china plate.

‘You could never be on a diet in this place, could you?’ said Eleni, sinking her teeth in immediately, then letting out the biggest ‘mmm’ of approval.

‘Life is too short for all that diet malarkey. Love me… love my wobbly bits. I just need to find someone to love me now,’ laughed Julia, who had had numerous dates in the past couple of years, but nobody who had set her world on fire.

Wiping the crumbs from around her mouth, as well as the blob of cream that was resting on her chin, Eleni slipped a pile of envelopes towards Julie. ‘Maggie’s just dropped these off. She apologises for this morning’s late delivery of post, apparently she got caught out by a flat tyre on the van and was late starting her rounds.’

Julia flicked through the post. ‘Bills and more bills,’ she exclaimed, shuffling through the piles of letters. Then Julia placed a brown letter down on the table in front of her and stared.

‘What’s that one?’ asked Eleni, with intrigue.

‘That one is from The Highland Council.’ More than likely this letter was the decision that Julia had been nervously waiting for.

‘Is that what I think it is?’

‘I think it is,’ replied Julia nervously, still staring at the letter.

‘Well come on then, open it!’ urged Eleni, pushing her plate to the side and folding both arms on the table.

‘I daren’t, what if it’s not good news?’

‘And what if it is?’ Eleni shook her head in despair. ‘If you aren’t going to open it then I will.’ She crept her hand forward slowly, but Julia quickly grabbed the letter and slipped her finger under the edge of the envelope and tore it open. She held her breath as she scanned the words as quickly as possible, and there was the decision, right before her eyes in black and white.

Julia tipped her head back and briefly closed her eyes. ‘Planning permission for a two-storey extension has been granted,’ Julia waved the letter above her head. ‘Whoo-hoo! Oh my God. They said yes!’ Excitement surged through Julia’s body, it had taken her nearly three years to save and secure a loan from the bank, but now the wait was finally over. She stood up and punched the air and began jigging on the spot.

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