Home > Starcross Manor (Love Heart Lane Series, Book 4)(5)

Starcross Manor (Love Heart Lane Series, Book 4)(5)
Author: Christie Barlow

‘Congratulations! This is brilliant,’ squealed Eleni. ‘I’m so happy for you, but I suppose this means I’m going to have twice as many bedrooms to clean.’

‘Absolutely you are!’ Julia was over the moon. She’d already organised numerous quotes from a handful of builders and now one of those quotes was going to become reality. She couldn’t wait, her little business empire was finally expanding.

‘When do you think all the building work is going to start then?’ asked Eleni, taking a sip of her drink.

Julia paused and thought about it for a second. ‘Hopefully as soon as possible.’ Since Heartcross had become a famous village she’d already turned away numerous bookings and she didn’t want that to happen again. Even though there may possibly be building work during the Christmas period, it would be worth it, knowing she would double her income by March.

‘I think we need to celebrate,’ suggested Eleni, looking over the letter. She was genuinely chuffed for her boss.

‘We could grab a drink at the pub after I’ve taken you for a driving lesson… my treat,’ suggested Julia.

‘Now you’re talking! What’s the plan? Shall we use the carpark again up at Starcross Manor, you never know, we might even bump into that Flynn guy,’ replied Eleni, flicking through the pages of the free newspaper that had been delivered alongside the post.

‘In fact, there he is, the man himself.’

‘Huh,’ answered Julia, rubbing the side of her jaw.

‘Have you still got toothache?’ asked Eleni, turning the newspaper towards Julia. Staring back at her was the face of Flynn Carter.

‘Yes, but never mind that, what’s he doing in there?’ asked Julia, her eyes quickly scanning the article. Immediately her eyes were drawn to his. He had the look of a movie star, a charismatic smile and she had to admit, he was extremely photogenic. ‘There’s no getting away from this man,’ she said, feeling a little irritation towards him – there he was, invading her little world once more.

‘The old Boathouse,’ continued Eleni, ‘an all-new singing and dancing water sports centre for the tourists. That will be a massive hit with the locals too.’

Judging by all the articles she’d read, it was obvious Flynn knew a good business opportunity when he saw it. Since the bridge had collapsed last year and Heartcross had been catapulted into the news, the amount of tourists climbing the mountain had multiplied, and re-opening the Boathouse would no doubt be very popular with all the activity junkies that frequented the area.

‘There’s definitely fun to be had, especially in the summer months…’ Eleni pointed to a line in the article. ‘Look, he’s said here… opening up within the next month. He’s definitely sticking around.’

Julia looked over the article. ‘I still don’t trust the man. Flynn Carter doesn’t do anything unless there’s something big in it for him. There’s more to him being back in Heartcross than just the Boathouse, mark my words.’

‘Watch this space,’ replied Eleni, closing the newspaper. ‘Right, shall we get this driving lesson underway? Then we can get to the pub and celebrate your good news.’

‘Absolutely,’ agreed Julia, still thinking about Flynn.

‘But you do know if he’s moved into the village, you are going to come across at him at some point?’

It was like Eleni had just read her mind.

‘Yes, I know, and between you and me I’m not looking forward to it.’ Julia knew in such a small village that she was bound to bump into him, but she wasn’t sure if Flynn would even recognise her. Julia wished she knew the real reason why Flynn Carter had descended on their village. Maybe it was just because of the Boathouse. Only time would tell.



Chapter Two



Eleni’s mirrored aviator shades looked cool as she placed them on the bridge of her nose and pushed the key into the ignition. Julia had to admit the first couple of times she’d taken Eleni out that she’d thought she’d made a huge mistake offering to teach her to drive, but thankfully, as time went on, she’d started to improve. Julia watched as Eleni strapped herself in then checked the mirrors. She put the car in first gear and eased out of the driveway, and kangarooed a short distance before driving smoothly.

‘Sorry,’ she apologised. ‘That clutch thingy has a mind of its own sometimes.’

‘You don’t say,’ answered Julia, keeping her eyes fixed firmly ahead.

Eleni indicated left and headed through the High Street. Outside the Grouse and Haggis there wasn’t a spare table in sight, everyone was out in full force taking advantage of the sunshine.

‘Turn right at the end of the road and concentrate, you’re driving too near to the kerb, you’ll end up clipping the wheels,’ Julia instructed.

‘Yes boss! And don’t look so terrified, this is about our tenth lesson you know.’ Eleni slowed down then turned right, thankfully pulling off from the junction smoothly this time. Teaching Eleni to drive reminded Julia of her own father teaching her to drive. It had ended in tears and countless arguments, and it finally came to a head when her father had insisted he drove the car out of the garage as it was rather a tight squeeze, but unfortunately ended up running over her mother’s bike. Julia hadn’t helped the matter by laughing so hard she nearly wet herself. Her father had slammed the door then immediately tripped over a watering can and twisted his ankle. He was heard muttering expletives as he’d shouted for Julia’s mother, who’d then spent the rest of the day sat in Accident & Emergency. After that, Julia had saved up for her own lessons with the money from her part-time job at the local bakery, and had passed her driving test first time.

‘Fifteenth to be precise, not that I’m counting or anything,’ stated Julia, still with her eyes fixed firmly on the road ahead. ‘It’s a good plan to head towards Starcross Manor, we might be able to practise some emergency stops, there’s plenty of space up there to drive around.’

Eleni followed the winding lane through the woodlands and manoeuvred her way past the gatehouse and approached the tree-lined driveway where an impressive elegant manor house stood straight in front of them.

‘Starcross Manor. This place still takes my breath away, and just look at that lake,’ exclaimed Julia. The Georgian manor house standing in front of them was magnificent, set in a hundred acres of green lush grass which incorporated formal gardens, a deer park, woodlands and a wildflower meadow. The driveway leading to the entrance was grand, sweeping into a wide circle with an ornate fountain in the centre which wouldn’t look out of place in the grounds of a royal palace. Huge stone steps led to the large double oak doors within a broad porch of stone pillars. Ivy clung to the walls of the building. ‘It’s like something out of a romantic novel.’

‘I thought you wanted me to keep my eyes on the road.’ Eleni took a swift look over towards Julia and grinned.

‘I do!’ Julia wound down the window and stared out across the lake as they drove past. It teemed with life. A proud, plump mallard sailed across, followed by five baby hatchlings, frogs jumped from one lily pad to the other whilst flashing green and blue dragon flies hovered above. A weeping willow bejewelled the water and with the sporadic clouds sailing above, the scene reminded Julia of a Monet painting.

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