Home > Starcross Manor (Love Heart Lane Series, Book 4)(43)

Starcross Manor (Love Heart Lane Series, Book 4)(43)
Author: Christie Barlow

‘So, what’s changed?’

Julia tapped the side of her nose. ‘All will be revealed very soon, but let’s just say I’ve surprised myself with my business negotiation skills.’ Julia was upbeat, the village would welcome the news that Starcross Manor was going to support all the local businesses in any way it could. Hopefully even Hamish would be won over.

Isla pulled on the reins and turned Honk around. Julia walked at the side of them both whilst Woody ran in front, sniffing under the hedgerows as they began walking towards Primrose Park. ‘You certainly have changed your tune,’ Isla narrowed her eyes at Julia.

‘I think I overreacted when I first set eyes on him again. Sometimes you have to forgive and forget, and move on.’

‘You do. I forget I’m meant to be a grown-up at times.’

‘I thought it was about time I became a proper grown-up, especially with my fortieth just around the corner… and why is it I still feel twenty-one?’

‘I don’t feel like I’m twenty-one,’ admitted Isla. ‘I’m feeling knackered running round after two small children, a husband who is as bad as the kids. And my grandmother. In fact Martha has more energy than all of us put together. I need some of whatever she’s on.’

Laughing and chatting away, Julia crossed on the wooden bridge that arched over the stream, whilst Honk splashed his hooves through the water, followed by Woody.

‘Molly’s over there.’ Julia pointed before pushing open the heavy wooden farmer’s gate leading into Primrose Park.

Molly was the local vet from Glensheil, and she often worked closely with the vet’s practice in the village. Whilst Rory was off living his African dream, Molly had stepped in to help Stuart at the practice and cover some of Rory’s shifts.

‘One, two, three, four… five dogs,’ counted Isla. ‘She’s got her hands full there.’

‘Morning,’ shouted Julia across the park, and Molly lifted her head.

‘I’d wave but I have my hands full,’ she shouted back.

Honk plodded over slowly – unlike Woody who had taken off at high speed and was now amongst all the other dogs, barking excitedly and weaving in and out of Molly’s legs.

‘Wow! Where have all these dogs come from?’ remarked Julia, thinking that was way too many to handle.

‘It’s my turn today, let’s call it a trial.’ Molly raised her eyebrows.

‘A trial?’ questioned Isla.

‘Dog-walking, it’s becoming very lucrative. We thought we’d give it a trial period over at the surgery, as an extra string to our bow, and – no word of a lie – within less than a week we are fully booked. We’ve advertised for staff, but I’m that busy I’ve not even had chance to look at the applicants yet.’

‘That’s a very good business,’ said Julia, knowing a friend of hers back in her old town was doing exactly the same thing and making a hefty profit. ‘Are you walking back?’ Julia nodded towards Molly’s van parked at the edge of the park.

‘Yes,’ she answered and handed a couple of leads to Julia as they walked. ‘I heard there’d been a flood at the B&B.’

Julia explained about the dated sprinkler system, and that all the guests had had to be evacuated to Starcross Manor.

‘Starcross Manor,’ repeated Molly amazed. ‘I thought Flynn Carter was the sworn enemy?’

Julia blushed. ‘Well, I might have been a bit harsh about him. He’s really helped me out and it gave us both a chance to clear the air. All I can say is, watch this space.’

‘I wasn’t expecting that. I also noticed the Boathouse will be opening soon; with that and Starcross Manor, this Flynn Carter seems to be taking over the world.’

‘He does, but this time it’s going to have great benefit to our little community… sometimes we just need to give people a chance. But I can’t say any more.’ Julia zipped her lips with her fingers.

‘Isn’t she annoying when she knows something we don’t?’ Isla joked, leaning forward and patting Honk on his neck.

‘I suppose that’s a bit like us knowing all about your birthday celebrations when you haven’t got a clue? I can’t wait,’ remarked Molly, teasing Julia.

‘Shush! Don’t say any more, Julia has no idea what we have in store for her yet.’ Isla tipped Molly a wink.

Molly mirrored Julia’s action and zipped her lips with her fingers. ‘Two can play that game,’ she chuckled, loading all the dogs into the van. ‘I’ll catch you both later, morning surgery looms.’

They watched Molly drive off in the van and Julia opened the gate wide whilst Honk plodded slowly towards the lane. ‘Once I’ve cleaned the vans up at the farm I’ll come over to the B&B and help you with whatever needs doing.’

‘Thanks Isla,’ replied Julia, extremely grateful for the extra pair of hands. ‘I’ll see you later.’

They headed off in separate directions and Julia walked along the High Street with Woody close to her heels. The village was already alive with people. She said good morning to the multitude of street artists selling their paintings in the quaint courtyard at the side of the post office. Already, giggling children enjoying their school holidays were racing down the road clutching their fishing nets, most probably off to try and catch the fish from the brooks at the foot of the mountain. The sun was already beating down and it was going to be another glorious day in the village of Heartcross.

With a spring in her step Julia strolled up Love Heart Lane towards Bonnie’s Teashop and admired the triangular bunting draped across the stone wall at the front. Already there were customers sat under the yellow-and-white awning enjoying breakfast. She felt good about her chat with Flynn and couldn’t wait to share the news with the villagers. Just as Julia was about to walk inside the teashop her phone pinged with a message from Flynn. ‘I’ve arranged a meeting up at Starcross Manor on Sunday evening at 7pm, do help spread the word.’

‘Good morning!’ chirped Rona smiling from behind the counter the second she spotted Julia. ‘A Full Scottish to eat in or take out?’ she asked bending down and slipping Woody a dog biscuit from the jar.

‘No offence, but I’m not sure I’m fancying a Full Scottish,’ replied Julia with her eye firmly on the array of beautiful pastries and cakes arranged in the numerous glass-domed stands on top of the counter. She immediately fancied a cinnamon swirl the second she laid eyes on them and pointed. ‘One of those to take out, please. They look delicious.’

‘Baked by my own fair hands this morning,’ said Rona, triumphantly slipping one inside a white paper bag.

‘And how are you this morning?’ Felicity looked over her shoulder at Julia as she pulled open the oven to check on the tray of sausage rolls.

‘All is good in the land of Julia Coleman, and it will be even better when my gas and electricity is switched back on.’ Julia gave a smile. ‘And I have news, there’s a meeting up at Starcross Manor on Sunday at 7pm. I’ve been in negotiations and there’s good news for all the villagers.’

Immediately, Rona stopped what she was doing and wiped her hands on the tea towel. ‘Good news? What good news? I’ve already decided Flynn is going to have a fight on his hands if he thinks he’s poaching my afternoon tea clients.’ Rona gave Julia a look that meant no one messes with me. She reached down behind the counter and pulled out a sign. ‘Starting from today it will be two-for-one on all afternoon teas. Let’s see what he’s going to do about that!’ She waved the handmade sign in the air. ‘This place is prime location at the foot of the mountain, those hungry ramblers want sausage rolls, packed lunches, a Full Scottish to start their day, an afternoon tea to finish. However, if my trade is affected…’ Rona gave Julia a wicked smile and wagged her finger. ‘I’ll play dirty if I have to!’

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