Home > Starcross Manor (Love Heart Lane Series, Book 4)(45)

Starcross Manor (Love Heart Lane Series, Book 4)(45)
Author: Christie Barlow

Taking a sip of her wine, she glanced at the screen on her phone. It was an hour until she’d arranged to FaceTime Callie and discuss her imminent arrival for the upcoming birthday celebrations. Julia had everything crossed that Callie could stay for a few days, it would be fantastic to have a proper catch-up.

Julia couldn’t quite believe that she was nearly forty – where had the time gone? A few days ago, celebrating had been the last thing on her mind, but now she began to feel excited. Feeling the water beginning to cool Julia finished her wine, climbed out of the bath and slipped straight into a comfy pair of lounge pants and a T-shirt. Once she’d ventured downstairs, she devoured the casserole in a matter of minutes and checked the time. There were a few minutes to spare until her FaceTime call with Callie as she settled on the sofa.

The phone rang out for a few times before the call connected. Julia beamed at Callie. ‘Well hello there! You look… actually you look kind of harassed,’ remarked Julia, narrowing her eyes at her cousin’s image on the screen. ‘Where are you? I thought you’d be settled down with a large glass so we can make plans for the weekend.’ Julia could barely hear Callie, the background noise was loud and muffled.

‘So sorry, I totally forgot we’d arranged to FaceTime. It’s really not a good time,’ Callie was shouting and barely looking at her phone.

‘Are you okay? Have you really forgotten me?’ Julia pulled a sad face, this wasn’t like Callie at all. They always chatted for hours on their FaceTime calls.

‘I know, it’s just it’s full-on at the minute and I’m on my way out.’

Once again, Julia struggled to hear her, but then could have sworn she heard someone telling Callie to hurry up. ‘Where exactly are you? It sounds like you’re at the airport or a train station, who are you with?’ Julia moved closer to the screen to try and see where Callie was but her phone kept slipping down and now it seemed like she was running.

‘I’m just…’ Callie seemed breathless.

‘Put the phone down,’ ordered a voice as someone pulled on Callie’s arm – a voice that Julia thought she recognised.

‘Is that Allie? Are you with Allie?’

‘I’m sorry, I can’t talk right now. I’ll call you next week,’ confirmed Callie, her voice petering out with all the background noise.

‘You better not call me next week, it’s my birthday this weekend, and you better be here,’ Julia was beginning to feel panicky. What the hell was Callie playing at?

‘I’m so sorry, I won’t be able to make your birthday, but I’ll make it up to you… promise,’ came the muffled reply.

‘What do you mean, it’s my big birthday, you have to be here.’

Click. The phone cut off.

With her heart in her mouth Julia stared at the blank screen and felt deflated. What was so important that Callie would miss her big birthday, and where the hell was she running to? It didn’t make any sense. They’d spoken a few weeks ago and Callie had been looking forward to coming to Heartcross. What could have changed so quickly? Julia was close to tears, and took a sip of her wine. The whole conversation felt bizarre.

‘It looks like it’s just you and me then, Woody,’ she said to the dog who’d curled up next to her on the sofa. She ruffled his tummy and he rolled onto his back without a care in the world. Julia was still staring at her phone feeling disappointed. She had no idea what the girls were planning but it wouldn’t be the same without Callie there. She’d been looking forward to catching up with her and finding out all the gossip and now she didn’t even know the next time she’d see her.

Picking up her iPad she flicked onto social media and punched in Callie’s name. She scrolled through her latest posts on Facebook, but her last post was a couple of days ago and there was nothing about what she was up to right at this very minute. She gulped the wine from the glass and immediately filled it up again.

Next, she thought about Anais. She wondered if she owed her old friend an apology for ringing her regarding Flynn, and searched for her profile, but was surprised to see her name no longer came up. How strange, thought Julia, scrolling through her friends list, but she’d completely disappeared. What the hell was going on? Why would Anais delete her account? Mystified, she placed her iPad down on the coffee table and sighed. Tonight was not going to plan at all.

The sudden pinging of her phone caused her to jump. Julia was hoping it was Callie, but was surprised to see Flynn’s name appear on the screen. She swiped the message and smiled. He was searching for advice again. She studied the photo he’d sent through and replied, ‘Less pattern, more colour and texture, preferably bright colours, maybe pink!’

His reply was almost instant. ‘I’m not sure about pink!’

‘Trust me!’ she replied, knowing that colour would look fabulous for that particular room at Starcross.

As she leant back on the cushion, she couldn’t help but notice how quiet the house was – it was completely silent except for Woody, who was softly snoring. The whole ambience of the place felt a little different without the hustle and bustle of her guests. ‘You’ve got the right idea Woods,’ she said stroking his fur. ‘Maybe it’s time for an early night.’ Julia leant her head back on the settee and put her feet up on the coffee table. Woody opened an eye and snuggled in closer. ‘It’s a good job I have you,’ she said fondly, knowing that he always provided that comfort and was always by her side.

She picked up her phone and pinged a text over to Eleni, ‘I’m beyond gutted, Callie can’t make my birthday.’

Almost immediately she received a text back, ‘Oh no, don’t be sad, we will have the best time I promise! See you in the morning x’

That was easier said than done. Julia had a hollow feeling in her chest and felt completely empty. It just wouldn’t be the same without Callie – what was so important that she couldn’t make her birthday?

Her phone pinged again, this time it was a message from Jack. She swiped and read, ‘Good news! We’ve been working overtime at Starcross Manor and are slightly ahead of schedule. I’ve re-juggled some jobs which means we can begin work on your place in less than two weeks!’

Julia blew out a breath, her day was full of highs and lows, and this was definitely a high. This was brilliant news, and with the deal struck with Flynn, she could offer her guests the whole range of amenities up at Starcross Manor.

‘I suppose we can’t have everything, Woods,’ Julia murmured, still thinking about Callie as she wrapped herself up in the grey woollen throw on the arm of the settee and munched her way through a family-size chocolate bar that she’d treated herself to earlier from Hamish’s store.



Chapter Seventeen



The next few days flew by, and the B&B was thankfully full of guests and running smoothly again. Julia had been up with the larks and had spent the last hour walking Woody through the woodlands, and was now back with her first cup of tea of the morning.

The back door swung open and in walked Eleni, armed with a handful of colourful wrapped presents and a bottle of prosecco, which she placed down on the table before throwing her arms around Julia and giving her a hug. ‘Happy birthday, boss!’ she sang.

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