Home > The Summer Home(6)

The Summer Home(6)
Author: Hazel Taylor

She had asked her sister Darby and her husband Bradley if they wanted to go with them but they declined, opting for a car ride alone together.

The movie theater was empty since it was so early in the day. He had to leave to go visit family up Northeast and would be gone for a week. When the movie was over and she wad done clinging to him he took her for ice cream.

“You seem quiet tonight cricket.” Cricket was the nickname he had chosen for her, it made her laugh and smile, it was perfect.

“Just wish you weren’t going to be gone for a week?”

He turned her around to face him as they stood together on the sideway. “Are you saying that you miss me darling?”

She couldn’t meet his eyes looking at the ground and her shoes instead. “I guess.” Usually she was bold, noisy, emotional and very forward about everything but in the last few weeks, that changed. They were spending a lot of time together and even though they would be going to the same school in the fall she knew anything could happen, look at her ex-boyfriend Chad.

His thumb and forefinger lifted her chin despite her wish not to so she was eye to eye. “I am going to miss you too.”

How much she loved looking into his eyes, seeing his smile as he was doing now. “I am going to miss you Rick.” She wrapped her arms around him in a hug and she felt him pull her closer.

Burying her face in his hair she closed her eyes and inhaled the scent of him. She knew they were both so young, anything could change in a heartbeat but they had become such good friends and one day she hoped it would be something more.

They rode back to the house in is motorcycle and parked beside the patio. “Well I guess, have a safe trip.” Alyssa hated goodbyes, even short ones so she nudged his shoulder and headed for the door.

“Hey, wait a minute cricket. Come back here.”

Smiling she figured he wanted one more hug for the road. “Okay.” As she stepped two steps closer he pulled her into his arms and brushed his lips softly over hers.

She was so surprised she didn’t even have time to react other than to feel. Her whole insides awoke with that simple kiss. When she opened her eyes seconds later she found him smiling down at her. “I will miss you and hopefully when I get back we can continue this.”

Smoothly he released her and stepped back to hop on his bike. Blinking away the surprise and fuzzy feeling in her head she could only wave as he took off.







Well into her pregnancy now Darby was relieved that her husband Bradley was visiting. Since the news of her pregnancy he had become increasingly protective calling every night for a video chat and visiting when he could.

Before her pregnancy they were well on their way to a divorce but now all remnants of that argument and situation were long gone.

He had showed up about three days ago and since then they had shared a gentle boat ride, some time in the water, he had taken her out numerous times to eat and they went for a few drives to nowhere in particular.

He commented every day how much he missed her at home and how he couldn’t wait until the summer was over and she could come home at let him take care of her. He promised foot massages, bubble baths, quick delivery of all her craving foods and a non stop shoulder to cry on when she needed.

He told her how beautiful he thought she was and what a great mother and father they were going to be. He was as excited as she was their time together just seemed to fly by.

By the fourth day they were visiting her mother’s new bakery. “Did I tell you mom is buying a house not to far away from here? She is going to be selling her other house and moving her permanently. I was thinking maybe we could visit more often once the baby is born.”

“Of course honey, but not until the baby is at least four months old. I don’t like the thought of taking our little guy out when he is that small.”

“Who says it is going to be a boy?”

“Well no matter, boy, girl, it doesn’t matter.”

“No, I don’t want the baby to travel when it’s so small either. Get me the chocolate chip muffin.”

“Of course.”

She watched as he order her muffin and tea and his coffee and slice of coffee cake. She was so happy everything was working out between them now and hoped it would continue. He was the love of her life and she couldn’t imagine being without him. She wouldn’t think of that now. Instead she would think about devouring that gloriously large muffin on the plate he brought her. “Oh my, that looks delicious, my goodness Bradley, mom and Stephanie are outdoing themselves.”

“They sure are.”

After they had eaten they found a secluded spot beside the water where they could sit under a tall and billowing palm tree. The sand and grass met the water which was calmly rippling with the afternoon breeze.

As she dipped her fingers into the water she found it’s coolness refreshing to her all to often hot body. “I wish we could go for a swim.”

“Why can’t we?”

“We don’t have swimming clothes that’s why.”

He surprised her by suddenly scooping her up in his arms and walking her straight into he wetness the water provided. At first it made her shiver, but after a moment or two that feeling disappeared and she allowed it to cool her core.

He gently rocked her back and forth and spun her slowly in a circle, dipping down to ensure they were both completely soaked from the neck down.

“My goodness this feels so lovely, I don’t ever want to get out.”

“Me either.” His lips tasted of coffee as they touched hers sending a shiver down her back. His eyes held hers as they swayed with the gentle ripple of the water.







Jasmin woke a few days later to find herself smiling from a dream where she was holding Wayne’s hand and Bonnie was beside her as they walked along the shore. A wedding ring sat atop her ring finger and her belly was as big as a house with pregnancy.

The thought of that had her feeling bouncy as she went about her day. Wayne had left for the Northeast a few days ago with Rick and Bonnie to see family. Nothing had yet to happen between them but they were certainly getting closer every day.

Whenever he came to visit she always felt nervous when he saw Miranda, as if he was going to turn and fall to his knees in front of her. It made it hard for her to relax from time to time.

Everything was feeling so comfortably happy that Jasmin felt out of her element. IF she thought she liked him before that was nothing compared to what she felt now. She only hoped she wasn’t the only one feeling this way. What would she do if she was feeling head over heels for this man and he still only saw her as a friend?

Tossing that thought aside, she started her day with a light breakfast that she made for everyone before they woke. She wasn’t really an early riser, but lately, she found herself up with the crows, so she decided she would make a nice fruit salad and some toast for everyone to start their day with. Complete with coffee and tea. After she had eaten, she received a text from Wayne asking if he could take her out for breakfast on Saturday morning. Just him and her since Bonnie was visiting with family for a few days.

Of course, she agreed, she wanted nothing more than to spend more time with him. She wasn’t sure where this was leading, but she decided she would enjoy the time while they were together. She was a realist; even if things made progress, he lived here in Florida, and she lived in Colorado.

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