Home > What Matters Most(18)

What Matters Most(18)
Author: Leah Atwood

He glanced at Beth who blushed. “I’d say so.”

Beth leaned into him with a shy smile. “Very well.”

“I’m glad.” Despite all their concerns, Trixie grinned. “Once this is over and we know Jessa and the baby are safe and healthy, I want to hear about it.”

He shook his head. “Sorry, but I don’t kiss and tell.”

Trixie gasped. “So, there was a kiss.”

Beth rolled her eyes. “That’s not what he meant.”

She shot him a warning glare, telling him he better not say more. No worries, there. The kiss they’d shared was too special to cheapen it to idle chatter. “Beth can share whatever details of the date she feels comfortable with.”

The approving smile from Beth confirmed he’d said the right thing. “We’ll talk later.”

“Good enough for now.” Trixie’s smile faded when the elevator stopped. “I’ve been praying, but I’m so worried.”

“I know, sis.” He let go of Beth and draped an arm over Trixie’s shoulder. Beth was his future, but right now, his sister needed him. “Why don’t we say a prayer together before we go in.”

“I’d like that.”

Dropping his arms, he took a deep breath. Praying out loud wasn’t something he was comfortable with, but this situation warranted it. The three joined hands and closed their eyes. “Dear heavenly Father, we need your help tonight. We love our sister and this baby she is carrying. They are facing medical obstacles as we speak, but we know and believe that you are the great physician. Please be with them and protect them and give the doctors and nurses all they need to deliver they baby safely, whether that be tonight or in several weeks. Amen.”

Trixie teared up. “Thank you. I needed that reminder that God is in control.”

He nudged her with his elbow. “A year ago, who would have thought we’d be praying in a hospital together.”

“Not me, but it makes me proud to be your father.”

Jerking his head away from Trixie, Hunter saw his father standing by the automatic locking doors. “How long have you been there?”

“Long enough to know my son has turned into a man.” He pointed behind him. “Your mother wanted me to meet you all downstairs in case there was a problem letting you in, but obviously that wasn’t an issue.”

“I’m guessing nothing’s happened since I talked to you last?”

Dad shook his head. “Still waiting. Only Landon’s allowed in with her for now, but she keeps asking for mom. Pray they let Bonnie in with her soon.”

“I will,” he promised.

His Dad pressed the intercom button and looked into the camera. Several seconds later, the door buzzed and opened. Dad gestured to them. “There’s a waiting room down this hall. They have a vending machine if you’re hungry or thirsty.”

Food was the last thing on Hunter’s mind, but coffee would be helpful through the night. Mom paced from the television to the vending machines. Phoebe sat in a chair, and her husband Mac stood behind her rubbing her shoulders.

Phoebe stood when she saw them and came over to give them a hug. “I’m so glad you made it.”

“I’m sorry I missed your calls.”

“Don’t worry about that. You’re here now.” Phoebe gave him another hug then took her seat again.

He turned to Beth. “You can sit if you want. I’m going to talk to Mom.”

She went and sat next to Trixie who had claimed the seat next to Phoebe. His heart pounded with affection for her. In times of crisis, a person’s true character came out, and Beth was level-headed, compassionate, and selfless.

He wanted to be with her, sit down and slide an arm around her, but his mom needed him. Taking long strides, he went to her side. “Doing okay?”

The bags under her eyes and her weak smile answered for her. “She needs me, and they won’t let me in.”

“The doctors know what’s best for her. As soon as they believe it’s safe, I’m sure they’ll let you in.”

Bonnie stilled her pacing and crossed her arms. “A mom’s supposed to protect her children and be there for them. I missed Alice’s birth because we didn’t even know Trixie was pregnant. I promised myself I’d be a better mom and would never miss another grandchild’s birth.”

“You were a perfect mom. You can’t blame yourself for the paths Trixie and I took. Neither of us blame you, and if anything, it was your prayers that brought us back.”

“When you’re a dad, you’ll understand.” She glanced Beth’s way. “Could that be in the future?”

“It’s early, but I really like her, Mom. She’s special.”

“I watched you with her at Alice’s party. I knew it was only a matter of time before something developed.”

“No pressure, though, okay? There’s plenty we have to work through first.”

“I’ll try.” She managed a smile that made Hunter feel better.

Seeing his mom upset and unsettled ripped him apart. He tried not to think of all the nights he had caused those worry lines on her face and dark circles under her eyes.

A nurse walked down the hallway. “Mrs. Graff, the doctor said you can come in now.”

“Is there any news,” Bonnie asked, with every ear hanging on for more information.

“She’s still bleeding. The doctor wants to give it more time as long as the vitals are fine for mom and baby, but if nothing changes in the next few hours, we’ll have to consider a cesarean.”

“Take me to her, please.” Bonnie followed the nurse and disappeared behind another set of doors.

Hunter took the empty seat beside Beth, impressed how well she fit in with his sisters. Granted, she’d known them longer than she’d known him, but she was at ease with them, showed no sign of nervousness.

The hours passed with little news. Around midnight, Trixie drifted off, slumping to her right and leaning on Phoebe. Hunter went to the vending machine and dropped enough coins in to get a coffee for the rest of them. He delivered them one by one, first to Mac, then Phoebe. His dad next, and finally Beth. He didn’t even attempt giving her one first, knowing she’d insist his family came first.

Around one, her eyes began to flutter, and he was surprised she’d lasted that long. He laid an arm around her and coaxed her to use his shoulder as a pillow. Within minutes she was out, breathing in a steady pace that matched the rise and fall of her chest.

He caught his dad’s gaze from across the waiting room. Dad smiled and gave an approving nod, a small gesture that bolstered his confidence. Goodness knew he’d done enough wrong to disappoint his dad, but it was a great feeling to know his dad saw the change in him and approved of the man he’d become.

Two o’clock rolled around. Dad had fallen asleep twenty minutes ago and his snores filled the room. Phoebe fought to stay away, but when Mac moved a chair beside her and sat down, she gave in to the sleep.

Hunter was used to sleepless nights, which served him well now. He was the only one awake when the doctor came to see them. “What’s happening?”

The doctor looked him in the eyes. “We’re taking her for a cesarean. It’s the safest option for them both.”

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