Home > What Matters Most(19)

What Matters Most(19)
Author: Leah Atwood

“Do you have a minute I can wake them up? They’ll want to hear it from you.”

Dr. Hodges nodded, and Hunter first went to his dad, tapping him on the shoulder. His dad’s body jerked then his eyes opened. “Jessa?”

“The doctor’s here, Dad. They’re going to deliver the baby.”

Suddenly wide awake, Ray jumped and woke up his other two daughters. Hunter woke Beth and Mac, and after hearing the news from the doctor, the six of them formed a circle and prayed for the operation and a safe delivery.

An hour passed without news, and Phoebe wrung her hands. “How long does it take? Shouldn’t we have heard by now?”

Beth offered her a comforting smile. “When Dex was born, mine took about an hour from start to finish. I wouldn’t worry.”

That was news to him, yet, why would that have come up in conversation. Would it affect future births? Did she even want more children? What was he thinking? One date and his mind jumped to marriage and babies? He rubbed his eyes, deciding exhaustion was taking its toll on his thoughts.

Three forty-five came, and his mom came down the hall, a wide smile stretching across her tired face. “We have a baby, a sweet boy who looks like the perfect combination of his mom and dad.”

Everyone jumped up, hugging each other to celebrate.

“How is Jessa,” Ray asked, with his arm wrapped tightly around his wife’s waist.

“As well as can be expected. She’s weak, but she’ll be okay. They’ll keep her here for a few days, and she’ll have several weeks of recovery at home.”

“And my nephew?” Trixie held hands with Phoebe, their sisterly bond made even stronger in praying for their other sister.

“Amazing. The doctor is impressed with him.” Bonnie leaned into her husband. “He’ll be here for a minimum of two weeks, but they expect he’ll go home soon after that.”

“That’s fantastic.” Relief and excitement erased the last of his sleepiness.

“What’s his name?” Phoebe moved from Trixie to lean against Mac.

Bonnie smiled. “I’ll let Landon and Jessa tell you.”

Ray looked at his wife. “When can we see them?”

“Not until later.” Bonnie spoke with an air of experience. “Jessa needs to rest, and she and Landon need time alone. We should all get some sleep and we can come back later.”

A collective disappointment passed among them. Hunter understood, though he’d hoped to catch a glimpse of his nephew. He glanced at Beth. A smile masked her sleepiness. Holding her hand, he walked her to the elevator and then to the car. Though she had driven, he took the wheel on the way home. No longer upset, he couldn’t see a reason for her to drive.

“What a night,” he said, pulling out of the parking lot.

When she didn’t answer, he glanced over, saw she’d fallen asleep. He stretched his arm into the backseat and retrieved his jacket. Since no one was around, he put the car in park at the stop sign and took a second to drape the jacket over her.

What a night, indeed.



Chapter Twelve


Everybody in Jasper Lake must have chosen to go grocery shopping at the same time. Beth pushed her cart through the crowds, making her way to the seasonal aisle. She’d waited until the last minute to buy goodies for Dex and April’s Easter baskets, a decision she now regretted.

The church Easter Egg hunt would start in exactly three hours, and she’d promised Hunter she’d go with to see Liam, Jessa’s baby. Hunter hadn’t had to twist her arm. Truth be told, she may have hinted she wanted to visit, but since she wasn’t family, didn’t feel she had the right. When Hunter mentioned Jessa had included her in the invitation, she jumped at the opportunity.

After three weeks in the NICU, Liam had come home on Tuesday. Understandably, Jessa and Landon were being cautious about who came near, and they’d be staying in until Liam’s immune system had more time to develop. Beth counted it an honor that they’d included her on the guest list.

Thinking of sweet little baby toes and noses wouldn’t help her accomplish the task at hand. She focused on her surroundings before she rammed an innocent person with her cart. Apparently, she wasn’t the only parent who had procrastinated. She had to wait in line to make her candy choice, which were picked over at this point. At least she had several small gifts at home that she’d ordered online.

Usually she was more on top of these things, but time had slipped away from her. Despite Addy’s return, Beth’s workload remained heavy, as spring was a busy time for the bed and breakfast. Combine that with dating Hunter, and she barely had a free moment to herself.

She wasn’t complaining, though. Her life fulfilled her more than she’d ever dreamed. She had two great kids, a job she loved, and a new boyfriend who treated her with the utmost respect. Thoughts of Hunter caused her mind to drift again. She loved their late nights, hanging out in the library or game room after everyone had gone to bed.

They never lacked for conversation, never came up short on laughs. Too often, they’d lost track of time and talked until the sun rose on the horizon. The lack of sleep should have affected her, but she was used to not sleeping. In fact, even those nights they stayed up too late talking, she went to her bed and fell straight asleep, getting more restful sleep than she had in years.

If not for the threat of Kyle’s parents always in the back of her mind, she’d say life was near perfect. In that moment, in the middle of a crowded grocery store, she made a decision, one she should have made months, even years ago. She would no longer hide from the Cohens.

She wasn’t the afraid, naïve girl she’d been two years ago. God had blessed her with a support system, shown her time and again that He was real and present in her life. Her children needed their grandmother in their life, not just a face on the phone screen.

Hunter would support her decision. He’d hinted to it on more than one occasion. She’d come clean to Addy and plead forgiveness for the deception. Addy would understand. Beth knew that now, but hadn’t when she’d first come, and as time passed, she hadn’t known how to reverse course.

With her mind set, she collected the remaining items on her lists and checked out. The short drive home didn’t allow her time to sort through her decision and figure out the logistics. She had no idea what it would look like to stop hiding from the Cohens—she only knew she had to.

She snuck through the back door and crammed the bags in a cabinet before the children could see. Popping her head into the kitchen, she let Lynne knew she’d returned. “Did the kids behave?”

Looking up from prepping a roast, Lynne smiled. “Don’t they always?”

“Where are they?”

“Bill took them on a scavenger hunt. They just left.”

She frowned when she realized she wouldn’t see them before leaving for Jessa’s. They were in good hands, and she was incredibly grateful for the circle of help with the bed and breakfast, but it seemed like she had less and less time with Dex and April. “Which direction did they go? I’ll try to catch up with them.”

“Toward the library.”

“Thanks.” She ran out front and saw them further down the sidewalk. Jogging to catch up, she called out to them.

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