Home > Single Dads Club : The Complete Series(20)

Single Dads Club : The Complete Series(20)
Author: Piper Rayne

She tries to press her thighs together and I know she’s close. Her responsiveness makes my rock-hard cock even stiffer to the point that it’s almost painful.

I pin her with a stare and shake my head between her legs, my teeth lightly scraping her clit. She takes the order as it was intended and lets her legs drop back to the side.

I’d remove my hand from my dick and force her to stay open to me, but the pressure in my dick is building to heights I’m not sure even I can hold off.

Her fingers weave through my hair, and she pulls my head into her sweet pussy. Her taste and scent intoxicate me, and as her fingernails scrape through my hair and her hips rise off the table I know I could never get enough of this.

“Marcus,” she sighs, “I’m going to come.”

And it’s enough. A hot stream of cum shoots from my dick.

Caterina’s pussy pulses against my mouth a few times before her hand disappears from my head and her hips fall to the table.

The hot water chills to a lukewarm and I’m back in my shower. The realization that it was all a daydream leaving me feeling disappointed and slightly depraved.

No, she’s not an eighteen-year-old girl anymore—she’s all woman. Still, Cat equals complications, and I’ve strived to give Lily a secure, stable, drama-free life because at some point when she finds out about her mother, she’s going to need that to be the foundation holding her up.

Regardless, just the thought of Cat does something to me even if it shouldn’t. Even if I’m hell bent on stopping it, it’s starting to feel like I don’t have any say in the matter.









I walk into Breakers twenty-five minutes after exploding into my hand from visualizing a woman that is not the one I’m about to have dinner with. I haven’t come like that in months, maybe years.

Damn it. Caterina Santora is the last person I should be thinking of sprawled on a craft table in my own daughter’s camp, spread-eagle waiting for my mouth. If her father, Bill, ever found out I had one sexual thought about his daughter, he’d do more than pull his business from me. He seems like the kind of man who has Italian connections he keeps only for the people that really screw him over. Fucking around with his youngest daughter for the summer would be at the top of the list of ways to piss him off. I’m sure of it.

Breakers is on the water right next to the marina. It’s decorated like a typical seafood restaurant, with caught fish mounted on wooden planks hung from the ceiling in fisherman nets. It’s a popular place because of their sea to table fare. What’s caught that day is what they serve. There’s other fish they get from suppliers, but every day you can find at least one dish that is freshly caught and in limited supply.

“Hey, Marcus,” the hostess, Tammi, greets me. She doesn’t bother grabbing the crayons and children’s menu, which means Dane beat me here.

Of course, he beat me—I trolled the apartment complexes of Climax Cove looking for a red sports car. Why? I still don’t know. Not like I was about to go up and ring the doorbell of the devil in a blue bikini.

Tammi smiles, sliding her red hair off her shoulder. She’s the owner’s daughter and she’s a nice woman, but her father threatens to castrate any male that tries anything with her with his meat cleaver. Don’t need that drama in my life, that’s for sure.

She isn’t my type anyways. She’s attractive, yes, but she does this thing when she tells a story and constantly repeats the word ‘like’. We aren’t in Los Angeles nor are we in the nineteen eighties during the valley girl era.

Yeah, my buddies at the Single Dads Club say I find asinine stuff wrong with women. So, what? I don’t need to settle for someone who is going to annoy me every day of my life and any decisions I make affect my daughter.

“Dane here?” I ask.

Her lips spread into a bigger smile and she nods. “He’s in the back room.” She points to the room that has fewer tables but windows on three sides so you can view the sunset. Dane’s laying it on thick tonight. He must really want in this girl’s pants.

“Thanks, Tammi.”

I wind my way through the tables, waving hello to the townies who have become mine and Lily’s family. My feet stop when I’m in the archway to the back room. Dane sits at the table beside a brunette while a woman with darker hair sits across from them. Each of them have their phones out and they’re showing each other their screens, laughing.

Fucking great. The faster I sit down, the faster it’s over.

Dane catches me approaching the table and stands up. He does the whole raising of eyebrows discreetly side-glancing to my date. My eyes veer to her overly toothy smile and back to him. Even if she were the latest Victoria Secret model, I wouldn’t be smiling like the goon he is. She doesn’t have shiny blonde hair, or eyes as blue as the ocean, or perfectly molded hips I know are made for my hands.

Jesus. Get her out of your head.

Dane stands alongside me and both women’s eyes are open wide, their over-whitened teeth gleaming. I wonder if they could be our flashlights if we lost power?

He pats me on the back. “This is Marcus.” Dane slaps me again and I look at him from the corner of my eye. “This is Nina.” He points to his date who smiles, never holding her hand out to me. Then he puts both of his hands on my shoulders turning me to face my date, as though he has some sort of surprise waiting for me. “This is Polly.”

She holds her hand out to me, but when I take it and start shaking, she pulls my arm toward her and I stumble into the chair. Once I’m in the chair still trying to figure out what just happened, she kisses both my cheeks.

“Sorry, I just came back from Paris. Have you ever been? Oh my gosh, I could go on and on about the Louvre or the Eiffel Tower. After Paris, we took the train down to Italy. Oh, don’t go getting all jealous, I went with a friend of mine from high school. Another woman, not a man.” Her brown eyes flare for a moment as she gives me the once over. “I took Italian in college, but I never really used it, so I was a little rusty, but I surprised the waiters and waitresses by doing my best with their language.”

Good God, Dane has set me up on a date with himself.

“Hey, are you on Snapchat? We should totally be friends on there.” She grabs her phone from the table and I glance at Dane, my one eyebrow cocked.

He’s laughing to himself while he swings his arm around his date’s shoulders. His quiet date. I think there was a mix-up in the who-is-whose type department.

“Pull out your phone, silly.” Polly sets her phone back on the table and proceeds to lean overtop of me, patting my pockets for it.

I slide the chair back, part panic, part horror, at the same time as the waitress, Heather, comes over. She’s Tammi’s youngest sister and up until now, I didn’t realize she’d started working here.

She takes in the scene in front of her. “Mr. Kent. Mr. Murray.” She greets both of us, and her presence at least slows Polly’s hands before she starts cupping my balls. I was not expecting a random prison pat down with dinner.

“Hey, Heather.” I fidget to push my chair out and stand. Thankfully, Polly straightens up and sits back in her chair. “I’ll have a Rusty Nail.” I look to the table, where Dane’s choking back a laugh. I’m glad one of us finds this so fucking amusing. “I’ll be right back,” I say to Polly, who looks like she wants me to be on the menu after feeling me up.

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