Home > Brazen Tricks(17)

Brazen Tricks(17)
Author: Ali Dean

“You told them to go for it?”

“I can’t remember exactly how I responded, because then Sydney told me about Brie and Zora and I was all distracted. How does she know about that, anyway?”

“Maybe they were out somewhere together and she saw them.”

“Or she’s spying on the Jay Beach house.”

“I doubt it. The place is surrounded by a giant fence. We had to keep it private during filming.”

“Yeah, and we know how easy it is to climb fences.”

“Are you still worried about those accounts?” I push. “We haven’t talked about it, but they haven’t been in touch with you, right? You don’t have anyone making threats anymore?”

She shakes her head. “No. I really don’t. It’s like I got a fresh start when I came back with a new account. Maybe people like you better with me than with Camila, or maybe they’re more interested in my skateboarding and coming back from a head injury than my relationship status. Plus there isn’t any of that speculation about me being with Griff. That definitely fueled the fire.”

“You’ll tell me if that changes, right?”

“Yeah, Beck, you’ll be the first to know.”

Deciding to let the messages from the guys hitting on her go, I tell her the news I’ve been waiting to share with her in person.

“Good, because I have another big public appearance coming up and I want to be able to talk freely about you, about us.”

“Oh yeah, what is it?”

“I’ll be a guest on the Eileen Delarosa Show.”

“What? No way. You’re kidding me, right?”

“No, I got invited yesterday.”

Jordan squeals. “Can I come? Can I sit in the audience?” For a girl who doesn’t get fired up about much that doesn’t have to do with skateboarding, it’s damn cute to see her like this. But I have to shake my head.

“It’s at the same time as Fusion Bowl in Vancouver. I really think you should go to that before the X Games. It’ll be good to have another major contest behind you.”

She puts out her lower lip in a pout. “My first contest without you then, huh? I guess I need to put on my big girl panties.”

Reaching for her, I hook my fingers through her underwear. “Not yet. Let’s take them off first.”



Chapter Eleven




I always feel more womanly after Beck makes love to me. I’ve never been much of a girly girl, whatever that term encompasses. I can admire put-together girls with beautiful hair and makeup, manicured and stylish, but never had enough interest to embrace that side of femininity. I like my clothes and hair functional, though according to Zora I do have a style, but anything I express with it is entirely unintentional. In any case, after a morning in bed with Beck, I feel like wearing a dress. Sure, I pull on spandex shorts underneath just in case a skateboarding opportunity presents itself, but this is my version of feeling womanly.

Beck comes up behind me and kisses me on the shoulder. “No boyfriends allowed to brunch, huh?”

“Or girlfriends. But I think all of you crashed here last night so the four of you can go have your own heart to heart if you want,” I offer.

“That’s all right. I should get a little work done anyway.”

Our favorite brunch spot, The Mecca, is still crowded on a weekday but we’re able to get a table after just a short wait. I’m expecting the focus to be on Zora but she fires the first question, wanting to know how Sydney was the one to spill the beans. I fill them in on the conversation, and they aren’t too thrilled I never mentioned before that our three favorite sorority girls are in class with me.

“Until yesterday, I’ve mostly only hung out with Brie at the Jay Beach house. She came here once but we were basically at the condo pool the entire time.” Zora frowns. “I guess we went surfing at the beach one other time. Maybe that’s where she saw us.”

“I should’ve asked how she knew, but I was caught off guard and still half thinking about their weird proposition.”

Lucy puts down her menu. “It’s weird, but not totally unexpected for them.” She shifts her attention to Zora. “Talk to us. How did you and Brie happen?”

Zora leans back in her seat, holding her mug between her hands. “I’ve always been interested in girls as well as guys. I’ve had crushes on both since I was a kid.” She looks at me. “These two already know, but I’ve been with girls a couple of times. I guess I assumed I was bi, but now that I’ve met Brie… I’m thinking I’m more lesbian.”

There’s a beat of silence before Ellie asks, “You’re not sure?”

“I just know I’m totally into Brie and being with anyone else doesn’t interest me at all.” She shrugs. “I’ve never felt more like myself. We click.”

“I’m really happy for you,” I reiterate my sentiments from yesterday. The nuances of her sexuality aren’t important, even if I’m sure I’m not the only one of the three of us a little curious about the lack of clear distinction. She’s found her person, and that’s what matters.

“When did things start happening between you two?” Lucy asks.

“Your birthday party.” Zora pauses, and then amends, “Well, I guess at Southskate is when I started really crushing on her. But we kissed for the first time at the birthday party.”

“How’d we miss this?” Ellie wonders.

Zora shrugs. “It was in the pool after you all went to bed.” Zora sighs like she’s remembering the moment, and then she smirks at me. “Remember when we dragged you here, ran into Griffin for the first time, and then decided you’d get some kissing practice from him?”

“I can’t believe I told you guys about my first kiss disaster and lack of experience after just meeting you,” I say on a groan.

Lucy laughs softly. “I’d say we all clicked, in the friendship way, just like Zora and Brie clicked in the kissy way.”

Zora almost chokes on her coffee. “The kissy way? Really? Is that what we’re calling it, Lucy?”

“Well, what do you want to call it?”

Ignoring their banter, Ellie raises her orange juice glass. “Hey, let’s toast to clicking with people. The kissing-way or kissing-advice way, whatever.”

We all raise our cups of juice or coffee for a toast. By some mutual agreement, we don’t touch on heavier topics the rest of the meal, and instead chat and laugh about everything from the shenanigans that went down last night to our plans for the rest of the semester. They want to come to Fusion Bowl in three weeks to watch me compete, especially when I tell them Beck can’t come. But then I decide to tell them why Beck can’t come – that he’ll be on the Eileen Delarosa Show – and their priorities change real quick.

“Can we get tickets?” Lucy asks, bouncing in her seat.

“Where are your loyalties?” I tease. “I thought you wanted to come support me at Fusion Bowl?”

Zora waves a hand. “You’ll be fine. How do we get tickets to the show?”

Chuckling, I promise to ask Beck about it. We’ve paid the bill and I’m already thinking about heading to Jay Beach with Beck to work on my 720 this afternoon. Lucy and I start to slide out of the booth, but before we can, someone drops in next to me. I note Lucy’s eyes flash before I turn to find Sydney beside me. She’s glancing all around the restaurant and ducking low.

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