Home > Heavy Souls (The Paranormals #2)(8)

Heavy Souls (The Paranormals #2)(8)
Author: Andie M. Long

“Because she hasn’t fallen for your seduction techniques?” Noah scoffed.

My eyes narrowed in his direction. “Yes. I’m an incubus. All human women are supposed to fall at my feet, so that would suggest that she is somehow, something else.”

“You’re something else.” He told me.

I gave him the middle finger.

The conversation moved on to Noah spilling his secret of a night of passion with Stacey. Those two just needed to get their act together and soon.

My mind kept wandering back to Harley. I was going to keep a close eye on her and I'd tell myself that it was because her co-presenter was missing and Harley got to take the spotlight, and not the fact that she didn't appear to be attracted to me.

I would find out what was going on with her, if it was the last thing I did.

Harley Davies needed to fall for my charms, and by charms I meant my sex bits and by fall I meant right onto my dick.



We had joint won the competition. The night had been the strangest experience ever, and from a guy who'd made a deal with a demon that was saying something.

There had been two 'possessions' that turned out to be via a dead co-presenter who couldn't let his quest for fame lie, a visit from Death himself, and my vampire best mate had narrowly escaped a dusting. But he'd then gone on to get the girl and we'd all gone on to party.

Now here we were in Sheol, the nightclub that masked the seventh dimension of Hell. My deal with my boss was about to benefit him further and as a myriad of women moved closer to me, I could see that I wasn't going to have any problem with willing participants, it was just a question of time management.

Aaron, Don's assistant, came to find me. He looked like he should be in Men in Black and his face was always oh so serious.

"Hey, Aaron, my man. There's plenty of spare pussy here tonight. Want me to get one to drop to your knees?"

"No thank you, Zak. My wife would replace my sphincter." He said monotone.

I looked at him with my head tilted. "Do you mean rip you a new arsehole?"

"That's what I said."

"Can I help you?" I shouted over the music.

"Oh yes. Abaddon will allow you a lie in tomorrow morning because he presumes you'll be extremely busy tonight, but you need to come back here to meet him at one p.m. sharp to discuss the moving onto the new arrangement you made with him."

"One pm. Got ya. Is that everything?"

"Yes, oh, just to remind you that if you ever appear in my wife's dreams I will replace your sphincter." He walked off.

I went back to partying because tonight for me was for celebrating being the lead singer of a band with a recording contract and a top manager. I'd have plenty of sex tonight, but because I wanted to, not because I had to, and I wouldn't appear in their dreams. It was time for Zak to give the newspapers something new to report.

An orgy. Let the celebrations begin in Ernest.

And, no, that wasn't a spelling mistake, Ernest was a waiter with a fantastic mouth.






We were sitting in the audience at the final of Britain's Best New Band. Not only that, but I looked hot if I said so myself. I was wearing a black dress that hugged my curves and had redone my purple hair dye, so it looked fresh.

Freya was sweltering in a mohair jumper which she'd decided might make Rex more attracted to her. As the minutes went on in the packed auditorium and her cheeks went redder and her hair limper and wetter, I wasn't sure she was going to achieve her aims.

This time around, the atmosphere was naturally electric and we didn't need an emcee getting us all warmed up. They still had one, we just didn’t need them. Everyone was whooping and hollering.

"Do you want a drink?" Freya asked. "Only I'm getting dehydrated."

Well, duh. Creating your own portable sauna would do that.

"You need to lose the jumper, Freya. Put it back on when we get nearer to Rex."

She thumped me.

"Ow. What's that for?"

"Why the hell didn't you tell me that in the first place? I had no need to sit here almost dying. Now, do you want a beer?"

I held a hand up. "No alcohol for me tonight, thank you. I want to know exactly what I'm doing with Zak Jones."


Which then made it all the more peculiar when the competition was over and I found myself standing near the band knowing that The Paranormals and Seven Sisters had drawn on votes and therefore both won the competition, but I only had a vague recollection of the actual evening and no idea how I'd got near the stage.

Freya looked down at herself, saw how near to Rex she was and she quickly put her jumper back on. But it was fruitless as the band were taken away to do their press calls.

"Quickly, get out your press badge," she said.

"I don't have one. Did you not bring the fake one?" I asked.

"No. Why would I need to bring a fake when you're their fan club president? You must be able to get in. Come on, let's go ask over there." She dragged me over to where a security guy was looking at badges.

It was the same guy we'd met outside the dressing room before. Bingo! He knew us.

"Hey, Security Guy." I said, following it up with a beaming smile, and then I made to walk past him.

He held out an arm to stop me.

"Sorry, Miss, it's press only."

"Yeah, we are. Don't you remember?" Freya queried.

"Oh I remember." He said, standing taller so his pecs flexed under his shirt. "Especially when I was given a warning about not checking ID properly and almost lost my job."

Our faces fell.

"I am so very sorry about that, but it's okay now. I'm actually the president of their fan club and so I can go through." I explained.

"Yeah, and I'm the president of the United States of America. It's not working this time, Miss." He looked behind us. "There are real press queuing up behind you now. If you could move, so I don't actually lose my job this time…"

We stepped away as it was clear we weren't getting anywhere near the band this way.

Instead, we waited nearby so we could see where they were going next.


Two hours later, next turned out to be a nightclub called Sheol. By this time I'd decided I may as well have a glass of wine, given my evening was still a bit vague. I'd guessed the coke Freya had bought me must have had a sneaky vodka in it and that she was just not admitting the truth. She said she felt the same way strangely, but she had been drinking so I wasn't taking much notice of her thoughts on the matter.

I tried and tried to get near the band, to get near Zak, but it was no use. Other women were trying to get to him too and they were far meaner than I was. After my fifth hard elbow in my gut, I told Freya I was giving up.

As she'd not gotten anywhere near Rex either, she nodded.

"Come on. There's no need for us to be in this zoo. We have your access to them through the fan club. We'll get there, another day."

With that we made our way home. It had been a great night experiencing the live final. I just couldn't help being disappointed at not experiencing Zak's manhood.


And we didn't get access to them through my fan club either. Because immediately after their joint win, there was Paranormals pandemonium and all my fan club queries went via their new personal PA.

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