Home > Log Fires & Toffee Apple Cake at the Little Duck Pond Cafe(45)

Log Fires & Toffee Apple Cake at the Little Duck Pond Cafe(45)
Author: Rosie Green

‘I want to show you something,’ he says suddenly, breaking the spell and walking round to the back of the van.

‘The computer game?’

He frowns. ‘Sorry?’

‘You said you were designing a virtual reality computer game.’

‘I am. But this isn’t it. This…is the reason I decided to go to New York.’

Curious, I walk over to join him and he holds up a head-set.

‘I put this on?’

He nods. ‘I knew you’d be disappointed you didn’t get to go to New York – I was pretty cut up about it myself - and I was just going to cancel the trip altogether. But then I had an idea. I’d go over there anyway and design a virtual reality tour of New York. And it was only when I got there and started filming it, with Jo’s help, that I realised something.’

‘You realised what?’

‘That I was doing it all for you.’

‘Really?’ I stare at him in amazement.

He smiles ruefully. ‘I couldn’t stop thinking about you while I was away. We should have been on that trip together, and I suppose making this tour for you felt like the next best thing. It was as if you were there with me, and I was seeing Central Park through your eyes.’

‘Central Park?’

He nods. ‘It’s a virtual ride through the park on a horse and carriage.’ He gently puts on my headset for me.

And then I’m looking at the most amazing sight. ‘Oh, it’s night time and I’m in the carriage and we’re clipping along the path towards the most amazingly colourful vintage carousel, all twinkling with lights. Oh, no, we’re turning off the path to the left.’

‘You can take the reins.’ He moves my hands as if I’m directing the horse to take the right-hand fork in the road, and I squeal in delight as sure enough, the carriage goes in the other direction, approaching the beautiful carousel with its horses spinning around.

‘I can’t believe this. Ooh, look, there’s the famous Plaza Hotel. Oh, my God, this is wonderful. And you did all this for me?’

I grab his arm and he carefully removes the head-set.

I look at him and laugh with delight. ‘Thank you. It’s amazing. I love it!’

He glances down with a pleased smile. And when he looks up, he says, ‘Maybe one day soon, we’ll be there in person. Taking a ride on that carousel.’ He swallows. ‘It didn’t seem right, being there, in New York, without you. And that’s when I realised…’

The breath catches in my throat. ‘Realised what?’

‘That I love you, Maddy.’

I stare at him. And I kid you not, it’s on the tip of my tongue, at the most romantic moment of my life, to laugh and say something like, ‘For goodness’ sake, we’re not in a movie!’

Old habits die hard.

But I stop myself and think about how I truly feel about the man standing there in front of me. And then it’s easy to say what I need to say.

‘I love you, too, Jack Dempster. I think I’ve loved you from the very first time I saw you in that spa restaurant. Or at least, very soon afterwards.’

He smiles. A broad smile that makes his eyes crinkle at the corners, which in turn makes my heart start performing ecstatic somersaults. I smile, suddenly reminded of something.

‘I’m very glad to hear it,’ says Jack, pulling me close to him. ‘Why were you smiling just then?’

‘Oh, I was just hoping Jaz has an ecstatic birth.’ I smile up at him, loving the feel of his strong arms around me. It feels like heaven, moulding my body against his for the first time in what feels like forever. But it’s amazing how quickly you get right back into it, I think to myself – especially when it’s so right. Then his lips come down on mine and we’re kissing deeply and passionately, as if we’ll never stop.

‘An ecstatic birth?’ he mutters, as we draw apart to catch our breath.

I laugh into his gorgeous amber eyes and my heart feels as if it might explode with joy on this glorious night.

‘I’ll explain later,’ I murmur, winding my hands up around his neck, and pulling him down for another kiss…




I’m standing outside Jaz’s ward, wondering if I should go in.

I really want to see her and her new baby boy, but I’m worried I might not be welcome. Is she still mad at me?

Then I suddenly realise she’s spotted me and she’s waving to me to come in.

Feeling weirdly nervous, I walk quickly over to her bed, but the big smile Jaz greets me with wipes away all my doubts.

‘Hi!’ I present her with magazines and some satsumas. ‘How are you?’

She grins. ‘Knackered. But very happy. Come and meet Emma.’

I hug Jaz, then I turn to the crib beside her, and gasp in amazement. ‘Oh, she’s gorgeous, Jaz. A little angel. Absolutely perfect.’

Jaz smiles proudly at her sleeping babe. ‘She is, isn’t she? If I say so myself! She enchanted Harry from the word go. I’ve never seen him so soppy.’

‘That’s brilliant. I’m so delighted.’

She reaches for my hand and studies me. ‘What about you? Are you okay? Fen told me the great news about you and Jack.’

I smile goofily, blushing all over. ‘He’s lovely. We’re good.’

‘I’m so glad you’ve finally got your act together, you two. You’ve had such a hard time lately, Maddy, and I didn’t make it any better by being so bitchy to you.’ She shakes her head. ‘I can’t believe I accused you of being self-centred and not caring about anyone else. Ellie told me you were meant to be meeting Jack the other night, but you came to my rescue anyway, even though you knew your chance to get back with Jack was slipping away.’

I shrug. ‘It worked out okay in the end. And anyway, it’s what you do. For a friend.’

Her chin wobbles. She squeezes my hand tightly. ‘Don’t. You’ll make me cry. And I’ve done far too much of that already over the past nine months. Can we blame it on pregnancy hormones and move on? I know I probably don’t deserve your forgiveness, Maddy, but I’d really like it.’

I swallow hard on the lump in my throat. ‘There’s nothing to forgive. I got carried away with the whole “real dad” thing, and everyone around me suffered.’

‘I’m glad it’s all sorted. You and your dad – your real dad – looked so happy chatting together at the bistro night.’

I nod. ‘It’s so good being a proper family again. I think everything’s going to be all right now.’

‘Family, eh?’


‘And speaking of family, Summer’s coming up with her gran later. Eleven years old and she’s been knitting bootees, would you believe. She can’t wait to meet her sister.’

‘Aw, Summer’s brilliant. I love her.’

‘She’s a little miracle in my life, that’s for sure. She might be my ex’s daughter, but we shared such a bond while Grant and I were together. I love that she still wants to be part of my life.’

I smile. ‘And knitting? Wow. I’m not sure my pastimes were quite so – um – wholesome, when I was young. I was definitely being crafty, but probably more along the lines of nicking sweets behind the shop keeper’s back.’ I grimace at the memory.

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