Home > Play With Me(40)

Play With Me(40)
Author: Brittany Cournoyer

Foster perked up on the stool when I approached, and as soon as he was within touching distance, I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him to me so I could slam my lips into his. Since we were in a public setting, and there were too many people milling around, I kept the kiss brief. But I couldn’t resist a few more quick pecks before setting him back down on the stool.

“No more,” I growled.

“No more, what?” he asked with a tilt of his sexy head.

“No more going so many days apart from each other.”

“It was only a few days,” he pointed out.

“That’s a few days too many. A day, I understand. But fuck, I missed your lips.”

“I missed yours too,” he said softly as he reached out, tucked a finger in my belt loop, and then pulled me closer until I was standing between his legs.

I groaned as I leaned down to claim his lips one more time, then I turned to the bartender to order a water.

“How does it feel being on this side?” I asked once I downed half the bottle.

“It’s nice being the one served for once. Though, a part of me is itching to jump back there and help them with this crowd.”

“That’s because you’re excellent at it. Are you enjoying the show?”

“Absolutely. Being on this side gives me a chance to really watch you guys all play, and it’s fun watching the audience react to you. I’m anxious to see how they’ll be when it’s time for your solo.”

“The only reaction I care about is yours.”

Foster hummed and tipped his head back to look into my eyes, and I fought the urge to lean over and run my tongue along his Adam’s apple.

“I love watching you play. I can’t wait to hear which song you choose.”

“Would you like me to tell you?”

He shook his head. “No. I want to be surprised.”

“What are you doing later when we’re done here?”

Foster’s lips pursed into a smirk. “I was hoping the sexy sax player would take me home with him.”

“I think that can be arranged.”

We talked a little bit longer and then it was time for me to get back on the stage. I gave him another brief kiss and promised I’d see him during my next break.

“I’ll be here.”

“I’m counting on it.” Then I leaned over and brought my lips close to his ear so only he could hear what I was about to say next. “Because once I’m done playing with my sax, it’ll be time to play with you.”









I stretched under my covers and sighed. It was one a rare day I woke up in my own bed, rather than in Stellan’s arms. Since watching him play at The Tavern a few weeks prior, I spent more nights at his place than I did my own and tried to catch as many of his shows as work would allow. And the nights I had to go home, I found myself missing my knight in tattooed armor. My bed was too lonely without him, my sheets too scratchy, and even though I finally got around to getting a new pillow, I preferred resting my head on his chest. And even though I could’ve stayed with him last night, I had an afternoon appointment to tour a new apartment, so I didn’t want to be late by getting sidetracked by my sexy sax player.

I’d been combing the Internet for days searching for rentals, and even though there were a few that caught my interest, the one I found today was the most promising. I filled out the application, and then waited to hear from them while simultaneously trying not to get my hopes up. When the leasing agent called a few days later to schedule the tour, I wanted to weep in relief. Between having a secure job, my relationship with Stellan, and hopefully a pending move, things were finally falling to place for me.

My body ached as I rose to my feet—a reminder of the thorough goodbye Stellan had given me—and I made my way to the small bathroom to get a shower. I stripped my clothes and turned on the water, hopping in before it was even to a temperature of my liking since the hot water didn’t last long. But it was while I was soaping up my body, and I caught sight of the love bites on my chest, that a realization hit me, and my mind started to wander.

In the many times we’d been intimate together, from the intense sex in his bedroom, to him dropping to his knees in his kitchen and taking me into his mouth, it was always him pleasuring me. No matter how many times I tried to make him feel good, he refused. When I’d ask why, I always got the same answer.

“Seeing you come does please me.”

And while I appreciated that, and how much attention he paid to me, I wanted to reciprocate. I wanted to feel the heaviness of his cock in my hand while I took him in my mouth. I wanted to know what he tasted like. I wanted him to relinquish some of his control so I could climb him like a tree and ride him until the sun came up. I just wanted more, and I wondered if there was an underlying reason he wasn’t letting me do those things. But did I really want to open that can of worms by asking about it, or just continue as we were going and be happy with how things were?

The water started to run cold, so I shelved those questions for another time and quickly rinsed off. I was shivering by the time I stepped out and grabbed my towel to wrap it around my body and soak up the cold water that coated my skin. Once I was dry, I retreated to my bedroom and dressed in my best pair of jeans and a red, long-sleeved shirt. My hair was nearly dry by the time I stepped back into the bathroom, and after styling it off my face, splashing some cologne on my neck, and brushing my teeth, I was ready to go.

As I drove to the apartment, I found myself wishing Stellan was with me. He had a critical eye and would look at every nook, cranny, and crevice and ask the questions that’d slip my mind. But he had an early morning appointment to fix a car he was itching to get his hands on, and this was something I needed to do on my own. I was trying to get back on my own two feet, and I couldn’t do that if I was leaning on someone else. Which was way I insisted on keeping up with my payments for the work he’d done on my car. Stellan didn’t hide his surprise when I’d stopped by the shop to make my next payment, but I refused to take advantage of our relationship by expecting free work. Stellan had taken the time to fix my car, and he needed paid for it. Knowing how important it was to me, he accepted the payment without an argument, and nothing was said about it when we got together later that evening.

I pulled into the complex and parked in front of the leasing office. After taking a deep breath and checking my bank account for the hundredth time to make sure I really had enough in there to cover the damage deposit and first month’s rent, I finally exited my car and went inside. The leasing agent, a man a few years older than me who introduced himself as Thomas, was waiting for me. We shook hands, made small talk as he gathered the keys he needed, and then headed toward a building to the right of the office.

“It’s upstairs, but the balcony overlooks the pool, and it’s recently been renovated. All the appliances have been updated, the carpeting replaced, and a fresh coat of paint has been added to all the walls.”

“Sounds great,” I murmured as I followed him up the stairs.

After unlocking the door, he pushed it open and stood back for me to enter. The minute I stepped over the threshold I knew I was home. It was light, spacious, and perfect. On top of that, I felt safe. I didn’t even need the damn tour, but I went ahead and took my time walking through it. Each room was better than the last, and my entire current apartment could fit in the bedroom. I made sure to open cabinets, peek in closets, and I even turned on the faucets and flushed the toilets. Everything was perfect, and as I continued to look around, the decision was made. I knew this was where I needed to move.

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