Home > Play With Me(49)

Play With Me(49)
Author: Brittany Cournoyer

I looked up and our eyes met. His dick was still deep in my mouth, and his own lips were parted in a silent moan as I reached down a free hand to cup his balls. With a few more strokes on my tongue and a gentle squeeze to his sac, his entire body tensed as our gazes stayed locked together. I gagged at the sudden movement but didn’t pull off when the first spurt of hot cum shot down my throat. I swallowed every drop he gave me, and only once his body relaxed did I finally pull off him.

I sat back on my haunches and scrubbed the tears and saliva off my face. I was breathless, my throat felt raw, and my lips were swollen from being stretched for so long. And my jaw had a slight ache to it. But all of that was worth it to see the look on Stellan’s face. His expression was as raw as my throat felt, and the emotion behind his eyes nearly took what little breath I had left away. He hadn’t said it yet, and he would whenever he was ready. But I knew. Stellan loved me.

“Was it okay?” I finally forced myself to ask. Too much silence had passed between us, and now that I was no longer in the moment, my old pal anxiety creeped back up, and I was worried I’d done something wrong.

But he didn’t say anything to ease my fears. Instead, he launched off the couch with enough force I was knocked backward onto the floor. His large body covered me, and his mouth sealed over mine as he swallowed my gasp. Any thoughts I had vanished. He showed me, rather than told me, that I’d done just fine. And there’d be plenty of opportunities to practice in the future.



Moving day had finally arrived, and between work, rehearsals, and gigs, Stellan helped me pack my belongings into boxes I’d procured from the bar. Mina had been a gem and allowed me to take a few days off to get settled, and Jimmy gladly took the extra shifts. While I was anxious to get moved into the new place, I remembered how daunting it would be to get everything over there and unpacked. But Stellan had that covered and surprised me when he arrived.

“I brought reinforcements,” he announced after he let himself in, and I saw the rest of the band directly behind him.

“Oh my word, how…what…why?”

“Stellan promised us wings and beer,” Baylor explained as he walked over to a box and hefted it into his arms.

“And I have a truck to haul all this,” Weston added and grabbed a floor lamp.

“Besides, since it’s Sunday we have nothing better to do. And he’d help us if we needed it, right?” Maverick pointed out.

“Absolutely,” Stellan answered.

Maverick made a noise and grabbed another box, and the three walked out of the apartment to load it into the truck.

“I can’t believe you did this,” I said in awe as I stared at him.

“Believe it. It’ll get you out of here faster with extra hands, and I knew you wouldn’t ask for help yourself.”

I nodded. “You’re right. I was just going to move what I could in my car and figure out the bigger stuff later.”

“Now you don’t have to,” Stellan said and planted a quick kiss on my lips.

“Thank you,” I murmured against his mouth.

“Hey, you two, less kissing and more moving,” Maverick shouted from the door.

I pulled back with a laugh and looked at the band. “Thank you all so much. I really appreciate it.”

“You can thank us later. Let’s get you the hell out of here.”

Stellan was right. With the rest of the band, we packed up what belongings I had into the bed of Weston’s truck in no time. And since I didn’t have much, it only took us a few trips there and back. I fought with Weston numerous times to take gas money from me, but he wouldn’t hear of it. His excuse was that I was an honorary band member now, and he didn’t charge us.

Once we finally had everything in my new place, I turned in the keys and then the guys helped me get the bed set up and the living room furniture in place. Baylor and Weston went to work getting the television set up, while Stellan and Maverick left to grab the chicken wings and beer.

“I really appreciate all your help,” I said again as I grabbed a box of dishes to unpack them in the kitchen.

“It’s no problem, really. They all helped me when I got my new place, so I was glad to return the favor,” Baylor said.

“I mean, aside from the goo-goo eyes you two kept tossing at each other, it wasn’t a bad way to spend an afternoon.”

I snorted at Weston as I stacked the plates in the cabinet. “Goo-goo eyes? Whatever.”

“Please. Don’t ‘whatever’ me. It’s obvious you two are madly in love with each other. You might as well admit it.”

I shrugged even as I looked at the men who’d come to hover in the doorway. “I mean, if it’s obvious, what’s there to admit?”

“Have you said the words out loud to each other yet?” Baylor asked.

“Nope. I worry it’s too soon, and then there’s the whole trying to figure out when it’s the right time to tell him.”

Weston grinned at me before shooting a look to Baylor. “Why not now?”

“Because he’s not here?” I asked and started breaking down the box. “Besides, I doubt moving into a new apartment is exactly romantic. I can see it now. Me declaring to Stellan over a pile of boxes that I love him. My heart is just swooning over the visual,” I said with a snort.

“Unpacking a box in the kitchen isn’t a bad place either,” Stellan announced. The sound of his voice sent icy panic running through my veins, and I dropped the box I was holding as my jaw fell open.

I was rendered speechless and frozen to the spot as he came into view.

“Right. Guys, I think we should take the chicken and beer to go, what do you think?” Weston suggested.

Stellan and I ignored them as they saw themselves out, and I reminded myself to thank them again later—much later.

“How much of that did you hear?” I finally managed to ask.

“All of it.”

My heart dropped as I looked at the floor. I hadn’t meant for him to hear any of it, and I worried I’d ruined everything by declaring it so soon. Even though I knew he loved me, the words still hadn’t been said. And I didn’t want him to be pressured into any declarations he wasn’t ready for.

“I don’t know what to say.”

“Did you mean it?” he asked me quietly.

I forced myself to raise my head and meet his questioning gaze. “Every word.”

“Then say it again.”

My voice was steady, and my heart was beating wildly in my chest when I spoke, “I love you.”

Stellan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened them again the raw expression I’d seen before was blaring in his gaze, and he stalked closer to me before slamming his lips against mine. It was a kiss that sealed our love and was full of promise for our future.

“Thank God for that,” he rasped when we broke apart, “because I love you too.”

I closed my eyes, savoring his words and the feel of his lips on my forehead. Finally. We had finally declared our love for each other. And even though I scoffed at the idea earlier, having it done surrounded by boxes was probably the most romantic thing I’d ever experienced.

“Come on,” I said hoarsely, “let’s go break in my new bedroom.”

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