Home > Obsession A Mafia Romance(69)

Obsession A Mafia Romance(69)
Author: J.L. Beck

Everything about this feels wrong, but I can’t stop now.

“I came up here to tell you that I planned to fuck you tonight, but it looks like you were thinking the same thing I was.” The edge of his voice is as sharp as the knife blade I’m hiding in the side of my dress. If I can get close enough, maybe I can stab him without him ever seeing it coming.

“Of course, why don’t you help me out of my dress,” I purr and twist around, giving him my back. It’s a daring move, one that could be dangerous if I’m not careful.

“It’d be my honor,” he growls, his hot whiskey breath fans over the back of my neck, and I shiver with fear knowing that it’s all or nothing now. I’m either going to end up on my back, making the biggest mistake of my life, or with blood on my hands.

His fingers grip the tiny zipper at my side and start to tug down. At the same time, I drop the tiny little clutch I was holding in my hands to the floor as a distraction.

As I had hoped, Alberto leans down to grab it, and that’s when I make my move. Pulling out the knife, I grip the handle in my clammy hand and twist around to face him just as he’s coming to stand at his full height.

I don’t think, all I do is act as I swing the blade through the air, and diagonally across his throat. Blood sprays like a water sprinkler from his neck, and the lustful haze in his eyes slowly turns to panic. He reaches for me, but I take a step back, bumping against the edge of the bed. Dropping the knife, it lands on the floor, and a second later, so does Alberto.

Adrenaline rushes through my veins, and all I can do is stare, my hands shaking, watching as the life drains out of him.

I killed someone. Something must be wrong with me because I don’t feel anything, not a single thing. Actually, I take that back, I feel relieved, free, a bird that’s going to escape her golden cage. An idea pops into my head, and I step over his body and start to go through his pockets. Keys jingle inside his dress pants. Bingo. Fishing them out, I stare at the key fob to his car. That’s my ticket out of this place. They’ll never think twice if I drive out of here in his car.

I pick up the knife from the floor and take it into the bathroom with me. I put the knife down long enough to strip out of my blood-soaked dress. Then I pick the knife back up and get in the shower. Holding on to the smooth silver handle of the steak knife while standing under the spray, I watch as the water turns from red to pink, and then clear.

When I’m clean of all the blood, I get out of the shower, dry off and hurry back into my room. I pull on a pair of leggings, sports bra, T-shirt, and a pair of tennis shoes.

Tucking the knife into the waistband of my leggings, I go to the bedroom door. Opening it a crack, I listen for anyone that may be close by, especially guards. Matteo may have lessened them in the days since Zane left, but there is still a heavy presence, especially tonight.

Stepping into the hall, I lock the door and close it firmly behind me. It’s now or never. At the end of the hall is a laundry shoot that leads into the laundry room, which is just off the maids’ quarters. I know this because I had accidentally walked down there one day while checking out the mansion. Opening the wooden door that hides the shoot, I look down into the dark tunnel.

My heart clatters in my chest, but I know I have to do this. Climbing into the shoot, I grip the edge of the door, my fingers biting into the wood a second before I let go. I can’t breathe, can’t see, and all I want to do is scream as I slide through the dark on my belly.

All too soon, the ride is over, and I land in a heap of clothes and sheets, the air expelling from my chest upon landing.

I can’t believe I just did that.

Climbing out of the pile, I scurry to my feet and look around the room for the nearest exit. When I spot the door and walk to it, all I can do is hope and pray that it’s unlocked. I reach for the brass doorknob and wrap my fingers around the cold metal. My heart pounding out of my chest in anticipation. It turns, and I push the door open. I sigh in relief when the brisk fresh air blows through my hair.

For a few seconds, I just stand there, breathing in and calming myself before I poke my head out carefully. Looking left and right, I don’t see any guards. I slowly walk outside and close the door behind me. Almost… I’ve almost made it.

With the key heavy in my pocket, I sneak around the house, staying as close to the wall and in the shadows as I can. Most cars are parked on the lawn in the front yard, and that is where I’m heading.

When I get to the edge of the makeshift parking lot, I take out the key fob and hit the unlock button. Like a beacon in the dark, headlights start to flash a few rows down, and I weave through the cars to get to them.

I climb into the luxury car and push the key into the ignition with a shaking hand. It turns, and the car roars to life. I buckle up quickly before putting the car in drive and pulling out of the spot.

Heading for the main gate, I let possible scenarios of the next ten minutes run through my mind. If everything goes according to plan, the guards will just wave me through, thinking that I’m Alberto. If they see that it’s not him and try to stop me, I will hit the gas and hope for the best. Worst case scenario, they shoot at the car and kill me… I don’t want to think about that. No, that’s not going to happen. I will make it out of here.

I approach the gate, and as hoped, as soon as they see the car, one of them motions to open the gate. It isn’t until I’m only a few feet away that he can look into the windshield and realize that it’s not Alberto driving the car.

Pushing my foot down all the way, the engine revs up, and the car jolts to the front. Both guards pull their guns just as I speed past them. I hear the shots; I feel something hitting the car, but I keep driving. My eyes are wide open, I don’t think I even blinked the last few minutes. My blood pumps through my veins furiously as the car accelerates even further. I look down at the speedometer, which reads ninety-eight miles per hour. This is the fastest I’ve ever driven, but it’s still not fast enough.

Looking in the rearview mirror, I don’t see anyone following me yet. I caught them by surprise. Good. That gives me a head start. I have no doubt that they will come after me.

I don’t take my foot off the pedal. All I can think about is getting away.

I will get away. I will be free, and I will be back in Zane’s arms.






Looking up, I squint my eyes at the bright neon letters reading Nightshift. I don’t know how exactly I ended up here, or why I’m here at all. Sure as hell, isn’t because of the naked women dancing on the stage. Even after Dove ripped my heart out and trampled it, she is still the only one for me. I can’t even think of another woman.

Maybe because it’s the only place I know I can keep drinking without getting jumped by Christian’s guys. They wouldn’t dare set a foot into Damon Rossi’s strip club.

My head is swimming, my mind clouded from the enormous amount of alcohol I’ve already consumed. Still, I want more. I want to drown myself in it just to make the pain go away.

Stepping inside, the smell of cigars, expensive liquor, and cheap perfume hits me. I’m barely inside when a half-naked woman greets me with fuck me eyes and pouty lips.

“Not interested,” I slur, brushing her off before pushing past her. She says something, but I ignore her, heading straight to the bar instead. I take a seat and wave the waitress over. Quickly, I realize that I saw her last time I was here.

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