Home > The Girl with the Emerald Ring (Blackwood Security #12)(78)

The Girl with the Emerald Ring (Blackwood Security #12)(78)
Author: Elise Noble

Sky stared straight ahead. Yes, I’d been younger than her when I started in this game, but not only had I come face to face with my first dead body when I was fourteen, I’d also had several months of training under my belt before I watched a man die in front of me. Just this week, Sky had dealt with Lenny’s near-death experience, and now Ryland. She was shaken.

“I… I don’t think I can do this. The job, I mean. What you did tonight… I’m not sure I could make that jump and then…you know.”

“You couldn’t, not today. But that’s where the training comes in. I’ve spent over a decade pushing myself to the limits, learning exactly how fast I can run and how far I can jump. With the ramp, I knew I could clear that gap. And as for Ryland’s tumble off the building… Well, that was just gravity.”

“You nearly followed him.”

“But I didn’t, so what’s the point in dwelling on the past?”

Although I did owe Ravi a debt of gratitude. If he hadn’t been there, I’d be strawberry jam right now. Who was Ravi, anyway? I’d met him once before when I was briefing Sirius for a job in the US, and Alaric mentioned him from time to time, but he didn’t seem like your usual ex-government agent. I’d always trusted Alaric in the past, so I hadn’t pried, but now I was curious. About Naz too. Naz was Russian and sketchy as fuck, but beyond that, I had no idea. Judd? Judd I knew. In fact, I’d probably known him for longer than Alaric had. Judd was a lunatic. Ex-MI6 with nerves of steel, skin of Kevlar, and an ego of epic proportions. Which matched his dick, if the rumours were to be believed. I’d only worked with him once or twice, but I dealt with his mother regularly, and the woman was a cold-hearted bitch. Stella Millais-Scott was number two in command at The Circus, as MI6 was nicknamed, just waiting for the current head to retire or die so she could take over the top job. I was half-surprised she hadn’t helped him on his way.

The phone rang. Alaric. I put him on speaker.


“Gonna need that doctor.”

“She’s on standby—I’ll send her over. How’s Gemma holding up?”

“About as well as can be expected considering what the bastard did to her.”


“If you hadn’t killed him, I would have.”

“Then I’m glad I saved you the trouble. Alaric, I owe Ravi one. How is he?”

“Physically or mentally?”


“He’s used to acrobatics, but…he’s slightly rattled, although he won’t admit it. Ravi’s normally in acquisitions, not disposals.”

Translation: Ravi was a thief. Well, that explained his mad skills with the lock picks. The acrobatics? Hmm.

“Anything I can do?”

“No, I’ll take care of him.”

Something about the way he said it… Alaric did care about Ravi, and not just as a colleague or even as a friend. They’d been together at one time, hadn’t they? Were they still? I didn’t think so. If anything, Alaric had been paying a little too much attention to Bethany this evening.

“Well, I’d better call Roxy.”


“She finished her medical degree recently, and she’s more than capable of suturing Gemma’s cuts. Or if you want someone with more experience, I can see if Dr. Phil’s free?”

“Dr. Phil? Seriously?”

“It’s short for Philippa. She’s great at stitching people up, but her bedside manner sometimes leaves a bit to be desired. Roxy… Let’s just say she’ll understand what Gemma’s been through.”

“I trust your judgement.”

I wished I could still say the same, but learning that Alaric had a kid… I couldn’t get Bethany’s revelation out of my head.

“Talk to you later.”

Sky stared at me when I hung up. I was watching the road, but I felt her gaze boring into the side of my head.

“Rape?” she asked.

“I only wish I could’ve castrated Ryland before he went splat.”

“You know what?” Her voice sounded a lot stronger now. “I think I actually can do this job.”

Thank goodness. “Attagirl. Wanna pick up dinner on the way home? Pizza? Chinese? A curry?”


“What kind? I’ll phone the order through.”


What the actual fuck? I stomped on the brakes and skidded into a bus stop, leaving a trail of rubber behind us. Surely I must have misheard?

“What did you just say?”

“Hawaiian. You know, ham and pineapple? Thanks for the whiplash, by the way.”

“You put pineapple on pizza? Oh no. No way. We cannot be friends.”

“What’s wrong with pineapple on pizza?”

“It’s a fruit. Fruit doesn’t belong on pizza.”

“Tomatoes are fruit.”

“Utter bollocks. To everyone except nerds and gardeners, tomatoes are a vegetable.”

Sky folded her arms. “Well, I like pineapple on pizza. I bet you have pepperoni.”

“Of course I do.”

“Ugh. Pepperoni’s too chewy.”


“You barely complained when I smashed your nose, you killed a man without breaking a sweat, and then you almost died, yet this is what you get upset about?”

“It’s just wrong.”

“Tell you what—you can sit at the other end of the kitchen, and we’ll barely even be able to see each other.”

Had I totally misjudged Sky? I mean, I didn’t mind her breaking the law, but this was a crime against taste, quite literally.

“Well, you’ll have to order it. I don’t think I can bring myself to utter the words.”


I handed over my credit card. “Just don’t come running up to me when your taste buds shrivel up and die. And get extra pepperoni on mine. I need something to counteract the horror.”

“Do you want anything else? Chilli peppers? Double cheese? Anchovies?”

“Anchovies? Ugh. I suppose you eat those too?”

Sky wrinkled her nose at the prospect, and I breathed a sigh of relief. At least we agreed on something.




ROXY WAS A miracle worker. Not only had she stitched Gemma up, but she’d also talked to her about her ordeal in such a kind, understanding manner that Gemma had calmed down enough to fall asleep in the spare bedroom next to Judd’s after eating an entire large pizza and a carton of Ben & Jerry’s. Apparently, Ryland had been criticising her diet for months—too much fat, too many carbs, not enough protein—as well as telling her that she looked chubby.

He’d started off charming, she said, sweet and attentive, complimenting her at the gym until he finally asked her out. She’d thought he was a real catch, only for his dark side to emerge as things got more serious. He became controlling, abusive, and when she tried to break up with him, he’d snapped. Nobody left him, he told her, at least not alive.

I dreaded to think what that meant.

Apparently, they’d found the little room on the other side of the wardrobe when he moved into his new place. It seemed an enterprising former occupant had been short of space and decided to create a makeshift extension. Gemma had even helped Ryland to carry the old mattress and bedding left behind in there down to the dumpster several weeks previously, as well as scrubbing the whole flat because Ryland didn’t like dirt or germs. At least that phobia meant he’d used a condom when he forced Gemma to do the unthinkable.

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