Home > Rules for Dating Your Ex(43)

Rules for Dating Your Ex(43)
Author: Piper Rayne

Sedona slams the keys on the counter. “He’s returning this.”

Gina looks past Sedona at me. “Okay. Well, he needs to sign the paperwork.”

Sedona turns to me, and Kingston takes Palmer’s hand so I can join them. Gina quietly gets the paperwork together and I sign all the documents.

“I have to inspect the outside of it. Just in case you were in an accident.” Gina’s sneer is deliberate, and Sedona sighs, following her out. “Sometimes people don’t realize they bump into thinks like light poles and signs.”

Now we’re all outside, Kingston and Palmer included. Kingston is doing his best to sign what’s being said to Palmer though he misses a lot of it. I smile because it will only help her even if she doesn’t understand all the signs yet.

“Does that happen a lot?” Sedona asks.

Gina looks up from her iPad and back at me. “Some people think they’re special.”

I cannot believe this woman is still acting like this. So I step forward, ready to lower my voice and give her what for. I can’t believe I let her intimidate me to the point that I wouldn’t return the minivan until now.

But Sedona’s hand lands on my chest and she steps up in front of me. “I’m not sure who you think you are, but this man right here is amazing.”

Gina huffs and rolls her eyes. She goes inside to the office and we all follow.

Sedona looks Gina up and down, saying in a judgmental tone, “He made a mistake. Lots of people do. Maybe you’re familiar with the concept.”

“Let’s just go. King, stop signing,” I say.

“Why? We’re helping Palmer,” he says, his fingers not stopping.

Sedona shrugs out of my hold on her upper arm. “I’m not going anywhere. You can’t talk to people like that. He’s a human being. I know he’s some huge celebrity in your eyes and I’m sorry that what he did disappointed your son, but believe me, he carries the burden of that every day. But he’s human—he fucked up, and he’s worked hard to get back to a good place in his life.”

“Well, I don’t know how to sign that word,” Kingston says from behind us. “Probably for the best. I’ll just say you made a mistake.”

I shake my head. I should’ve done this myself—not that it doesn’t feel good to watch Sedona defend me.

“When he’s getting paid all that money, he has a responsibility to his fans,” Gina says.

Sedona throws her hands in the air. “Are you kidding me? He’s fucking human.”

“You’re making this hard, Sedona,” Kingston says.

“Just because he’s so talented in soccer doesn’t mean he lives his life for you. All you know about him is what you read in gossip magazines.” Sedona looks behind us, where Kingston bites his lip while Palmer waits intently for him to sign. But Sedona picks up Palmer and turns her toward the woman. “This girl is the luckiest girl in this world to call this man daddy. He’s gentle and kind and loves her with his whole heart. So from now on, why don’t you keep your judgments to yourself? You don’t know him, and you don’t know our family.”

Palmer squirms to get free, and Sedona sets her down. I move to get her, but Palmer goes to a desk on the side of the counter, picks up a coffee mug, and chucks it at the lady.

Gina darts to the side to prevent her leg from being hit. “Great work on your kid. I see the apple didn’t fall far.”

Sedona rushes the desk, but I hold her back, bringing her into my arms.

Kingston grabs Palmer, picking her up, and chuckles. “Oh shit. I told you she’s been hanging around Savannah and Brinley too much.”

“Let’s just go before we’re in Buzz Wheel for a fight in the rental car shop,” I whisper. “She’s not worth it.”

Sedona calms a bit but turns around once more. “You’re right, King. I guess you need to work with her on her aim.”

Kingston belts out a huge laugh and I chuckle. Sedona snatches Palmer out of Kingston’s arms and bolts from the place.

“Shit, man, if that’s not a declaration of love, I don’t know what is.” Kingston pats me on the back as we walk out of the rental place.

Damn, my heart was already floating out of my chest from being with her, but I’m riding sky-high now.









“So he’s renting a house but really he wants to buy it?” Phoenix rolls her eyes and walks a beat faster.

I put my hand on her arm. “Can we please slow down? I just got my okay to exercise last week.”

We’re walking on the path surrounding the bay in Sunrise Bay for a change of scenery, me pushing Palmer in a stroller while she naps. My sister has been in LA, and this is my first time seeing her since Jamison and I got back together. As expected, she’s not thrilled about the news.

“Explain it to me again. Ethel and Grandma fixed you up, and so you just slept with him.” She raises her hand before I can answer. “Please, for the love of God, tell me you used protection.”

“Yeah, there was a box of condoms in the welcome basket.”

She stops cold and I take the opportunity to catch my breath. “You didn’t?”

“I told you I slept with him. I told you we’re a couple now.”

“No, I mean you didn’t use the condoms they supplied, did you?” Her face indicates she’s thinking you cannot be this stupid, Sedona.

“What were we going to do?”

“They probably put a pinprick in them.” She stares at my stomach as if I’m already growing a baby inside.

I cover my stomach with my hand. “I doubt it.”

She widens her eyes and walks again. “You know how much she loves to brag about how many great-grandchildren she has. Just sayin’.”

I look down at my belly for a second. No. Definitely not.

“Where is Mr. Wonderful anyway?” She looks like those mall walkers, hips swaying, arms that could injure a passerby.

“Not sure. He just said he’d be by for dinner. Did you know he’s coaching Calista’s soccer team now?”

I’m not going to say anything—because I’m on Operation Get Phoenix to Like Jamison—but the last few days have been odd. He’s not hanging out at my apartment as much as usual and he canceled on me last night, saying he was tired. A pit in my stomach says something isn’t right. Maybe he’s mad that I won’t move in with him? Feels like I’m giving him the cold shoulder?

I’ve never ignored my gut, and I’m not going to now. Jamison has never given me a reason to be jealous. Ever. Even when I was anyway. So I’m trying to give him space, but I think I’m going to ask him about it at dinner tonight. We have to live our lives like an open book, and if something is going on with him, we need to discuss it whether it’s difficult or not.

“Hmm,” she murmurs.

“Will you please stop it? We’re giving it an honest shot, and you, as my sister, need to be on my side.”

“I’m on your side, just not his.”

I struggle to keep up with her. “That’s it, you’re taking the stroller.”

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